[30] New United Song
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by bar-knee:
>From Paddy O'N.

"They're a big club, they'll sing they'll scream they'll shout,
They'll sing sbout things they know fuck all about,
3000 at home to Mansfield,
What a huge support,
And when they play at home they empty Stockport,
Tra la la  la we laugh at city, hah ha ha ha ha ha"

[29] George Burley up for our game
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by bar-knee:
"We are not kidding ourselves as only half of the season is over. But  the facts speak 
for themselves. We have 33 points, we are in third  place in the league, we have the 
best away record in the Premiership  with six wins and are full of confidence.  Now we 
face our toughest test with a trip to Old Trafford but we  will be going there without 
fear.  We are making sure we are enjoying what is happening at the moment.  Things are 
going well right now and we will not let up." 

[28] Stam on his return
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Wes and Gary have done well without me, but I'm not  worried about getting my place 
back. I'm not a player who can sit on  the bench, so I'll be working extra hard to 
make sure the manager  feels I'm right to go back into the side.

Wes is already a top defender. The next few England  managers will be smiling about 
the defenders in the squad. There are  already some top-class centre-halves like 
Jonathon Woodgate and Rio  Ferdinand around, but I rate Wes right up there with them. 
If Wes keeps improving, he'll be a regular in the England squad for  the next decade.

This is the longest I've been out with an injury. I've  just returned to training with 
the first-team and it's a big relief,  as I was getting fed up with all the running on 
my own. I've lost count of the number of 400m I've run in the last few weeks  and that 
isn't my favourite part of training. I've also been shooting and jumping, and the 
Achilles is holding up  fine. It feels like it used to before the injury. It's been 
hard being out, but I was just glad to see the lads win  through to the next stage of 
the Champions League.

It's a great competition, as you come up against the top teams and 
best players. It's been frustrating, of course, but I knew from before the  operation 
that I was going to be out for a long time, so even before  the surgery I was used to 
the idea of sitting it out. A lot of other players just twist their knee or get hurt 
in a tackle  and are out for a long time, so it's a bigger shock for them than it  has 
been for me. Of course, when you're doing the same thing every day, like going  into 
the treatment room and running, it gets a bit boring.

And when you go to Old Trafford on match days and see the other lads  going out on to 
the pitch, it can get you down. But it's something I  have grown to handle. The good 
news is that it's all going to plan. The Achilles is  feeling like it used to. 
Everyone is satisfied and the gaffer and  doctor are happy with me coming back soon.

I don't mind Rio getting the most expensive tag. Nowadays that's  how it goes with 
club's playing ridiculous amounts of money. I won't say that's a ridiculous amount for 
Ferdinand in particular,  but when they paid £10m for me I said it was too much money 
for a  player. Everything has gone berserk with the transfer fees - especially with  
the fact there may be a new transfer system coming in soon. It's  definitely a risk."

[27] Sheep ripped off
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by bar-knee:
As they discover what we've had to put up for years as Anderlecht - although Leeds are 
charging just £25 for Anderlecht's visit to 
Elland Road - are charging either £40 or £50 a ticket when they go to 

[26] A gargoyle speaks
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by bar-knee:
Martin Keown as he's otherwise known.

"We've had our bad patch and come through it. All systems go. Race on. If we can do it 
at White Hart Lane, we can do it anywhere. We know we can catch Manchester United."

[25] Kanu has pop at Arse
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by bar-knee:
In a letter about missing the Olympics he writes:  "I negotiated the best I could with 
my club to attend the Sydney Olympics but they would not allow me to leave. I was 
forbidden to leave the country unless it was to play for my club. The matter was well 
and truly out of my hands. I had no powers (to decide) even though I practically moved 
between heaven and earth to get my release.

If this had not happened, I would have been at Sydney, proud to represent my country 
as I always am. I assure you that I will always try my hardest in future to be present 
for such occasions for my country".

Doesn't sound too happy.

[24] Get on the petition
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by bar-knee:
'Fed up of the ever spiralling cost of your Season Ticket LMTB or match day ticket? 
Can't afford to take the next generation of Reds along due to the cost? Then don't 
hesitate do your bit and support IMUSA in this campaign.

