Thanks to everyone for your input.  It certainly sounds like the consensus is 
to leave the can of worms unopened.  I'm good with that.
      From: Jim Mays <>
 To: Help for newbie mappers <> 
 Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2015 8:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [OSM-newbies] Church hierarchy
Perhaps best to follow USGS format & simply mark their existence with either a 
star, a crescent or a cross, or other symbols as appropriate.

On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 1:47 PM, John Deters <> wrote:

This is an outstanding example of why the hierarchy shouldn't be mapped in the 
main database. If it's important to the churches in question, it's their 

--JohnAwkwardly thumbed in on a phone.
On Apr 25, 2015, at 10:18 AM, "John F. Eldredge" <> wrote:

Note that Baptists are less hierarchical than some other denominations. A given 
congregation may or may not be associated with local, state, and national 
associations, in any combination, and membership in a local association, for 
example, doesn't confer state or national membership. Among Southern Baptists, 
the state and national associations are commonly referred to as Conventions.

On April 24, 2015 4:59:01 PM CDT, Bill & Kathy Patterson 
<> wrote:
Actually I wasn't thinking of mapping the boundaries.  Rather I meant my query 
to relate to the detail assigned while mapping specific church buildings.  The 
denomination is already a tag (if I have my parlance correct), but would it be 
reasonable to also specify within which deanery and diocese (or which 
presbytery and synod) a church lies?  If so, should this be done as a tag or as 
a relation? And although the denomination is already in the information, does 
it add anything to specify the governing body such as the Presbyterian Church 
in Canada vs. the Church of Scotland or the Presbyterian Church in the United 
States.  And then there are the baptists, with the American Baptist churches, 
the Southern BaptistConvention, the General Baptist Ministries, the Fellowship 
of Evangelical Baptists, and goodness knows how many other groups.  Somehow the 
tag "Baptist" seems inadequate.
      From: John Sturdy<>
 To: Bill & Kathy Patterson <>; Help for 
newbie mappers <> 
 Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 8:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [OSM-newbies] Church hierarchy
I haven't seen any; what type of objects are you looking at mapping?
You could map the boundaries of the administrative areas, although I
don't think this is done.  For example, for my area and my
denomination (Anglican), if I search on the front page map for the
government county "Cambridgeshire", I get the county boundary, as a
relation containing several ways, but if I search for "Diocese of Ely"
I don't get anything.  But if you have the boundaries of the
lowest-level units (e.g. parishes) you could map those, and then build
deaneries and dioceses on top of those.


On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 7:48 PM, Bill & Kathy Patterson
<> wrote:
> Are there any recommendations for reporting church hierarchies in OSM?  For
> example, in the Presbyterian Church in Canada, and the United Church of
> Canada,congregations are members of presbyteries, and presbyteries members
> of synods, a bottom-up structure.  In the Anglican and Roman Catholic
> churches I know that the diocese is part of their top-down structure.
> Should these be tags, relations, or ignored?
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John F. Eldredge --
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive 
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Jim Mays 845-657-2013

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