[28] Greeks confidence - an odyssey awaits us
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
The Athens club spokesman Sofoklis Pilavios said: "There is no such thing as a good 
draw in the Uefa Champions League. But we've proved to European football that we're 
good enough by qualifying from the first group stage when everybody counted us out and 
we're ready to teach these people another lesson about Greek football."

We have our very own Greek correspondent who'll be bringing you tips for those of you 
lucky enough to be going or planning to go to Athens - a great place where the Editor 
of RN tries to spend all his spare time close season in Greece! - and also news of 
interest as the games approach. Expect quite a fair few barmy away fans to be turning 
up for the home leg, by coach, rail and few by plane, as noisy and off their heads as 
Zagreb where - and a bit like Anderlecht fans they will be pissed as farts probably 
outside the ground at 10am of the morning of the game!

[27] Mick Brown even gets to speak
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
Chief scout Mick Brown said: "Two of the sides we played in the Champions League last 
year in Valencia and Sturm Graz, so we are familiar with that part. The other one we 
don't know as much about as we would like to. But we've had them watched in one game 
in the Champions League against Deportivo so that information will be interesting and 
will be useful for us. We will also get as many videos of them as we can and Mick 
Brown will be going to see them. So hopefully we can get enough information on them 
before our first game a week on Tuesday."

You have those videos and I'll stick to my own collection of many videos!

[26] Our Martin gets in on the act
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
For it seems that every man and his dog was on the jaunt to see the Euro draw abroad.

Our Martin Edwards- surely saying something to prove that he is still at the club - 
said: "That's not a bad draw. It could have been worse as they say and it's a draw 
which gives us a good opportunity of progressing. But having said that whoever we 
draw, we always fancy our chances. We've obviously played Valencia and Sturm Graz 
before. We had a good record against them last year so we will be hopeful of 
progressing again. With the way the Champions League is now with the league stages we 
are coming up against the same clubs more often. It's an interesting group and we have 
every chance of getting through."

Can't quite see how it could have been worse for us!

[25] Get on this for Valencia
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
BA World offers, if you can stay for a bit out in Valencia have £99 flights, book by 

[25] Teddy wins another award
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
Winning the Carling player of the month award for October.

The Carling awards panel said: "Like good wine, Teddy Sheringham just keeps improving 
with age. His ability to score and provide goals has been of great importance to Alex 
Ferguson in both the Carling Premiership and Champions League and at the age of 34, 
Sheringham is currently United's top scorer. He also has the knack of scoring very 
important goals when his club need him most - a very worthy recipient"

Good wine, that reminds me of my hangover, just what happened again last night lads?!

[24] Squads for Boro
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
Man Utd team (from): Barthez, van der Gouw, P Neville, Irwin, Silvestre, G Neville, 
Johnsen, Brown, Butt, Scholes, Beckham, Keane, Solskjaer, Fortune, Sheringham, Yorke.

Middlesbrough team (from): Schwarzer, Crossley, Beresford, Fleming, Gordon, Vickers, 
Cooper, Summerbell, Whelan, Ricard, Stamp, Maddison, Karembeu, Job, Festa, Pallister, 
Boksic, Campbell, Deane, Armstrong.

[23] Teddy wants improvement
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
"We know we can do better (than Kiev) and we will be looking for an improvement on 

[22] Robbo on Boro game
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Dynamo Kiev frustrated Manchester United even when they were a goal down, and we've 
got to try to do the same. When there are nerves about and a team stays disciplined, 
even against somebody like Manchester United, they can make it a very frustrating 
evening or afternoon for them" 

[21] Walshy tells it like it is
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
Andy Walsh of IMUSA said of Keano's comments: "Keane has got a point. The atmosphere 
in general has not been good for years and it's getting worse. We're not saying that 
there's no room for corporate hospitality but the stick has been bent too far the 
other way. The gentrification of football means ordinary fans are being overlooked."

