Hello Marcia,

Friday, February 15, 2002, 6:26:50 AM, you wrote:

M> Dear All,

M> Happy Valentine's Day. 

M> I have a desktop computer that is only 200mhz and has 96 megs of ram. I would 
M> like to upgrade it to have 256 megs of ram but is that all for nothing if I 
M> do not upgrade the cpu? 

M> Thanks for the help.
M> Sincerely,

M> Marcia

depends what you use it for....
I'm running lm8.1 on a 200mmx with 198M EDO ram as a logon server,
print server and for internet connection sharing on my home lan (5
In this role it runs very well, but is a bit slow for use as  a
workstation... mind you, I did upgrade from a P166 with 80M ram  :(

Best regards,
 Colin                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
4:20pm up 2 days, 18:35, 1 user, load average: 0.51, 0.53, 0.47
Justice: A decision in your favour.
 ..registered linux user #223862 ..

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