On Monday 20 May 2002 09:54 pm, darklord wrote:
> On Monday 20 May 2002 06:50 pm, you wrote:
> > Hey darklord,
> > Yeah, it was a disappointment that 3month old card died.  Yeah,
> > I'm working on warranty replacement as we speak.
> Good luck, they should replace it....

> I just mentioned that I had a Leadtek Geforce 32mb video card in my
> 11 year olds computer and its over a year old. Knock on wood, but
> we haven't had any problems with it yet... ;-)

    If the card didn't come with a fan on it's heatsink, get a small 
$2, 4 or 5,000 rpm cpu type fan and use a sheet metal screw into the 
HS fins to attach it.  Card will survive much longer and perform 
    Tom Brinkman                    Corpus Christi, Texas

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