There's no reason why we can't have safe, cheaper areas for people to stand. The 
football authorities told us two years ago that there was no mood for terracing among 
politicians because it might have harmed the England bid for the 2006 World Cup. How 
ironic that Fifa awarded the tournament to Germany, where they listen to what 
supporters really want and there are lots of ground with large, safe standing areas."

[20] Champs League odds
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
United are now 4-1 with Ladrokes to win the Champions League with Real Madrid 9-2, 
Lazio 5-1, AC Milan and Arsenal 6-1, Bayern Munich 9-1, Valencia 10-1, Deportivo La 
Coruna 16-1, Leeds and Paris SG 25-1, Anderlecht 33-1, Galatasaray, Panathinaikos and 
Lyon 50-1, Spartak Moscow 66-1 and Sturm Graz 80-1. Two of the teams we face are in 
the last three - got to be good for us as bookies rarely get it wrong!

[19] More from Kenyon
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
Kenyon said: "It is a very good draw, a good grouping for us. You have to say it is a 
positive draw for United. You look how we qualified - it went down to the last game 
and almost the last five minutes. We are not at all complacent, but given the overall 
quality of the opposition we take any team seriously."

[18] Press goes Keano mad
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
Unlike the Mirror which wheels out supposed Utd fans 'digusted' at Keano's spot on 
comments (and he was talking about the Execs, let us make that clear!) and says in 
their editorial: "Just who does Roy Keane think he is...insults the fans...should 
remember who pays his wages...if it weren't for fans he would be nothing" as they 
suggest that the PLC want him to apologise the Irish press have covered the story well.

Let's get this right, the atmosphere was a disgrace on Wednesday and the players were 
not happy at the end when the groans were audible for certain mistakes and for the 
noise made when Silvestre made his first mistake. Whatever your views on him Keane was 
right to point out the gloryhunters and are there any hardcore out there who disagrees 
with his comments about the crisp eating, sandwich munchkins who litter OT these days? 
Well done Keano we say!

Our Irish correspondent explains: "Keano is on every front page tabloid in Ireland 
this morning for his comments about prawn sandwich munching corporate supporters who 
can't spell football. There's huge pictures of prawns and prawn sandwiches and some 
awful headlines like "Roy goes prawn crackers"  and "Keano's prawn to be wild"; etc. 
We have our tabloids here too . They're not quite as bad as the British ones yet, but 
they're getting there. This would probably be a perfect oppoptunity for them to get 
stuck into Keano in true gutter press fashion. You know, 'Big headed money bags Keano 
slams his own fans', or some bollocks to that effect.  However, Irish journo's seem to 
actually understand the situation. They're sympathising with the hardcore fans and 
backing Keano 100%.  Example ; The editorial from the 'Irish Star' - biggest selling 
daily in Ireland - reads:
"Some English pundits have rounded on the fiery Corkman. But there are many true Reds 
who will applaud Keano for his comments. Die-hard supporters of the world's most 
famous club are finding it increasingly difficult to get tickets to watch their idols 
play at Old Trafford. Instead the stands are full of corporate guests who, as Roy 
rightly pointed out, are more interested in quaffing champagne than watching the game. 
Roy spoke from the heart, and he spoke on behalf of real football fans." Nice one!"

[17] FA Youth Cup draw
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
It's either Bristol Rovers or Reading away in the third round of the FA Youth Cup. Get 
the next Fledglings out!

[16] Nicky Butt on that Kiev win
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Although we should have gone on for more once we'd scored, the natural instinct is to 
go defensive and make sure you don't give one away. The victory was the main thing. 
The fans are always going to get anxious, but I didn't feel that way. I felt in 
control, and I didn't think they looked like scoring apart from that one chance at the 
end. Our hearts were in our mouths then.  We always knew it was going to be hard. I 
don't think it was a very nice match to watch, because once we'd gone 1-0 up we didn't 
want to give a goal away. That would have cost us in the long run

A lot of us are getting older, and a few of us have kids. Instead of going out on the 
town we're going home and getting rest. Experience is important, and most of us have 
been playing in Europe since we were nineteen. That's six years, and it you don't 
learn something in that time then something is wrong...We should have reached the next 
stage a lot easier than we did, but the League system means you can make a few slip 
ups. Hopefully in the next stage we can come into our own. We know we're more than 
capable of producing."

