[22] Us and them?
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
Kenyon spoke last night of trying to stop the 'us and them' culture at Utd, but this 
from the MEN would indicate which side his bread is buttered.

Off the field, United would kiss goodbye to Champions League potential prize money of 
£10m and around £6.5 milllion in gate receipts from five more home matches.

On top of that is UEFA's ''market pool'' from TV income. Last season this was worth 
just under £8m to the Reds - and this time United could expect to pocket as much as 
£12m. Together with money-spinning worldwide sales of merchandise on the back of more 
European glory, the income would reach £30m.

United have already banked around £2.3m from the first group phase which includes a 
starting bonus, a match bonus and performance bonuses. Two wins and a draw for the 
Reds has netted them half a million from that total.

In addition to UEFA's prize money and handouts there will be revenue amounting to 
around £2.5m from home matches at Old Trafford against Anderlecht, PSV Eindhoven and 
tonight's match against Kiev.

However, failure tonight will mean United won't be on UEFA's payment list when the 
really big money kicks in come the knock-out stages.

United chief executive Peter Kenyon told M.E.N. Sport: ''The Champions League is now 
the the pre-eminent competition in Europe. It is the most lucrative from a cash point 
of view.

''It's very important that we keep in because we are used to it. We are continually 
looking at ourselves on a year-to-year basis and longer term. As a consequence of 
going out tonight it would be very disappointing but it would not radically change our 
plans as a business over the next few years.

''It wouldn't be an absolute loss and if we were to go into the UEFA Cup, we would get 
our own TV rights to sell so that would offset losing the Champions League money.

''But we are not even contemplating that nor the fact that if Kiev win we'll be out of 
Europe completely. We're very optimistic.'' 

[21]  Sheep stabbed
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
As flip flop will testify on the forum if you ask him, the Milanese can be a snide 
bunch, but it would appear that Leeds are trying to distance themselves from this 
particular flock member, stating that he isn't on an official trip, has not got a 
ticket issued through them and are claiming the 'arguement' was not footy related.

Also nice to see that the flock is around the 6,000 in Milan, apparently the biggest 
wooly jumper seen since the European Cup final in 1975. And we all know what happened 
that night, don't we!

Looks like shepherd in chief Ridsdale could have his work cut out 

[20] More Becks Bolloxs
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
David Beckham is apparently unhappy with Alistair McGowan's impression of him, because 
it's "too downmarket".

Beckham has apparently asked Rory Bremner to impersonate him in a more symapthetic 
way, according to Peoplenews.

A source close to Bremner claims Beckham told him he thought "the impersonation of him 
on Alastair McGowan's Big Impression show was unkind, as well as being very 

Beckham and Bremner met on the set of Parkinson two weeks ago, and reportedly got on 


[19] Gary and Wes want us to go wild
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
"For some reason on a European night, it's crazy," Wes Brown told the
club's radio station. "The fans are going wild. I think it's basically
playing different opposition from other countries, it's the whole set-up, the fans 
love it and so do we."  Fellow defender Gary Neville agreed, adding, "I know our crowd 
will be up for it, we're going to be up for it, and I hope that at this early stage of 
the season, we can have one of those great European nights."

[19] Atmosphere
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
As Fergie wants us to play our part (and at least Peter Kenyon should now be in no 
doubt as to the best way to get it sorted following last night at O'Briens)

"I think the supporters will have to play their part. I keep saying this but there are 
times when the place is too quiet," he told Manchester United Radio. It's got to be 
said. This is an
occasion when we really need the support. There will be periods when we're not playing 
well, periods when they've got the ball but we go to games abroad, when we get the 
ball, the crowd are whistling their heads off, booing, creating a noise that's trying 
to affect your performance.  We don't get that at Old Trafford unless we're playing 
Liverpool or maybe one of the really big European nights like we've had in the past, 
some great ones against Bayern Munich and Real Madrid. They don't really burst 
themselves to really get behind the side, the way they should.  I think it is going to 
be a great night and every United fan walking to that stadium knows that the end 
result is going to be a victory for us. They have got to
play their part too. I know I keep going on about our support but there is a 

I only hope the guy who sits behind me reads this, as I'm non too happy with his 
constant Victor Meldrew impressions, but no singing

[18] Fergie wants to avoid the coronary!
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
"I think they enjoy keeping me on tenterhooks, half a second away from a heart 
attack!" the Boss said on Manchester United Radio 1413am.  "I'm a bit anxious that we 
can perform properly,"

"They know that at one-nil, they're only a kick of the ball away from
going out. Hopefully the situation helps their concentration and their

[17] Gary says - Group was tough
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
Another thing that people have failed to see, according to Neville senior, is how 
tough United's group was going to be. PSV, Anderlecht and Kiev may not be the European 
big guns, but they've more than held their own against the 1999 European Cup winners.  

