[13] Aussie coach on Bossie
Posted Saturday, December 30, 2000 by tb:
"Ferguson obviously has a problem with Mark and it's best for him to get a change of 
scene sooner rather than later," Farina told the Sydney Daily Telegraph. 

"If he's not playing regularly for his club it makes it difficult when it comes to 
being selected for Australia. 

"I spoke to Mark about the situation several weeks ago and I'm sure he'll make the 
right decision." 

[12] Palermo deadline
Posted Saturday, December 30, 2000 by tb:
Apparently we have until Jan 10th to sign Palermo. The Rent Boys and the East end 
types are also supposed to be interested.

[11] Fergie on Peter's Gong
Posted Saturday, December 30, 2000 by tb:
"It's terrific for him and is reflection on his great career. 
"He was tremendous value to this club when he was here. He had an immense presence. 

"Defenders also had to get used to the verbal volleying he would give them from time 
to time, but he only did that because his heart was in it and he was always an 
absolute winner. 
"His record was marvellous. During his time here he never finished lower than second 
in the league and his international career was incredible. 

"He was won something like 102 caps and winning the European Championship with Denmark 
was a tremendous achievement when everybody thought they had only gone along there for 
the trip. 
"He's had an amazing career and I am very proud of him and very pleased for him and 
his family." 

[10] Peter on MBE
Posted Saturday, December 30, 2000 by tb:
"The achievements of Manchester United were truly magnificent and it was great to be 
part of it. 

"But until an award of this nature is made, it is hard to understand how significant 
the achievements were and perhaps how significant your own individual part within it 

"I always enjoyed my time in England and always considered it to be my second home. 

"To achieve the MBE only serves to consolidate those close ties, ties which I hope 
will continue throughout my life." 

[9] Yonner has too much sherry
Posted Saturday, December 30, 2000 by tb:
Shurely, as Sam Allardyce says that he will build an empire like Fergie after 10 

Nurse! the screens.

[8] Schmikes gets an MBE - more later
Posted Saturday, December 30, 2000 by redend:
Schmikes has been awarded an honorary MBE  - more later

[7] Some new lies about standing
Posted Saturday, December 30, 2000 by redend:
To counter the propaganda and falsehoods being put about by the opposition (to 
standing) here are some that RED NEWS thought of (maybe "thought of" is pushing it a 

1. Standing is cool - sitting down is for piles.

2. Not only is it cool - standing is also hard. It takes about a year for a baby to 
master it. After that, seating is shunned for safety reasons.

3. Standing is not only safe - its so good it will find a cure for cancer and solve 
world poverty. 

4. It also looks after small fluffy animals that are ill - would you vote for a 
politician who tried to stop that?

5. Letting rip in a football ground after a Friday night out on the ale - it's a 
traditional pastime. Plastic seats have taken the entertainment out of it as the 
culprit is now all too easily identified due to the audible warning signal amplified 
by the adjacent polycarbonate surface. At which point SPS arrive.

6. Standing makes a man's genitals extend measurably. This is actually true but 
unfortunately the effect is only temporary unless, like me, you tie a house brick to 
it and wait for the wind to change.

7. Can't be bothered to think of any more now ... send us your entries to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or post them in the forum (RedTalk > Forum).

[6] Gregory issues an apology
Posted Saturday, December 30, 2000 by redend:
So shotgun finally turns his weapon on himself. (A neat party trick if you can do this 
but apparently it takes years of yoga practice to avoid putting your back out).

ASTON VILLA manager John Gregory has issued a public apology to Doug Ellis after 
making derogatory comments about his chairman in the media.
The two met on Friday after Gregory suggested that Ellis was "stuck in a time-warp", 
which, along with other comments, angered the Villa Park supremo. 

After a humiliating climbdown Gregory left with his tail between his legs (which 
brings us back to the first paragraph?).

[5] Standing - some rambling thoughts
Posted Saturday, December 30, 2000 by redend:
Just a few observations relating to the standing bandwagon (which is actually being 
pushed rapidly down the hill at the moment - flattening anyone who gets in its way). 
We will win this one.