[15] Fergie on Cole op
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
"He's been carrying it for so long it's necessary...Now we're over the
first stage of the Champions League, we hope he will be ready for the next phase. It's 
disappointing but it needs to be done."

[14] Dream on sheep
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
>From Leeds chairman Peter Ridsdale is obviously taking the 'we're only kids,  don't 
>expect anything from this side' pills: "We said it would be a miracle to get this far 
>and coming back on the plane we were all dreaming about playing Real Madrid and going 
>back to Rome again after playing in the Olympic Stadium in each of the last two 
>seasons - so
we have got our wish...I think there will be a few teams in Europe worried about 
coming to Elland Road after our performances this season...It would be great to have a 
Manchester United-Leeds final, but I think I am probably dreaming at the moment."

Too right, and can you picture that day if it happened!

[13] 8 DAYS TO GO!
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
Since city beat United my true love sent to me

European Champions
11 years of glory
10 years in Europe
9 goals past Ipswich
8-1 at Forest

Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
Fixtures for the second phase of the Champions League.

Tuesday, November 21

Group A

Valencia v Sturm Graz

Man Utd v Panathinaikos

Wednesday, December 6

Group A

Panathinaikos v Valencia

Sturm Graz v Man Utd

Wednesday, February 14

Group A

Sturm Graz v Panathinaikos

Valencia v Man Utd

Tuesday, February 20

Group A

Panathinaikos v Sturm Graz

Man Utd v Valencia

Wednesday, March 7

Group A

Sturm Graz v Valencia

Panathinaikos v Man Utd

Tuesday, March 13

Group A

Valencia v Panathinaikos

Man Utd v Sturm Graz

[11] More from Keano on Euro chances
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
"We need to improve," he said. "If we play like we did in the first phase we will be 
out.  I think a lot of the teams that get through show improvement as the competition 
goes on and we definitely need to do that because it's definitely going to get harder. 
It's up to the players to pull our fingers out and no doubt the gaffer will have 
something to say about those two performances away from home, but we're through and 
that's the main priority. But as I keep saying, we need to improve if we are going to 
have any chance of getting beyond the next stage. There are a lot of big guns still 
left in it and there are so many teams capable of winning it." 

"Maybe we had that against Kiev when they missed that chance. We've got to pick the 
baton up and start running. I don't think we've reached anything like our peak yet and 
hopefully this first group
phase will be a little bit of a kick up the backside for us. We've got to go on from 
here and produce better performances. I think that chance they had could prove to be a 
turning point for us because you need little things like that. Hopefully we can go on 
from here, but we have got to start producing our best form in Europe." 

[10] More from Sunbed
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
With regard to Keano's sandwich solution....

"I can see where Roy's coming from. On the weekend they do not seem to be as wound up 
unless its Manchester City, Liverpool or Leeds, they just want to be entertained then, 
which to be honest, on the players behalf, I think they have done that in the last few 

Last few years more like - the press are having a field day but let's get this right. 
The Red News viewpoint - Keano was spot on!

[9] Sunbed on Robbo
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
Blackmore said: "When he was playing I thought he was going to be the best manager, he 
took the best parts out of Alex and Big Ron and he put a bit of himself into it and 
his passion was still really in there because he was still playing. Then the year 
after, when he spent a lot of money, you could really feel it. I put myself into his 
shoes and he was thinking 'well I'm spending Steve's (Gibson) money and if you don't 
get results you feel as if your letting him down in a big way, and the fans. I think 
he will get it right, he's bought well this summer and the only thing at the moment is 
that a few of the lads have picked up injuries.

"I think 2-1 to United, but it might even be a draw, I've got a funny feeling that 
United will just have enough for them. Even that would be a good result for Robbo 
because most teams are getting battered there."

