On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Tom Bednarchuk wrote:

> I'm using RH 7.2 which had 4.1.0 on it but to get the TV out of the ATI card
> I need 4.2.0 and updated drivers and updated drm ..... whew ! I installed
> the 4.2.0 from binaries on XFree86.org but I only installed the 12
> 'necessary' binaries. So I guess I've got to download the rest so that I get
> the source tree, is that right? Man it'll take forever with this 28.8k modem
> ! (no kidding)

No, that should not be necessary.  Binaries are what results when you 
compile source.  XF86 is broken up into modules so that you should only 
need the base source.  This is then compiled for your installation and 
then you can load the specific binary modules for your card.

If you look at this link:


then it tells you that the source is in 3 tarballs, you probably only need
#1 to get up and running, and furthermore there are patch files available
to go from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0 That should save you some download time!  If you
don't have the XF86-4.1.0 source files installed then go back to your
RH7.2 CD and install them (IIRC they are on CD#2).

If you are willing to upgrade your kernel to the unstable RH Rawhide, then 
you can install the unstable RH 4.2.0.  This has the advantage of being a 
completely RPM based method thereby maintaining the integrity of your 
package based system.  


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