Some ammunition / ideas:

1. Justice Taylor - in his report on Hillsborough etc - never said that standing on 
terraces was inherently dangerous and should therefore be completely replaced by all 
seaters. This is conveniently forgotten or misquoted at every opportunity.

2. He also said that prices should not rise significantly to push them out of reach of 
poorer supporters. Hmm - they took notice of that one didn't they?

3. Any return to standing in the Premier League would not be on massive old style 
terraces. It would be limited areas - using state of the art technology (concrete 
steps?) and under proper control of stewards etc (i.e. not the SPS)

4. It is about CHOICE. When we get safe standing - no-one will be forced to stand in 
these areas. No-one should be forced to sit either - like they are now. Whatever 
happened to consumer choice? Get the marketing men back in here now and remind them 
what they learnt in class - "The customer is always right". In fact - it is likely 
that the area covered by seating will be larger than standing by 10 to 1 at all 
grounds (obviously more people can fit in the same space standing).

5. Many of the people behind Premier League, FA etc (the opposition) have made 
astronomical profits over the last decade. Even to the extent of top people in these 
organisations (and some closer to home) being major shareholders in companies that 
manufacture seats for football grounds! No conflict of interest there then!

6. The opposition have a hidden agenda. Well disgusied at least. They use safety anf 
the deaths of people at Hillsborough as their argument but the truth is - and we're 
going to shock you here - its about how much money they can make. Some spokespeople 
have come close to admitting it recently - they don't want a certain profile of 
supporter in the ground. They want rich fans who spend lots of money, eat their prawn 
sandwiches and don't complain.

7. Standing in seated areas happens all the time - especially when a goal is scored. 
From personal experience I don't know anyone who injured themselves seriously on a 
terrace - but I know four who've done so falling off/over/under/through seats. And 
I've only counted Jonah once.

8. It'll get the people who want to stand out of the way of the people who don't. 
Since the choice to stand was taken away there've been arguments and worse at every 
match. It's not necessary.

9. Standing does affect atmosphere - a lot. Just by standing up it doesn't make you 
sing - and there are plenty you see standing and goldfish style mouthing the words 
etc. It does create the right environment though - and people can stand with their 
mates if they didn't get tickets all together. That is the biggest factor - mobility.

10. Its cheaper. Standing provides an affordable solution - and it doesn't have to 
dent profits of the PLC's - in fact the reverse has happened in Germany. Prices are 
still spiralling up. This is part of the general policy in football of "socio-economic 
cleansing" which is intended to purge the game of poorer fans who might less docile 
(even shouting rude words and stuff)and worse still - spend less money in the 
megastores. These marketing men do still believe that "The customer is always right" - 
its just that we're not the "right customers".

11. That'll do won't it? Now be a good little fan and sit down and obey NEW FOOTBALL:
"Verr iz yor kredit kardz? Vot - you do not hav von? Gardz - Ve hav an infiltrator -  
take iz tiket book and eject him - pig-dog"

[4] IMUSA Chief on GMR last night
Posted Saturday, December 30, 2000 by redend:
IMUSA ( (link:http://www.imusa.org) http://www.imusa.org ) chairman - Mark Longden - 
was on BBC GMR radio last night with a blue (Dave Wallace?) and a Bolton fan - 
discussing various topics.

Most interesting was the standing debate. Funny how when its actual fans (i.e. those 
who actually stand on the terrace) doing the debating the opinion was overwhelming in 
favour of the introduction of limited safe standing areas - for those who would choose 
to use them. Mark made all the right points. The only downside is he's getting a bit 
too matey with some of these bitters and might need to go for detox when all this is 
over and normal relations are restored.

Interesting contributions from two GMR journalists - both of whom were at Hillsborough 
- and both of whom felt that was not relevant in the context of the current debate 
relating to modern safe standing areas. Also top stuff from a German contributor 
explaining their system - and very much lower prices.

