you know Jon, I do remember you, and I bet you do remember me too, but you 
had filtered out my remarks because I did not give you blanket approval to 
use my postings in your for your personal profit book. and in fact I 
suggested you should check into the legalities of coping this list as a book 
project. I even remember that since i was filtered, you never knew of the 
fixes for your problems, at least the ones I knew the answer to. 
Now Jon, here's good news. you can use my postings in the next book, and I do 
believe that a LOT of folks manage to get mandrake installed and running in a 
desktop word processor / network termanal and internet appliance with out a 
I would have to agree that someone ought to at least understand what 
different types of cards are in a computer before installing any OS, as a 

On Tuesday 12 March 2002 07:25, you wrote:
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Dimitris Ioannou
>   Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 9:26 PM
>   Subject: Re: [newbie] Answers to the Geek vs the rest dilemma.
>   Maybe YOU should do 2 things Dimitris:
>   1. Re-read my note
>   2. Re-read your reply.
>   -----------------------------------
>   I hope that this poisoned letter of yours comes only because you tried
> very hard as a Linux newbie to install and get some things working (apps)
> and obviously you didn't succeed in doing so. You will never make it, trust
> me. Never, as long as you are carrying in your back and in your mind the M$
> philosophy of get things working. Obtain some, cathedral, as you name it
> thinking and then,maybe , things will work out for you.  <thrown away>
>   P.S. Forgive me if I'm being too arogant but you managed to piss me off,
> while I have a lot of work to discover new bugs in KDE 3.0 Beta 2!
>   --------------------------------------------
>   I did say:
>   Now - don't shoot the messenger!
>   I certainly did fail! That was the whole point of the commentary!  I have
> not found since Redhat 5.1 a SINGLE SOUL who managed to instal a
> comprehensively working Linux system who was not a full-fledged Geek.
> (Actually it is only heresay even then - I personally have not seen one.)
>   Big Bill is the richest man on the planet.  Mandrake is sadly facing
> bankruptcy.  One is logical the other is evangelical.
>   Mandrake MUST fail if it persists in its "negative loop".  It is insane
> that a product is ever given away. The model has never, ever worked. Over a
> trillion Dollars in lost investor funds has already shown this and we are
> looking at more than that figure again.  Most of which was Pension Funds,
> Old People's and family savings entrusted to "Institutions".
>   Mandrake's salvation is simple. Get some professional enterprise skills
> in there. Get some people who know marketing. Start with logic: a product
> given away not only has no value to the receiver, it is very expensive to
> the donor.
>   Mandrake is already a great Value-Adder.  The minimum fee for the
> geek-downloadable product needs to be $20 to contribute to the maintenance
> - not make money - merely help offset costs.
>   The Boxed product has made a great start - but who is marketing it, much
> less who is buying it.............
>   Mandrake needs a Certified Installer program.  It needs to spend all it
> can out in the street supporting a grass-roots marketing strategy.  One
> based on a simple fix:
>   Buy it Installed and guaranteed working for just $150......or
> $250................
>    I repeat: never could it have worked. The numbers - to any experienced
> marketer never were there.  The second best known product in the Linux
> field, with rave reviews  has even spent the money it got by floating. Even
> Mandrake is not going to be a D.I.Y. product ever - just the same as
> Windoze never was........  It needs to be fitted by a geek.  Or a very
> experienced PC User.
>   BTW: NOBODY has so far claimed to have met the condition I enquired of -
> a simple, one-go instal.
>   MY case rests................. sadly.
>   But I'll be back. I am looking into Win4Lin, but the news so far isn't
> good.  WINE - couldn't even find my way around on the Site..... much less
> what it works with....
>   Maybe 8.1 will work...... or 8.2..........  ( hope springs eternal)
>   Cheers!
>   Him Again

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