I wouldn't back against United, to be honest, but Arsenal have impressed me a lot - 
they look as good as they did a couple of years ago...I know Alex and that's one thing 
his not, he's not arrogant about things. He's owned up himself and said he should have 
put a stronger team out to make sure they got through. He was looking at the Arsenal 
game, a big game, a six-pointer, they were a bit unlucky to lose, then it ends up 
looking bad on Alex.

[8] Valencia chief speaks out
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
Their President on the draw.

"Manchester are a big club with a proud history...but our objective is to get 
something from them and the main objective is to win the group and qualify for the 
Quarter Finals"

[7] Early team news
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
United expect to be without injured stars Ryan Giggs and Andy Cole against Boro. 
Middlesbrough's Alen Boksic is struggling to win his fight against a knee injury, 
while Mark Schwarzer, Paul Ince, Ugo Ehiogu, Robbie Mustoe and Keith O'Neill are all 

[6] Becks feeling proud
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
Beckham said: "This is one of the proudest moments of my football career. It's always 
been a big ambition of mine. As a kid I used to dream about leading my country and now 
it is going to happen. It's fantastic news."

[5] Becks' England responsibility
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
England caretaker-manager Peter Taylor on David Beckham and giving him the captaincy.

He said: "David has good experience, is playing well and deserves it. "I spoke to 
Steve McClaren about it and he thought David was a good choice. I told David and he is 
delighted. I think he will respond in the correct fashion. He is captain for one game, 
as that's how long I am charge for the moment, and I have no worries about his 
temperament. I have been impressed him since the World Cup in 1998. He took a lot of 
stick after being sent off but handled it very well. It looks to me he badly wants to 
play for Manchester United and England. He loves his football."

[4] Eric not for manager?
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
Looks like Eric won't take the Marseilles job, his friend  Jean Pierre Papin is now 
said to be the favourite.

[3] Kenyon on Euro draw
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Game on Saturday which is equally important but never any rest for Manchester 
United...delighted with the draw...it's a good draw for us".

[2] Euro draw
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
Panathinaikos (please let it be in March, for the heat, Athens is great, but will be a 
bit dodgy on the day of the game)
Graz (got them again - great place)
Valencia (got them again great place as well, need the heat)

Fixtures to come later and as we said an easier group than the First stage!

[1] Euro draw is on its way!
Posted Friday, November 10, 2000 by bar-knee:
11am Friday. Any minute now. Keep checking we'll have draw with fixture dates later...

[22] Calamity
Posted Thursday, November 9, 2000 by bar-knee:
Aston Villa manager John Gregory described David James, who looks likely to play for 
England against Italy next week, as a "model of consistency".

Is it April 1st?

[21] Cole out now as well
Posted Thursday, November 9, 2000 by bar-knee:
With an achilles operation putting Andrew Cole out for two months apparently. United 
have waited to get the walking wounded sorted now that we've qualified - and with 
Stam, Giggs and Cole now out it's time for the others who have said they want their 
chance to, well, take it.

[20] No oldies allowed and Becks captain
Posted Thursday, November 9, 2000 by bar-knee:
For England as Peter Taylor announces his squad for the trip to dismal Turin.

Full England squad: Anderton (Tottenham), Ball (Everton), Barmby (Liverpool), Barry 
(Aston Villa), Beckham (Man Utd, capt), Brown (Man Utd), Butt (Man Utd), Carragher 
(Liverpool), Dyer (Newcastle), R Ferdinand (West Ham), Fowler (Liverpool), Gerrard 
(Liverpool), Heskey (Liverpool), James (Aston Villa), Johnson (Derby), Lampard (West 
Ham), G Neville (Man Utd), P Neville (Man Utd), Owen (Liverpool), Parlour (Arsenal), 
Phillips (Sunderland), Robinson (Leeds), Scholes (Man Utd), Smith (Leeds), Southgate 
(Aston Villa), Wright (Ipswich).