[3] Mind how you go - 150 miles off course
Posted Saturday, December 30, 2000 by redend:
If you're up at the crack (as we say in the trade) on the way to Newcastle this 
morning then watch how you go - or you might bump into this £ckwit:

Treacherous road conditions may have distracted a driver who found herself 150 miles 
adrift of her destination. The unknown woman, who was travelling from London to 
Liverpool, called police from an emergency phone box on the A1 northbound carriageway 
at Newton Aycliffe, County Durham. 

Police spokesman George Oliver said: "The weather caused few serious problems on the 
road network in County Durham and Darlington today but there was one unusual incident 
involving a woman driver - but it's not clear if her difficulties were 
weather-related. [He's being kind here]

"The woman, apparently travelling alone, had set out from London earlier today heading 
for Liverpool but she had clearly lost her way."

The wayward driver got straight through to the police control room and was given 
directions after asking how far she was from Liverpool. [Not far enough - surely]

Mr Oliver said: "The operator advised her to go to the nearby motorway interchange at 
Newton Aycliffe, turn round and start heading south. She was told that after about an 
hour-and-a-half's driving she would reach the turn-off for the M62 which would take 
her across to the north west."

Probably on her 15th lap of Greater Manchester by now - (that looks familiar from 
earlier but this motorway must go somewhere). I should point out at this stage that 
no-one from RED NEWS has ever got lost... anywhere ....ever...ok

[2] The Betting
Posted Saturday, December 30, 2000 by redend:
Newcastle win:3/1   United win:5/6  Draw:11/5  

Scores: (United to win or draw)
1-0 6/1 
2-0 13/2 
2-1 7/1 
3-0 12/1 
3-1 12/1 
3-2 25/1 
4-0 33/1 
4-1 28/1 
4-2 50/1 
5-0 100/1 
5-1 100/1 
6-0 100/1 
6-1 100/1 
0-0 8/1 
1-1 11/2 
2-2 14/1 
3-3 50/1 

And a mixture of other bets:
Ameobi to score 9/4 
Lua Lua to score 9/4 
Cordone to score 5/2 
Solano to score 3/1 
Dyer to score 3/1 
Solskjaer to score 11/8 
Scholes to score 15/8 
Healy to score 2/1 
Beckham to score 5/2 
Giggs to score 11/4 
Keane to score 4/1 
Irwin to score 11/2 
Butt to score 11/2 
Cordone hat-trick 80/1 
Dyer hat-trick 100/1 
Lua Lua hat-trick 100/1 
Ameobi hat-trick 100/1 
Yorke hat-trick 28/1 
Solskjaer hat-trick 33/1 
Scholes hat-trick 50/1 
Healy hat-trick 50/1 
Beckham hat-trick 100/1 
Speed scores a header 8/1 
Solano scores a free-kick 10/1 
Yorke scores a header 4/1 
Beckham scores a free-kick 7/1 
Marcelino to be booked 13/8 
Dyer to be booked 3/1 
Keane to be booked 6/4 
Barthez to be sent off 33/1 
A penalty scored 4/1 
A penalty missed 10/1 
A sending off 9/2 
Newcastle to receive first booking 5/6 
Man Utd to receive first booking 5/6 
No Bookings 16/1 

[1] Newcastle v United Stats (OPTA)
Posted Saturday, December 30, 2000 by redend:
Newcastle 20   United 20      Games Played
Newcastle 22   United 47      Goals scored
Newcastle 1.10 United 2.35    Ave goals per game
Newcastle 45%  United 44%     Shooting Accuracy
Newcastle 11%  United 16%     Goals to shots %
Newcastle 9034 United 10345   Passes
Newcastle 74%  United 79%     Pass completion %
Newcastle 71%  United 75%     Tackle success rate %
Newcastle 25   United 14      Goals conceded
Newcastle 1.25 United 0.70    Ave goals conceded per game
Newcastle 287  United 216     Fouls
Newcastle 24   United 21      Yellow cards
Newcastle 1    United 1       Red cards

Ref: M Riley
Fouls: 363 
Penalties: 0
Yellows: 41
Reds: 1

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