cat is short for "catolog" like the "type" command in dos, it just shows it 
to the screen (as default) unless you direct it to a printer que. 
 in order to copy the info to a file, (without the quotes, in the text 
console, as root, in a users (named et for me) home directory) I do a "touch 
this creates a file named proc-pci. then I do "chmod 775" this lets everyone 
and everything see and write to this file (see "man chmod" for more info 
about that) then I do "cat /proc/pci|/home/et/proc-pci" (after the /proc/pci 
is a pipe (above the \ on the key board) this file you can copy (as root if 
root was who created the mount points (most common as is done during 
install)) to your windows drive with cp /home/et/proc-pci 
/mnt/win_c/"whatever folder in windows you want" 
of course you must change the folder and drive names to match whatever you 

We CAN be sure that some 3 com modem are win-modems, since the name Winmodem 
is a registered trademark of the 3com corp.

On Saturday 08 December 2001 12:33, you wrote:
> > Less see... take two aspirins, no more caffeine for 10 hours,....
> No More caffeine for 10 hours, are you SICK! Someone also said I should
> see a doctor after a headache lasted a week so I quit Aspirin and am now
> waiting for the doctor to have an open appointment :)
> > post the output
> > of (in a text console, as root, without the quotes) "cat
> > /proc/pci".......
> real easy if I was sending email from my Mandrake 8 box but alas Mr
> Gates seems to have partially locked me into using Windows for Netscape.
> > and the real model number of your modem would be good.
> Will have to ask the shop on Monday for the model number. Just had a
> brain wave....I'll check on the gromitc modem page to see if the USR
> Sportster is supported or only certain model numbers.
> > the part we are looking for
> > in "/proc/pci" is about a "communication controller" or something else
> > about communication.
> Will do the cat command and then view it and see if I can pick anything
> up about the controller. Errrr, real newbie question: How do I view the
> file I created with cat or will that let me view its contents as well?
> Should I perhaps open the file in a web browser like Konquerer or
> summit?

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