On Fri, 2002-05-03 at 21:46, Kaj Haulrich wrote: 
> On Friday 03 May 2002 08:17 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> > Since they now control the Department of Justice via bribe money,
> > payoffs, and "soft money" (legal bribe money) I would assume then that
> > they have already merged.  Both them and susceptible members of
> > congress.  MSUSA is already a reality;  the only thing left to do is to
> > congratulate you on coming up with the new name for the old United
> > States.  Good work.
> >
> > Now we need to put it into use.
> >
> > Keep up the good work,
> >
> > LX
> >
> > (writing from inside the M$USA)
> Makes me sad, Lyvim. What happened to "the land of the free" ? 
> We europeans (well, most of us) have great admiration for the United States 
> of America. Mostly because you kicked the oppressors out, wrote a brand new 
> Constitution - and took it seriously !
> What you describe here makes me doubt : is USA becoming  "Europized" ? - 
> Reverting to feudalism, pseudo-democracy, corruption, fraud and mob-rule ?
> If so, where can we find hope ?

Sorry.  Sometimes I get disillusioned when I see what is going on in our
political system.  I guess I should have more faith in the system; but
I'm sincerely worried that we are indeed becoming Europized.  There's
just too much destructive force in our system right now; I've been
tracking a huge amount of it, and I confess, sometimes I get depressed
about it, because I wonder if the good people are going to get the wake
up call in time to avert disaster. (which is right about yesterday.) 
The good folk don't seem to be getting alarmed at the backslide of
values in our society; when they should be very angry and upset about
it.  When I review the evidence concerning the NEA and the democratic
party, and what looks like a marxist movement to destroy our society
from within, I really cannot understand why people are not making
changes in the leadership of this country. 
> When I was a kid (I still am, sort of) I liked westerns. The "lone rider" 
> versus "the system". What happened to him ?

There is a war going on to "deemphasize" the individualism and the
heroism that characterized times in our recent past.  Some years ago,
for instance, a man (bystander) saw a young woman being victimized by a
bunch of gang members; probably on her way to being raped, injured, and
worse.  He single handedly took on the scumballs, and IF memory serves I
believe he rescued the lady and ended up running the gang off, probably
saving her life.  I can't remember if he actually killed any of those
criminals or not, but the gist of it was that the state ended up taking
the good samaritan to court because they stated that it was the job of
the police to protect the citizens and not he.

Further.....the crime rate of any country has been shown to
statistically increase when the law abiding populace is disarmed, yet
still the liberals continue to slide laws in that push defensive weapons
out of the hands of the law abiding public. There's only one purpose
that this could serve, and a reasonable person must assume that the
instigators are aware of that purpose.

See the book: "More Guns, Less Crime : Understanding Crime and
Gun-Control Laws (Studies in Law and Economics (Chicago, Ill.).)" by
John R., Jr. Lott

In California, registration leads to confiscation.  Even worse, in
Massachusets for example, if you are attacked in your own home by an
intruder, by law you cannot defend yourself; you are *required* to run
away.  By state law.  If you do defend yourself and injure the intruder
you risk ending up in jail yourself.  My question is, how in the hell
did those laws get passed in front of the public eye?

Fortunately in the state of North Carolina we are still allowed to kill
home intruders if we can convince a jury that we were in fear of our
lives (or those of our loved ones) at the time that the home intrusion
took place.  Most everyone I know is armed for home defense and has
adequate defense measures in place accordingly.  Other states have
better gun laws than this state (read: less restrictive on law abiding
tax paying citizens), such as Texas, Tennessee, and a few others I can't

I sound like I'm ranting here, but as I intimated before, the tapestry
of this situation is quite large; and it all ties in together.  I just
focus here on some of the more vital and important problems; such as
your recourse if a terrorist/criminal breaks into your family home and
puts your wife/kids in mortal danger.  For those peeps in the US, if you
haven't already, I suggest that you take a careful look at your
local/state laws.

The bottom line is that all this stuff ties in together at some
juncture.  The liberal NEA, the teacher's union, the liberal gun control
laws, the liberal media that supports Palestine instead of the Israeli
democracy (CNN, the commie news network), the DMCA, the choke hold on
our information sources, the practice of being taught what to think
instead of how to think in our public schools, the erosion of public
ethical standards, and finally the lack of personal individual rights
that we are beginning to suffer at the hands of the RIAA, MicroShaft,
Senator Hollings of South Carolina, Hollywood and others.  Our
individual rights and identities are being legistlated out of existence
via financial might and it happens to be a liberal movement.  Bush has
nominated over 100 justices to the Supreme Court bench and the Democrats
have only let 50 or so of them through.  This is kind of like me
pretending to hide while I slap your face, then I laugh about it in
front of you because I don't think you're smart enough to know I slapped
you.  If that makes any sense.

I will say this, though.  From what I've been hearing lately, the Jewish
people that *were* democrats in the US have of late publicly revolted;
therefore they indeed have seen the light.  This is a big deal for the
democrats, because of course the Jewish folk are by and large quite
affluent; that of course means a big dent in that "financial might" that
I spoke of earlier.  Funny.....right after that word went up, either
today or yesterday the Dems stated openly their support of Israel
(wether by law or by speech I am not sure, i was out of town today),
thus at long suffering last giving the Israelis what is rightly theirs,
NAMELY a carte blanc to handle terrorists in their region AS THEY SEE

How does this apply to our computer rights?  Well, for one thing it
shows that the voter power in our nation IS STILL INTACT.  That means
that if we wanted to....I mean IF WE REALLY WANTED TO, we could easily
back the Electronic Frontier Foundation to the point that the DMCA and
the Consumer Broadband and Digital Television act would be nothing but a
set of bad bathroom memories.

Like it says on the EFF's Alert page:  "Democracy is not a spectator
sport. Freedom requires eternal vigilance and action."

> Question : "What do you call 50 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean" ?
> Answer : " A brilliant start"
> OK - that was my "refugium depressivum" for today.
> Otherwise I don't care at all : Next month I'll have to buy a brand new PC 
> for my daughter. I Denmark it's impossible to get one without  "Windows" 
> preinstalled. First thing to do : format the whole kadoodle, use the M$-CD as 
> a shining target for her rifle-practice and install Linux. She's really fond 
> of Linux already, what with her boy-friends flocking around a "she-guru".
> If Microsjuft then wants to claim her beauty-box, let 'em try !
> Kaj Haulrich
> Denmark 


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