[22] Giggs out of Massive game
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
"I was looking forward to the first derby in four and a half years"

[21] School teacher returns
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
David Elleray, the man who stopped Denis Irwin rightfully getting his FA Cup Final 
place, refs our match at Derby, only the second time we'll have had Mr.School Teacher 
in charge in 18 months. Yeah, and can't wait...not.

[20] And Joe Royle said
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
Loved this Bush-ism from Joe Royle yesterday, "In the first half we
were outstanding, but in the second we were equally bad."

[19] More from Becks
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
"I have played so many times on the right that I could almost do it with my eyes 
closed. I feel I want something extra. I want more involvement, more of the ball and 
the scope to use more of my skills. I have never been the sort of player who goes 
flying past defenders, but I can influence a game with my variety of passing. I would 
also get the chance to score more goals. I hope there are exciting times ahead for me 
and England. There has been a lot of coverage about the gambling habits of the 
players. It doesn't affect me because I am not a betting man and have never been part 
of the card schools."

[18] Beckham dreams of glory
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
In an interview with the News of the Screws he says: "I cannot help but look ahead and 
imagine the day when I could step up to collect the World Cup for England. If that 
sounds premature then so be it, but I always believe in setting myself high ambitions. 
I don't know if the England captaincy is going to be a long-term appointment. Peter 
Taylor cannot guarantee me that because he is only in temporary charge until 
Sven-Goran Eriksson takes over as manager. However long it lasts I will cherish it and 
I know I can accept the extra challenge and prove I am worthy of the honour.

"I believe I have a duty now as one of the more experienced England players to have a 
greater influence on the team. But I also feel the need to step up my own 
contribution. There is definitely more to come from me. I would like to play in the 
centre of midfield and impose myself more on games. When I have been used in that role 
before I have enjoyed it and done reasonably well. It is not a position you can just 
step in and out of. I need a run of games there before I can establish myself."

[17] Fergie to miss Derby Day
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
You could tell by the songs and talk that every Red is getting ready for the massive 
game, but Fergie won't be there. We've all had that situation where a family member 
pulls out the wedding date for them and their spouse only for it to clash with a 
bloody Utd game - what do you do? Some miss the game, others the wedding causing long 
time family strife - as you are left cursing for ever more them for not arranging a 
summer wedding as they curse your Utd support!

Well, Fergie is missing the Derby Day because of a fixture cock up, he said: "I looked 
at the international fixtures for the season and originally, back in February, 
November 18 was down as an international date. My son went for that date for his 
wedding only for the fixtures to be changed. We found out that instead of having a 
free weekend, we are playing Manchester City - it couldn't have been any worse for me. 
The wedding is in Cape Town so there's nothing I can do. Steve McClaren will be in 
charge. The only consolation is that with it being a morning kick off, I will be able 
to watch the game in South Africa on television." Hopefully the Wizard will work his 
magic from SA.

[16] Team from Boro
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
Barthez, P.Neville, Gary Nev, Brown (Wallwork), Silvestre, Beckham, Keane, Butt, 
Scholes, Yorke, Solskjaer (Sheringham). None of the papers seemed to notice (People, 
NOW) that Luke Chadwick also came on for a few minutes at the end.

[15] More gossip
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
Chelsea apparently become favourites to land Sol Campbell as Andrew Cole has 
apparently signed a £10m four year new deal at United.

[14] Season of odds
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
We're 1/4 to lift the three in a row title and 12-1 that no British player will score 
against us in domestic competitions this season.

[13] Tabloid gossip?
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
Sunday People claims that Keano "has been hiding a secret agony from Manchester United 
fans...been fighting depression as he copes with the disabling effects of a stroke on 
his mother"

[12] That prat Mellor on one again
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
This time the man who should have his cheeks wired, David Mellorphant, says: "When the 
history of bloody cheek comes to be written, Roy Keane will deserve a chapter all to 
himself...so do us all a favour, Keano, and let your feet do the talking, there's a 
good lad"

Patronising c**t - and is this outburst because Mellor is ONE of those prawn wating, 
futbol loving luvvies - which team do you support today David, Chelsea, Fulham or 
someone else!