"I've heard the three other teams in our group described as middle-of-the-road teams 
whereas in other groups, you've got one top team to play and then two lower teams. But 
we have had the Belgian champions, the Dutch champions and the Ukrainian champions who 
have been to the semi-finals twice over the last three or four years. This is one of 
the toughest groups. I don't understand how people can disrespect
the champions of other countries that we're playing against. It has been a really 
difficult group for us and I think there's been a lot of
misinterpretation of certain things that have happened in this group as well," 
concluded Gary, referring to the 'weakened' team that Fergie fielded against PSV in 

[16] Gary disagrees with Kiev Coach
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
"I think first half in Kiev we played very well and probably should have been one or 
two up at half-time. They came at us second half. They play in front of big crowds at 
home, they have reached the semi-finals of the European Cup before now by playing 
against big clubs, so they won't be fazed by coming to Old Trafford and although 
people have said the pressure's off them, if they beat us they actually go into the 
UEFA Cup in front of us which would be a disaster.  They have got something to play 
for, I think a lot of people have failed to see that."

[15] Gary Nev on tonight
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
Gary Neville disagreed about the mood in the camp after September's
stalemate in Kiev. That kind of result won't be enough in Manchester, but the clean 
sheet the Reds kept over there will give them heart for
Wednesday.  "I think we were actually delighted with a point in Kiev
because if you look at the results of teams in Kiev over the past three or four 
seasons, not many teams have done well over there. We were quite happy at the end of 
the game with a point," the defender told United Radio.

Looking back now, it would have been nice to get the three but then we
weren't to know what was going to happen in Anderlecht and Eindhoven. But I think 
they're a difficult side to play against because they defend in numbers and then they 
break so quickly, they've got a couple of players up front who are very dangerous, but 
it's about us, it's about our performance.  Not many teams can live with us at Old 
Trafford if we're on song. We can't afford to take the risk of not playing well, we 
need to be really at the races."

I'd have thought that references to races & gambling would be a bit 'off message' at 
the moment Gaz

[14] Commentators nightmare
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
As Steve McClaren confesses:

"There probably are a couple of players who make them tick, but I can't pronounce 
their names!" McClaren admitted to Manchester United Radio. "I go more by numbers with 
Kiev but they've got a couple of front lads who can cause problems.  There's a 
midfield player, Kaladze, that likes to get forward and has a cultured left foot. But 
overall they seem to be a hard-working team, quite organised and with a bit of pace. 

A little bit of flair, enough to worry you on occasions.  They're a young team, very 
enthusiastic, they like to counter-attack, can play good football, have got dangerous 
people up front, one of those teams that you can't take lightly and must give respect 
to. They've certainly got players who can score goals and I think in every away game 
they've played so far, they've been the
first to score."

[13] Frank says  - 'its attitude that counts'
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
"I don't think it's going to be a problem as long as they go about it with the right 
"They have got a lot of players in top form; Sheringham, Giggs and Beckham are all 
playing really well. 
"Its just a matter of whether they can keep it tight at the back and not allow Kiev 
any clear cut chances."

[12] Stapleton on Kiev
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
"I think they will do as most teams do when they come here (Old Trafford) and look to 
defend and catch on the break. 
"I just think that they had thier best chance in the home game when they hit the 
woodwork twice.
I don't think Kiev ara as strong as they were but it's important that Manchester 
United go about there job right."
The fact that Kiev can no longer qualify for the next stage would be a factor in 
United's favour. 
"I think it will play a part in their thinking but you must remember that if they win 
at Old Trafford they could go into the UEFA Cup and that would be more income for them 
in that competition. 
"So there's still a lot to play for. 

[11] Roy's the boy
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
As Frank Stapleton points out:
"There is going to be a lot of tension at Old Trafford unless that they can get an 
early goal and build on that."
The return of Roy Keane to the midfield would be a major boost for the English 
"It is always great to have every single player available and of the major players I 
think there's only Jaap Stam who won't be available to the manager. 
"I think Roy will be definitely be needed. 
"It's important that there's no complacency about their play because you just can't 
give any team for granted especially when there's so much at stake." 

[10] Another member of the McClaren fan club
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
As Mickey says:

"Steve already does so much around the club. He plans and takes all the training 
sessions so all of us know him so well. I don't think he'd have any problems making 
the step up to manager." 

