On Fri, 21 Dec 2001, Wendy Nexcom wrote:

> # This is Linux. "not" windows. it will "never" be windows and I
> # seriously doubt it will ever do anything "like" windows. Some
> Right, but this OS should bring easy way.
> # any Linux system will Never do the .exe thingy and RPMS are forever.
> No problem if Linux still use RPMS, but should provide easy way to install.
> Why put long version number and processor type in the file name?
> I think better put it in the file itself. Example: when execute
> \mnt\cdrom\kde\install.exe
> the installation program will tell you what version and processor supported.
> About "dependency problem" while install RPMS, I think this problem should
> be not USER problem but the VENDOR problem. The Vendor of the program should
> provide 2 kind of file installation:
> 1. Complete. You will have no dependency problem because every file already
> provide.
> 2. RPMS for Expert. You should find the dependency file before run well.
 Just use windows for god's sake. If you want Linux to be like windows why
the hell bother when you can just use windows. The day Linux ever has an
install.exe I'll stop using it. And your litlle survey is a load of crap.
Of course they will say Windows is easier as that's what they have trained
on and always used. Very subjective and biased. These things you would
like to see would make mandrake a 6 cd set rather than 3, hell 3 is alot
but look at all the things you get.

  . ---                                   .----.
  |o_o |                                 /_ 0  |
  |:_/ |   Give Micro$oft the Bird!!!!   \_    |
 //   \ \  Use Linux!!!!                 /      \
(|     | )                              | )  | | |
/'\_   _/`\                             | )  | | |
\___)=(___/                             |_)  (_) |
Chad Young                               \______/
Registered Linux User #195191           (_______|
@ http://counter.li.org
Linux localhost 2.4.17-rc2 #6 Tue Dec 18 22:12:59 AST 2001 i686 unknown
  1:25pm  up 27 min,  4 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.04, 0.06

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