daRcmaTTeR wrote:

>On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Linux Maniac wrote:
>>I wonder what you'd like to implemented in the 9.0 release. My 
>>wishlist is in short:
>>- a script for installing the nvidia drivers OR a deal with nvidia to 
>>provide them preinstalled in MDK 9.0
>>- Hungarian spell checkers
>>- Opera 6.x
>>- Mldonkey
>>- Latest gtk-gnutella
>>- Themable graphical boot
>>- More KDE/Gnome themes
>>- Support for Mustek ScanMagic 1200 (paralell)
>>- Mozilla 1.1
>>- Mplayer
>>- An advanced control center with more advanced options
>>- winex and crossover office
>>- preinstalled flash plugin
>>- Maybe a gamer's extension 4th CD so on the first 3 CD there would be 
>>only serious programs and the games of kde/gnome
>>- A more discrete and professional Mandrake look (icons, bootup, etc.)
>>-Maybe a change of logo?
>No! No soup for you!! 

Heh heh.  This little Oliver would like

Sony camcorder drivers
LyX 2.0
Wine 1.0
A version of OpenOffice that loads in under a minute
Turkish spellchecker

... and so on.  But of course these are up to the to the program 
developers, not Mandrake.  On the whole, I think Mandrake do a fairly 
good job of selecting apps which balance usefulness and stability.  I 
don't want bleeding-edge stuff when I'm installing my system - I'll 
download those later at my own risk.  Similarly,  I don't want a load of 
themes, as a theme can be downloaded quickly, and I don't want them 
cluttering up my installation.

As for flash and winex, these are proprietary or semi-proprietary 
programs that should be in the Powerpack but not the basic CD.  The same 
would go for proprietary drivers.  I don't mind sullying my system with 
the odd bit of proprietary software (e.g. I use nvidia's drivers) but I 
agree with the current policy of quarantining them - some people are 
fanatical about this.

One idea I did think was good was a separate games CD.  There are now a 
lot of Linux games around.  Most of them are dissappointing, not so much 
through any fault of the developers, but because these days producing a 
decent game takes a lot of people and a lot of money (I once wrote a 
game for the Atari ZX81; OK, it sucked even by ZX81 standards, but the 
point is that if I'd been a better progammer and spent months rather 
than days, I could have produced a market leader - that isn't true 
now*).  Put the games on a separate CD, then we can spend installation 
time on the serious stuff, then browse the games at our leisure.

Sir Robin

* There are of course honourable exceptions (Nethack Falcon's Eye 
springs to mind, plus a few nostaligic arcade games, but again the key 
word is nostalgia).  Speaking of which, I'd pay any money for a Linux 
clone of Elite - not the yucky 16-colour DOS versions you can get from 
places like Abandonware, but the clean, aesthetic, wireframe graphics 
 BBC Micro version.  That's the only game I've played long enough to 
start hallucinating.

>Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
>Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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