Michael Adams wrote:

>On Fri, 31 May 2002 19:29, Brian Koppe wrote:
>>I don't understand the concept behind a United Linux distribution, BUT I
>>do think it would be wonderful if all the Linux distros would get
>>together in concert and decide on unified standards.  There are too many
>>differences with how they work.  Granted, there will always be things
>>that each distro does themselves, and maybe even would prefer not to
>>share, but they need to all get together and agree on a directory
>>structure, etc etc.  I think this will be a good step towards that if
>>the other distros get in on it too.  The other fruits of UL, however, I
>>am not as thrilled about.
>So, one question comes to mind.
>Would the United liberation front ;-) support the SuSe alternative to RPM's?
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The directory structure is standardized as the File Hierarchical System 
2.2.  The run-time libraries and startup structures are addressed in the 
Linux Standards Base 1.0.  There are things left unaddressed in those 
documents, like where desktops go, but then Mandrakesoft is only one 
member of a coalition who made those standards and the others were 
mostly concerned with server use.

United Linux seems to say that others do not comply with those 
standards, a typical sales stunt, and probably a counter move to RHs 
"competitive upgrade" offer.

I find it interesting that they made no mention of the efforts of the 
NSA to develop a very very secure linux or the adjustments necessary to 
the standards to accommodate it.  It is about as spy-proof as software 
gets by the spies themselves...  NSA has issued a completed source for 
the kernel and security routines (37 Mb download) and I think you can 
guess we will be looking carefully at it for possible incorporation.


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