On Thursday 20 December 2001 11:10, you wrote:
> I am 12 (twelve) years experience Windows user but only 6 months using
> Mandrake, and I hope Mandrake 8.2 (or 9.0 ??) will support:

Just as correct typing is important when using computer commands, some folks 
might be "surprised" to learn of the length of time you have been using 
"windows" since as I recall, windows 3.0 was developed in 1990, and at the 
time verrrrrry few folks had a color computer, or one that could run winder$. 
it also appears to those of us whom might have used Linux a few weeks (long 
enough to get connected to the Internet, and get an e-mail program running 
anyway) might feel as if you have some windows (read; Micro$oft influenced) 
preconceptions as to what an OS "should" do. Please try and keep an open 
mind, and hopefully you might relaise that the open source movement allows a 
great number of choices as to how something should be done, and the result is 
that while it may not work the way YOU wanted, it does work in a way that 
most folks who use it seem to want. try leaving M$winders preconceptions at 
the login prompt. if you would like help to leave the M$lookout virus 
transport agent, I bet this list would be THE place to get help.       
(your mail headers show that your letter was written: 
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2910.0)
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6600)

> 1. Change screen resolution directly in X Windows, rather "Ctrl Alt +/-"
>       If I want to change my screen resolution, I should:
>       a. Go to Mandrake Control Panel
>       b. Access the "Desktop" then click on "Screen Resolution"
>       c. Click the screen resolution that I want
Gosh, I thought you could go thru all those steps if you wanted.
Kmenu > configuration > Other > Mandrake Control Center (which may well be on 
your desktop, but since you want the steps as opposed to a hot key) log in as 
root (this is to give added security, keeps users from screwing with stuff 
they should not), Hardware > Display.  

> 2. Integrated Control Panel. Any setting should be access via Control
Too many possible choice of environments for that, I would not want to have 
to set up icewm, if I never intend to use it. but in truth linuxconf was that 
long ago, and I bet still works good.

> 3. No more stupid name "xyx -123-xxxx.RPM". Just use "install.exe". Paket
> name will be like this:
>       a. \mnt\cdrom\startoffice\install.exe
>       b. \mnt\cdrom\kde3.0\install.exe
>       c. \mnt\cdrom\koffice2.0\install.exe
gee.... I don't think that I want a diffent folder but the same program name. 
and did you ever hear of a reall cool utility for *ix systems called 
"autocomplete" ? instead of typing the whole name out you type the first 
couple of letters and hit TAB. the system will try and complete the command. 
if there are more than one choice, you will be giving the choices, and can 
type in a few more letters (and tab) until only one choice remains. 

you might get a bunch O' flame for this, since this is a _Very_ M$-centric 
view of how things "should" work. If you drove a GM product all your life and 
got into a 1966 ford, you might consider the key to be "upside down" since 
the teeth of the key fit opposite, but it would be hard to tell that to the 
guy that had only had fords up to that point.  

>    Example for StarOffice:
>       Below is the example to install StartOffice with NEW Mandrake generation:
>       a. Insert cdrom, go to \mnt\cdrom\StartOffice\install.exe
>       b. When I access "install.exe" the installation will:
>       c. Automatic detect whether I already have previously program
>       d. If Yes, the istallation offer me upgrade. If no, just make new
> installation

Star office, while included with Mandrake, is not a Mandrake product, and 
Mandrake (or anyone else for that matter) can not demand how SUN decides to 
make their product run. the best that can be hoped for wold be a program that 
reads the info from the program to be installed, decides where to install it 
from that info, decides either it is already installed, and if any other 
software is required to run the program. instead of naming it "install.exe" 
as you demand, it is called RPM and the GUM for that included with mandrake 
is called software manager. it is in the same "mandrake control center" as 
the display but where you click " Hardware > Display" click " System >  
software manager. or if you have installed everything correctly (and haven't 
botched it up by trying different stuff, like me) you should be able to click 
on any file with a .RPM extension, and get the software manger to start right 
away. you can even search for a certain program name.  