[12] Fabien romantically linked, again
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
This time from his many Reform Club visits in town with a married page 3 girl, 
although they both deny any gloved antics, with her husband saying: "She has been in 
Fabien's company, but that is all. It is quite funny really - and I think he is a 
bloody good goalie".

And one who will score for us in his Utd career, mark my words!

[11] Boro keeper on it all
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
Mark Schwarzer - "If you had asked anyone would we get any results from Arsenal or 
Manchester United they would have said no. In the end we didn't get any results, but 
the positive things that came out of the games were the spirit and the way we played. 
I think we performed extremely well last weekend against Arsenal, especially with only 
10 men and this weekend we did well again. Manchester United have not been beaten at 
Old Trafford in the league for I don't know how many games now. Yet we led for the 
majority of the game, only went down 2-1 and knew that with a bit more luck it could 
have gone our way. I think we can still hold our heads up high and go on from here."

Go on from here with non points though Luxemburg.

[10] Fergie on new Captain Marvel
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
Fergie on Keano.  "I thought he was marvellous. It's hard to grade him when he plays 
well every week, but he was a real driving force. He wanted to win that one so 
badly.The reception he got from the fans was great and he deserves it. They know 
themselves don't they?"

[9] Forthcoming reserve and youth matches
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
Manchester Senior Cup 
Bury (a) - Wednesday 29 November 2000
Gigg Lane, kick off 7pm

Manchester City (a) - Tuesday 27 March 2001
Hyde United, kick off 7pm. Massive match

FA Premier Reserve League Fixtures 2000/01


Middlesbrough (a) - Wednesday 15 November 2000
Riverside Stadium, kick off 7pm.

[8] Fergie on the game
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
RN view - Keano superb, Silvestre putting in a solid display, we should have been up 
before they scored, then it seemed only a matter of time before the floodgates would 
open - a good win considering the results of others.

Fortunately for United, Teddy Sheringham is still scoring goals for fun. The veteran 
striker took his tally for the season to 13 in 16 games when he netted United's winner 
in the 65th minute.

Fergie said: "That's 13 goals for Teddy and most of them have been really important 
goals. He's done very well for us."

"I think that was probably one of our best performances for quite a while in a game 
which was very, very difficult for us. "I thought our passing was absolutely terrific 
at times and to come back from 1-0 down against this Middlesbrough side who have 
performed very, very well, then it's a good performance to do that. The players kept 
their nerve, which was important. They kept the intensity of their passing, which I 
think finally wore them down. It was a really good win and a really good performance 
by us."

[7] Injury crisis?
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
Well, hopefully not for the Massive game but Wes Brown and Roy Keane will miss the 
midweek friendly internationals after picking up injuries in United's 2-1 win over 

Brown came off at half-time with a knee injury while Keane has a tight hamstring.

Fergie said: "Wes Brown has been withdrawn from the England team after he came off 
with a knee injury at half-time. It's the same knee as before and it's unfortunate for 
Wes to miss a game like Wednesday's. It was a precaution in a way, but he couldn't 
continue and there was no point in taking any risk with it. Roy Keane has a bit of a 
tight hamstring and he won't be going to Ireland."

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer came off with an ankle injury but will need to be checked out to 
see how serious it is - so Teddy and Dwight on Saturday it is then.

[6] Just a thought
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
Cracking atmosphere yesterday, once again mianly on the two (K an Fanzine) opposite 
sides - nice to think the other two will bounce again one day but seeing the large 
amount of Boro fans getting up to celebrate their goal from the Exec sections in the 
North Stand has to make you ask when are Utd going to do something about this. If it 
were in a section with us lowlife in it the person who gave the book to an opposing 
fan would have his book confiscated - so do the same in the Exec bits because each and 
every game there are loads of ABUs in our sections!