[19] Euro draw will be on this site AS IT HAPPENS
Posted Thursday, November 9, 2000 by bar-knee:
So stick with us throughout Friday as not only will we have the Champs League draw and 
groupings, but the fixtures when they come out as well in the afternoon. The draw - as 
it happens on www.rednews.co.uk

[18] Massive disappointment for Giggsy
Posted Thursday, November 9, 2000 by tb:
Ryan Giggs' hamstring injury will keep him out for several weeks - ruling him out of 
the first Manchester derby in four years next week. 
Giggs will be absent when United face City at Maine Road after limping out of last 
night's Champions League cruncher with Dynamo Kiev half an hour into the game. 

Afterwards manager Sir Alex Ferguson confirmed it would be "weeks rather than days" 
before the Welsh star would be back in action and is resigned to being without him for 
the trip across the city to face the club which has always been regarded as United's 
biggest rivals. 
It could be December before Giggs returns and, with Jaap Stam still recovering from 
his Achilles tendon operation, Paul Scholes under treatment for a knee injury and 
Ronny Johnsen out with an ankle problem, the injuries are beginning to mount up. 

Giggs will miss Saturday's home clash with Middlesbrough with South African 
international Quinton Fortune looking the likely replacement after replacing the 
Welshman last night.

[17] Tomorrows lottery draw explained
Posted Thursday, November 9, 2000 by tb:

Euro draw lottery awaits 
United face an anxious wait to discover who they will face in their next Champions 
League group, with Moscow, Madrid, Milan, Munich and Istanbul all possible 
United go into the draw for the second phase of the Champions League which will be 
drawn on Friday, and there are also some of the European big guns standing between 
United and progress to the knock-out stage. 

Real Madrid, AC Milan and Bayern Munich are all potential opponents but, whatever 
happens in Friday's draw, United know the going will get tougher than the first round. 

Sir Alex Ferguson is hoping his players respond to the challenge and his words after 
last night's uneasy win ring true: 

"Their game usually gets better at this stage of the competition." 
United scraped through thanks to a 1-0 win over Dynamo Kiev and were only inches away 
from playing in the closing stages of the UEFA Cup when George Demetradze missed a 
sitter for what would have been a Ukrainian equaliser minutes before the final 
The win means three English clubs are through to the second phase for the first time 
United, Arsenal and Leeds and the rules for the draw mean they will be kept apart in 
the next four group phase. 
Neither can United be drawn against Anderlecht either after playing them in the first 

Spain has three clubs through, Real Madrid, Valencia and Deportivo La Coruna, Italy 
has Lazio and AC Milan, while Olympique Lyonnais and Paris St Germain, have qualified 
from France. They will also be kept apart from one another, and from sides they faced 
in the first phase. 
The other clubs United could face are Spartak Moscow, Sturm Graz, Galatasaray, 
Panathinaikos and Bayern Munich. 

So, that's cleared that up then!

[16] Sunbed joins in
Posted Thursday, November 9, 2000 by tb:
"In a big game the fans must get behind the team until they get two or three up, then 
they can do what they want," Blackmore insisted.

"Last night I could feel it myself. I thought I could see a Kiev goal coming and it 
was very edgy."

[15] Hamstring update
Posted Thursday, November 9, 2000 by tb:
Fergie on Giggsy's injury:

"We will have to wait and see the extent of the hamstring injury, it is too early to 
make any comment at present."

And on his 50th appearance too!

[14] Latest Champions League odds
Posted Thursday, November 9, 2000 by tb:
Champions League odds: 7-2 Real Madrid, 9-2 Lazio, 5-1 Man Utd, 6-1 Arsenal, AC Milan, 
10-1 Bayern Munich, 12-1 Valencia, 16-1 Deportivo La Coruna, 20-1 Leeds, Paris St 
Germain, 33-1 Anderlecht, Galatasaray, 50-1 Lyon, Panathinaikos, 66-1 Spartak Moscow, 
80-1 Sturm Graz. 

[13] Fergie on Wes
Posted Thursday, November 9, 2000 by tb:
"He was marvellous. He's really coming on and will go on to become a great player," he 

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