At the dell site, this Dimension XPS T-450 is listed in the Specs section as

Internally accessible ports:
Primary EIDE         40-pin connector
Secondary EIDE    40-pin connector
Diskette drive         34-pin connector

It says nothing anywhere about ATA.  ??

I also looked up the kernel for 5.1 ... it says it's 2.0.34.  Will that make
it more compatible with my controllers?

I guess I'll go ahead and finish the 8.1 install this evening and see if RH
will install.  If not, then I'll be back to the drawing board and trying
your suggestions Charles.

I appreciate both of yours assistance.  I'd be whistling in the dark without

(Charles, the reason I can't do the easy thing and use a newer ver is ...
the deadended legacy app. won't work with anything newer than RH 5.1.  It
will work on Solaris 8 but we can't afford a SPARCstation.)


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