Brian Koppe wrote:

> Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> <snip>
>>> Ummm, Miark, in august 1999, cryptonym corporation was examining a 
>>> Service pack release of NT4 from which microsoft had inadvertantly 
>>> forgotten to strip the data tags.
>>> Civileme
>> <snip>
>> Since the NSA is able to spy on citizens by virtue of the NSA backdoor
>> so thoughtfully provided by M$, would this not be an excellent reason
>> for the government to maintain an ongoing business relationship with M$?
> <snip>
> LX
> Do either of you have sources to back this up?
> Thanks
> Brian
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Well, Brian it was all over the internet news, including the Register, 
August 1999.  And you can still find the story at 
where they exvaluated the security danger from it as nothing abnormal, 
since the only reason the NSA would want such a key is to save a little 


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