[9] Mickey - don't know what the problem has been
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
"We've only had two bad matches, in Eindhoven and away to Anderlecht. I think that 
once we get a good performance away from home, we'll get stronger and stronger and it 
will all be forgotten. It's hard to say exactly what the problem has been." 

Will you tell him or shall I?

[8] Mickey on Kiev
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
"No-one has even mentioned the possibility of going out. I'm sure we can get past 
Dynamo and go on to the next round. But we know it's going to be hard because they 
will be able to play with a little more freedom while all the pressure's on us - we 
have to win after all." 

"Home advantage could be very important for us, particularly after the problems we've 
had in our European away games," added Silvestre. "If we can get an early goal, it 
should free us up to play well and get the necessary result. When we played them out 
there conditions were very difficult. The pitch was in a right state so not much 
football was played. 

[7] Sick notes update
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
Those with letters from their mums include:

Kiev have severe injury problems and Andrii Husin, Gennadiy Moroz, Viltalii 
Kossovskyi, Roman Maxsymyuk and Oleh Venhlinskyi are all missing.

United are still without ankle-victim Ronny Johnsen, but Nicky Butt should shake off a 
foot problem to replace the suspended Paul Scholes.

[6] Kiev Coach chickens out
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
"For our players the significance of the result is a bit different and really we just 
want them to go out and show a good performance."

[5] It's a trust thing
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
As Fergie says of his team:

"It's on these occasions we've got to trust the players and that's certainly my 

"They don't let themselves or myself down very often."

[4] What do points mean?
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
With the press pointing out (as they do all the time)about the financial side of the 
Champions League pig trough, Fergie knows which is more important:

"It's a consideration in terms of money, but I don't think it ever plays on the 
players' minds," he said.

"I would never place that type of pressure on the players' heads.

"The money factor is nothing to do with the players at the end of the day. It's 
something in the structure of the plc of the club.

"Money is important because we are a plc, but the most important thing is winning.

"I would gladly win the game and not make another penny out of the Champions League to 
be honest."

[3] 10 Days to go!
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by tb:
Since city beat United my true love sent to me
European Champions
11 years of glory
10 years in Europe

[2] Keegan to sue?
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by bar-knee:
Wor Kev (well his brief) says he will sue the News of the World over their allegations 
about betting during Euro 2000 that they made last Sunday. Wonder if this will go the 
way of all the other 'I'll sue' declerations we've had in recent years?

[1] Odds for tonight
Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2000 by bar-knee:
Utd 1/5
Draw 9/2
Kiev 8/1 - don't even think about it!

[42] Red News Editorial - our vital performance on Wednesday as well
Posted Tuesday, November 7, 2000 by bar-knee:
We know what has to be done tomorrow and so do the team - but although we know that 
Coventry is always a slightly different affair to most games with it's hardcore 
turn-out, Fergie was spot on to say that if we all gave the same support that the 
3,000 did on Saturday, it would intimidate Kiev and affect our team in the right 
manner. The Fanzone was rocking for Soton - and surely will give its finest 
performance on Wednesday, K Stand is aleays up for it on these occasions, these 
European games which sum up why we do it all and why Utd means so much - but it's up 
to the other two parts of the ground to get behind the team and see four parts of the 
ground treating this like a later staged European game like Juve a few years back. We 
don't find going into the last match to qualify the ideal situation but knowing what 
we have to do and its importance makes it our most vital game of the season - and in 
being so the 65,000+ present owe it to the team we all adore to do our bit as the!
y, hopefully, do theirs on the pitch. No crisps, just a crescendo of noise.

[41] Team being hinted at?
Posted Tuesday, November 7, 2000 by bar-knee:
Manchester United (probable): Barthez; P Neville, G Neville, Brown, Irwin; Giggs, 
Butt, Keane, Beckham; Cole, Sheringham.

Now that is a team to surely strike fear in others and go for it.

[40] Fergie looks forward
Posted Tuesday, November 7, 2000 by bar-knee:
"What the players have done well over the years is maintain a fantastic consistency. A 
game like this will not have any fear for them. For them it's not like walking into a 
bear pit. They're quite happy about it. They rely and trust each other. They rely on 
their ability and they've done that for some years now.

I knows there's a lot of hype and talk about the pressure on the players, but I think 
they quite enjoy that. "It's something they will be used to - playing on the edge - 
and playing games which have a vital meaning to them. It's on these occasions we've 
got to trust them and that's certainly my intention. They don't let themselves or 
myself down very often. It's a game where we don't expect to carry passengers."