> 4. Worsktation is NOT Server!
Mine is. Game box too. Lots of choices is one of the reasons people change to 
linux. may I ask what made you decide to try?
one of the things it seems to me, is that Linux is kinda heading in this 
direction, specialized distros for certian applications, like the gaming 
edition, single network firewall. I guess that the installer giving you the 
choice to choose was not enough. the fact the download is free. does not seem 
to please you at all. how big was the free download of M$winders that you 
typed this letter from?  

>       Why you (Mandrake expert) doesn't understand this simple term? Why put any
> server
>       capability in the Worstation?
>       Better (the world already proved this)

what world. I do not particularly think this was emprically proved. unless 
you consider the idea that because 500 billion flies eat dog crap that proves 
we should all eat dog crap from now on.  

 if you have separate product development for SERVER and Workstation. So, 
will be Mandrake Server 3.1 and Mandrake Workstation 9.0.

>       Why shoul be separate?
>       a. Worsktation is NOT Server!

>       b. The speed growth of both is different. Workstation grow faster than
> Server
this is only in your world. On My planet, the server market has the most 
growth, but maybe we define "server" and workstation differntly? or growth 
differntly? or world differntly 
        c. More fancy stuf in WS. Server usually SIMPLE but STABLE
damn, I bet you are not a server admin. 

>       d. Easy to developt STABLE and TESTED and FIELD PROVED product because we
> will have segmented user who TESTING the product. Example: a secretaty who 
use KOffice never understant the SERVER problem but she know what the LASTED 
problem she found with  KOffice! (But the Net Admin doesn't know this WS 
problem, he do Server control)
 what good is an admin to stand around and watch the fan speed of the server. 
he better know all there is to know about the applications running on the 
server, and the workstations attached. kinda like having a air traffic 
controller that has no ideas of the abilities of a plane. This is the best 
part of linux (in my humble opinion) since we have thousands of testers and 
tweakers tring differnt stuff, and sharing the info on thier opinions as to 
what works, and thousands more to decide what they like (and I welcome you 
too those numbers. 

>       e. Why should I download stupid xxxx.iso 640 MB including the Server
> program? I was wasting my time to download 640 MB ISO file only for Mandrake
> 8.3, I just want to use Workstation program.
8.3? <grin> did you have to pedal a bick to make the electicity? my download 
works even while I sleep, of course here in North Carolina we have electicity 
from overhead wires, and it is on when ever we want it. of course if you had 
a real job, and did not want to pedal to make the electricity, you could have 
spent the (I believe) around $10.00 US from cheepbytes.com

>       f. Easy migration from Windows to Mandrake.
>          As we know, the big challenge is how to prove that migration to
> Mandrake is as easy as Windows? But, I already do small survey to our 
Secretary, Administration Staff and our Finance Staff ... the result: Windows 
easier than Mandrake! BUT our Net Admin say: Mandrake is better. Hey ... our 
Net Admin still use MS Word to make office report!
that is his choice, but I bet if they wanted him to pay a monthly fee to use 
word, (and that just "might" be comming, sice the M$ lic. allows them to 
change the Lic after you buy the box, and they have done it in the past (when 
NT3.5 server was releiase if I recall)

>       g. Good product mean: usually very DIFFICULT to developt but EASIER to
> use!
>          Do you know how much time require to make Microsoft? I don't know.
>       h. Text VS GUI
>          Let the Net Admin using Text file configuration, but the Secretary
> using GUI interface
>          to make any adjusment. I mean should be any different way to use
> for make any
>          configuration depent on the purpose.
>       i. Do you think I will add RAID 5 in my Workstation. And install Apache
> too? FTP Server?
>       j. Server is NOT Workstation!
> That's not ALL, I still THINKING what I want for New Mandrake, but sorry, I
> can't do the revision because I have very limited Linux knowledge. I am
> JUST A USER not the CREATOR. Sorry, if my opinion TOO IDEAL???
> Thanks all

Too Ideal? I think not. but welcome, and enjoy the learning and exploring 
process with us all, or be a sheep, it's your choice, but remember, unless 
you are the lead dog, the view never changes.

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