[20] Exclusive photos from AGM and report on this site!
Posted Friday, November 17, 2000 by bar-knee:
Check Features, Stop Press at www.rednews.co.uk for EXCLUSIVE shots taken by our man 
there at the AGM.

[19] AGM - How it went from SOMEONE THERE
Posted Friday, November 17, 2000 by bar-knee:
The AGM, the tenth (where does the time go?), passed off reasonably 
peacefully today with nobody appearing to lose their tempers. Sir Roland  was rude 
only once which must be some kind of record. He did however get  slightly 'testy' with 
regard to the Nike deal situation and cut one  questioner off in full flow. Also Sir 
Roland made a quite remarkable  statement (well to this old man anyway) when he 
described the performances  of last year (both off and ON the field) as 'reasonable'. 

Considering we  won the Premiership (again) I would have thought that we had a 
slightly  better than 'reasonable' season. Perhaps Sir Roland ("I'm from Beswick and  
I'm hard" speech - yet-a-bloody-gain) has forgotten (or doesn't know) that  there was 
a time when second through sixth was a 'reasonable' season. How  times change!

Bullet points from the AGM:

- No increase in ground capacity. ie; NO plans to update the South stand

- The Board read out a legal statement regarding the Umbro/Nike situation  and then 
steadfastly refused to enter into any further discussion

- Pricing for Juniors and Senior Citizens. Peter Kenyon promised that he  (within the 
Fans Forum) WOULD look at this situation. The implication being  that something will 
be done in these areas

- One chap was unnecessarily rude to Martin Edwards suggesting that his  personal life 
had brought shame on the Club. Martin Edwards kept a very low  profile throughout. He 
should not have to take personal shit like that.

- A lady implored Sir Roland not to quit and someone else asked if Sir Alex could be 
made Chairman as and when Sir Roland does pack it in. No response given to either 

- A question re: the European transfer system. Maurice Watkins waffled for  ages using 
legalspeak, said nothing and nobody seemed that arsed to be honest

- The Club versus Country issue was raised specifically about Steve 
McClaren helping the scousers etc (to become half decent footballers). Peter  Kenyon 
said the club had no choice, that the rules were clear. He did say  that Steve 
McClaren had 'looked after' the Manchester United boys.

- Video screens - are we having some? Gill waffled for ages, said that they  had 
obtained quotes, didn't know whether they needed two or six (?) and  that as prices 
were falling they would review the situation. Boardspeak for - "bollocks - we're not 

- A question about the European G14 Group - does it exist, what is it? 
Peter Kenyon stated that it did indeed exist, that Manchester United were a  part of 
it, that the group was constituted to oversee European football and  that should push 
become a shove and the FA get arsey Manchester United  would pull out of G14. Good 
question - equally good answer

- The old chestnut about standing sections was mentioned (well it had to be  didn't 
it!) and was knocked back - as we all knew it would be

- Finally the Old Fart asked if the bloody earbashing music could be turned  OFF at 
least twenty minutes before the start of each game. This would give  the lads at the 
Stretty a chance to get some momentum going and thus a  decent atmosphere. The 
assembled (nobodies) thought it was a good idea -  whether the top table (somebodies) 
did is any bugger's guess.

With that they went through the formal motions, people drifted away and  that was it 
for another year.

[18] More from AGM
Posted Friday, November 17, 2000 by bar-knee:
R.A Gardner, I.F.R.Much and P.E.Yea got their votes to be elected onto the Board, and 
Smith stated that they were important people with impressive track records, although a 
few people at the AGM said that Gardner gave them the 'shivers!'. Much got approval 
ratings in the meeting as he said he's supported United since 1962, and went to Madrid 
and Wembley in '68.

[17] Latest team news
Posted Friday, November 17, 2000 by bar-knee:
Ryan Giggs, Wes Brown and Paul Scholes will all have fitness checks later today in 
training to see if they are fit to play. Paulo Wanchope  - YES! - is back from 
international duty and is expected to partner Paul Dickov, who returns from suspension 
along with Danny Tiatto.

Manchester City team (from): Weaver, Wright, Ritchie, Prior, Howey, Charvet, Dunne, 
Wiekens, Horlock, Tiatto, Jeff Whitley, Kennedy, Haaland, Goater, Wanchope, Dickov, 

Manchester United team (from): Barthez, P Neville, G Neville, Brown, Silvestre, 
Beckham, Keane, Scholes, Giggs, Sheringham, Yorke, Butt, Irwin, Wallwork, Chadwick, 
Notman, Greening, Healy, Rachubka.

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