[39] Crozier back-tracks
Posted Tuesday, November 7, 2000 by bar-knee:
As he says the leaks didn't come from the FA about the gambling, et al, which is, er, 
strange.And why has nobody also mentioned that the reason they got beat in Euro 2000 
was because they were crap!

Football Association chief executive Adam Crozier said: "There has been a lot of 
exaggeration of events over the past few days and we wish Kevin nothing but the best 
at this difficult time. I am lucky enough to consider myself a friend of Kevin's 
having been through some difficult times together. The idea that I would now go round 
bad-mouthing him is preposterous. Everyone here at the FA is very
supportive of him and we will continue to support him in the future."

Dictionary translation - you're on your own Wor Kev?

[38] Eleven days is it?
Posted Tuesday, November 7, 2000 by bar-knee:
Because Bitter Blue Danny Tiatto is already getting giddy: "There will be a lot of 
tackles flying in, that is for sure. In the testimonial
there was an incident which I remember when David Beckham came in from behind, but I 
just got up and continued playing. 'I remember that incident after which he got a 
talking to from the ref but it won't be on my mind because you have just got to try to 
forget it. David Beckham is the most outstanding player in the Premiership. I also
enjoyed my game against Steve Stone at Villa and Arsenal's Ray Parlour certainly gets 
stuck in"

"Beckham is very dangerous on free-kicks so we'll be making sure
we don't give too many free kicks away. I am sure it will be a great derby and let's 
hope I play in it. I am suspended for Saturday's match at West Ham but if the manager 
Joe Royle gives me a marking job or any other job for the derby then it will be just 
great. I don't fear Beckham. In fact as a player I don't fear anyone. With Beckham 
I'll just have to get on with my natural game and let him chase me! I'll use my 
tackling and pace." (er, what pace?)

"It will be a great game to play in considering the history of the two clubs and a 
brilliant chance to compete against what I consider to be the best team in Europe".

Sad Bitter fact No.56739. Tiatto was selected to officially open City's mail order 
hotline at the Piccadilly box office in Manchester city centre because kit with his 
name on is proving the most popular in the Blues' souvenir shop. What, 2 sold?!

[37] Johnsen out
Posted Tuesday, November 7, 2000 by bar-knee:
Ronnie Johnsen has been ruled out of the Dynamo Kiev game at Old Trafford - but Nicky 
Butt should play. Johnsen is still sidelined with the ankle injury which has kept him 
out of the last three games, and Gary Neville will continue at centre-half alongside 
Wes Brown in the Norwegian's absence. Butt missed training on Monday with a foot 
injury, but Fergie said:  "Ronnie Johnsen will not be fit. He's not made it. We're 
hoping Nicky Butt will be fit, which will be a big boost for us because I think his 
form has been absolutely marvellous for us this year."

[36] What is Fergie doing Thursday
Posted Tuesday, November 7, 2000 by bar-knee:
Hopefully (and certainly?) looking cheerfully at a previous night's win as he will be 
opening the new Printworks development in Manchester
(currently having the brass knobs polished in the Hard  Rock Cafe) on Thursday. Event 
will also have Posh in attendance, so expect Becks around there somewhere as well. 

[35] Press release on Derby Day
Posted Tuesday, November 7, 2000 by bar-knee:
"City will increase security for the first competitive Manchester derby at Maine Road 
for four and a half years. Steps are being taken to ensure the game goes ahead without 
any hitch and officials are hoping the 11.30 am kick off on November 18 will help" 
(leaving how many hours afterwards in the pubs?).

"United have received around 3,000 tickets for the North Stand but the
biggest fear is from visiting fans infiltrating home sections. Inevitably, a number of 
tickets for the Kippax, Main Stand and Platt Lane Stand will find their way into the 
hands of United supporters."

Basically confirming what we all know - Blues will always sell their tickets and Reds 
will always get in. 

[34] FA Cup switch to prevent trouble in town
Posted Tuesday, November 7, 2000 by bar-knee:
The threat of violence in Manchester on derby day has forced the FA to agree to a 
request to switch the FA Cup tie between Millwall and Leigh RMI in the first round on 
Saturday week - the cup game will now be played in London the following day after 
fears that it might just not be an idea to add another fixture in town that day.

[33] Take a look around the Red News web site!
Posted Tuesday, November 7, 2000 by bar-knee:
Lots of stuff to hopefully interest you with new material each week in Features, 
including online exclusive material. Check out Gallery in Features for the excellent 
photographic tour of Old Trafford that the Old Fart has prepared.

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