[5] And talking of sour grapes
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
Terry Venables' quote that "The England squad makes no sense to me" is in no way 
connected to him not even being considered for the post again and looking forward to a 
management on a Bitter Blues level from here on in.

[4] North Landan deals
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
As David Dein expects to sign a new deal with Arsene Wenger and thus give us yet more 
years of sour grapes and whinging quotes as he looks enviously up the M1 and M6 at us, 
and Spurs fans must be delighted with the news that porn king David Sullivan is trying 
to buy a 9% stake alongside Alan Sugar at their club!

[3] Fabien gives his latest views
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Hi mates. Back home after training. Well! This week has  been rather good after the 
two last results. First a league game already far,  5 days!!! With our win at 
Coventry, we remain leader, it's the kind of thing  you have to get used to at 
Manchester. But in the Champions League, we seem  to like the "killing" games. We 
waited the last game of the group to qualify...It was hot! Sheringham who is on fire 
at the moment freed us at the  18'. After we had to keep that result! As always, 2 or 
3 good chances on my  goal and a lot of balls to play with the feet because the lads 
play a lot on  me. At last ! A word on the European draw. We are with Sturm Graz, 
Panathikos  (Fabulous Fab!) but especially the Valencia of Dêdêche (Didier Deschamps). 
This is the advantage of playing in all the European clubs (the french)"

[2] Seven days to go...
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
Since city beat United my true love sent to me

European Champions
11 years of glory
10 years in Europe
9 goals past Ipswich
8-1 at Forest
7 past the cockneys

[1] Ipswich ticket details
Posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 by bar-knee:
Manchester United v Ipswich
Old Trafford, Saturday 23rd December, kick off 3pm.

Postal applications only are now being accepted from Members. Applications should 
include a completed match ticket order form, relevant payment and sae. Ticket prices 
are as stated on the match ticket order form. In the event of being oversubscribed a 
postal ballot will be held to determine the successful applicants.

[15] Wenger whinge pt: 56827
Posted Saturday, November 11, 2000 by tb:
On the Champs League draw:
"Manchester United have the easiest group of the three English teams - but are you 
surprised? It's all in Manchester United's favour. 

[14] Giggs - back in two weeks
Posted Saturday, November 11, 2000 by tb:
"It's a strain rather than a complete pull and the good news is that it's in my right 
hamstring and not the left. 
"The left one is the one that has been giving me problems over the last couple of 

"I have never had any problems with my right one, so this is a completely new and 
fresh injury, something anyone can pick up really. It's just such a relief that it 
wasn't a recurrence of my old problems.
"I've been happy with the way my hamstring has settled down since Wednesday night, but 
I can still feel it to be honest. 
"When it comes to the hamstring it is automatically an absence of a week to ten days.
"Hopefully I won't be out for longer than two weeks. It has been reported that it 
would be a month, but it won't be that long. 
"The bad news is that I'll probably miss our trip to Maine Road next Saturday, the 
first Manchester derby for four and a half years.
"I was looking forward to that game, but it's unlikely I'll play as you really need to 
be training in the run-up to a game. I'm not sure though, we'll have to see how it 
settles down."

[13] Fergie praises Becks the Ingerlund Capt
Posted Saturday, November 11, 2000 by tb:
"It's a great honour for David and for the club. We had Bryan Robson as captain but 
that's about six years ago now. 
"It's tremendous. Whether Sven Goran Eriksson comes in and keeps him as captain 
remains to be seen, but it's still a huge honour. 
"He will relish it and accept the challenge. He's not a vocal player, but he will lead 
by example." 

[12] Those cuddly Eastenders
Posted Saturday, November 11, 2000 by tb:
Not often we feel sorry for a member of the Massive but:

Wanchope told The Sun: "Racial abuse is terrible from anyone - but when it comes from 
your own fans it is even tougher to take. 

"I would get it from a section of the West Ham fans. I just had to try and ignore it - 
what was I supposed to do, start a fight? 

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