IMUSA Online Petition

IMUSA wish to see no ticket price rises for the 2001/2002 season. If you support IMUSA 
in their campaign, please sign the petition below at

(link:http://www.imusa.org/petition/index.htm) http://www.imusa.org/petition/index.htm

IMUSA want to see match ticket prices frozen in the short term, & in the longer term 
IMUSA wish to see prices reduced, especially in certain categories eg Younger fans. 
The February board meeting is the time when prices are set for the following season, 
so we need to act now and encourage every United fan we know to visit the website, 
sign the petition and add your comments, we MUST make our points count and voices 

[23] Player rules out Utd move
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by bar-knee:
No, not Palermo - a class striking act who I've seen a bit of and looks the part 
(dodgy haircut apart) but Hidetoshi Nakata one time apparent Utd target who has said: 
"I like English football, but with all respect to a great team like  Manchester 
United, I would prefer to play in London - from a touristic point of view."

You what? 

"With Roma I have got used to a certain level and I would like to 
continue to play for a team capable of winning trophies" 

(so why think of London then?)

"I  am fine at Roma right now, even if I don't play much, and I am only  considering a 
transfer at the end of the season."

(big head) 

"I don't want to repeat the error I made when I left Perugia for Roma 
half-way through the season (in January 2000). I needed four months  to adapt and then 
the championship was nearly over."

[22] The sad git in Red is a prat, from cheek to cheek
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by bar-knee:
Sander Westerveld: "I'd heard of Chris  de Burgh before I came over to England. He's 
very famous in Holland  and all over the world. Chris is a big Liverpool fan, who 
often comes  to our home games. He goes into the players' lounge at Anfield, and  
because of that I've got to know him personally after meeting him for  the first time 
last season.  Chris couldn't resist mentioning our result against Manchester  United 
at his concert, even though he was playing in Manchester. I  think there must have 
been a lot of Liverpool supporters in the crowd  because there was a big cheer when he 
talked of the game, and people  began to sing, `One-nil'." 

Truly sad ABUs - and no wonder there wasn't any boos at the result - what Red would be 
seen dead at that concert.

[21] Fergie on his treatment of Phil Nev after Euro 2000
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by bar-knee:
"I didn't phone Phil after the game for the simple reason that I  thought this was a 
challenge for him. He's a  young lad, a quiet lad. I wanted him to show his own 
spirit.  Back at training I had a chat and told him why I hadn't phoned him.  I think 
there are watersheds in everyone's life and this was one for  him.

This season Phil has probably played his best football for the club.  So sometimes 
through adversity you find the true person - and I think  that is the case with Phil."

[20] Scholes wants to stay a Red
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by bar-knee:
"All you can do is wait and see what happens. A couple of players  could go, and the 
manager's going in a couple of years, so obviously 
there will be changes. You've just got to wait and see if you are in favour  with the 
new manager and if you get on with him. You just never know  until it happens. I'd 
like to think I wouldn't have to play for  anyone else - I want to stay there and just 
play for United really.  As long as they want me, that's what I'll be doing. 

I think there was a little bit of luck involved with us all coming  through together, 
because it hasn't happened at many other clubs.  We've all come through together from 
when we were 15 or 16, nine or  ten years ago now, and we're very fortunate to still 
be playing  together now. 

We know the league won't be easy. That's  our aim. Obviously, we hope to go a long way 
in the Champions League  too, hopefully win it, but we've got a very difficult group 
with  Valencia, Panathinaikos and Sturm Graz. We just want to get through  that to 
begin with."

[19] A festive joke for you all
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by bar-knee:
>From our Irish correspondent: 

"Here's this year's christmas joke amongst Irish United fans.  Heard it in a pub the 
other night (you may have heard we frequent public houses quite a lot in this country 
as well). It's either the worst or best joke ever, depending on your sense of humour...

Two City fans, a husband and wife, are walking through Manchester city centre when the 
bloke says, "Was that a drop of rain I just felt?"  "No", said his missus, "I think it 
was sleet." "No it wasn't," said the bitter blue to his wife, "I know the difference 
between rain and sleet."  Just then, they met Rudolph, a neighbour of theirs and 
die-hard United fan. "Alright there Rudolph, what do you think of the weather?" "I 
think it's raining you twat!", replied Rudolph.  "No, I'm sure that's sleet, not 
rain," said the woman, to which her husband replied...

"Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear!"

[18] Neil Ruddock spotted on holiday?
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by bar-knee:
'Scientists searching for Bigfoot in the US have found a bum print 
that could belong to the mythical creature. Researchers from the Bigfoot Field 
Researchers Organisation found the  indent in the mud of Washington state, in the 
north-west of the  country. They say the print is of a bottom, and a big hairy one at  
that. Whatever caused it had sat down and left quite an impression and also  left a 
toeprint like an ape.'

[17] Becks wants return to style
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by bar-knee:
"It is important we get back to winning ways. We didn't play as well as we should have 
done against Liverpool but at the end of the day Ipswich is another big game for us at 
home, a game we have got to win. They did well against us when we drew at Portman Road 
and they've proved a lot of people wrong.

It is a demanding time. Playing four matches in nine days is an important period for 
any team. As players we get used to it but it is a tough programme. But as long as we 
do well and get the results we need then that is the important thing. If we get 
through these first three Christmas games with good performances and good results then 
that will put us in good stead for going into the New Year.

We don't usually have a good spell over Christmas so it is up to us to get through 
these games and get good results this time. Up to Liverpool we had been playing well. 
We've played some great football all season and we've started to play well in Europe. 
Five points clear in the league and two European wins. It is going well for us.

But we are not carried away and listening to those people who are saying that Man 
United have already won it. We just carry on with our jobs."

[16] Fergie up for award, again
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Sir Alex Ferguson is on a nine man shortlist for an international Manager of the Year 
award, along with Arsene Wenger and David O'Leary. The award is presented by the 
International Federation of Football History and Statistics (IFFHS) and the list of 
nominations also include Lazio's England coach-elect Sven Goran Eriksson. The full 
list of nominees is thus:- Arsene Wenger (Arsenal), Ottmar Hitzfeld (Bayern Munich), 
Carlos Bianchi (Boca Juniors), Oswaldo de Oliveira Filho (Corinthians), Fatih Terim 
(Fiorentina), David O'Leary (Leeds), Alex Ferguson (Manchester United), Vincente del 
Bosque (Real Madrid) and Hector Cuper (Valencia)."


[15] Celtic wish they'd never had Dalglish
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by bar-knee:
Soon to be departing Celtic chairman Allan MacDonald said: "I felt bringing in Kenny 
was something we needed to do because he was a Celtic man who had enjoyed success in 
the most competitive league in the world. With hindsight, I wish I had never done it. 
In terms of Kenny the man I still have enormous respect for him. In  terms of his 
ability to manage a top football team, I don't think that is his forte."

[14] Scouser fears Utd revenge
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by bar-knee:
Gary McAllister: "It is obvious United will be smarting right now from what happened 
on Sunday - I certainly don't envy their opponents! United were pegged back by 
Charlton and now we have beaten them. I now expect United to kick on - it is what they 
have regularly done in the past. Manchester United are class and they are still the 
team to beat but  let's just stop and think for a minute because here we are at 
Christmas approaching the halfway stage of the season. Nothing is ever cut and dried 
at this stage of any campaign - United know this. There is still a huge amount to play 
for and there will be more shocks and surprises along the way - these are guaranteed. 
Hopefully we at Liverpool can string more good results together and  be up there with 
them. ur win has certainly given us and others the chance to have a real go. 
Consistency, however, is the key factor, especially when you are up  against 
Manchester United - I have total respect for them. Whatever happens, whoever wins it's 
sure to be  interesting and the title race is still open."

[13] Forget Houston, Red News we have had a problem
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by bar-knee:
The Editor's computer basically died on him yesterday and although efforts have meant 
he's up and running again to spend his sad idea of a Christmas typing away day and 
night in front of a screen - he has basically lost everything on his old files - so if 
anyone sent an e.mail to him at


he'd be grateful if they could re-send it again and anyone who he is in regular 
contact with he requests can they send him an e.mail so he can re-store their e.mail 
addresses. These bloody computers! Apologies in advance if you've sent him something 
and it's now in computer heaven!

[12] Editor in meltdown
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by tb:
The editors trusty piece of fruit has blown up, and he is seeing if any of the pips 
can be re-assembled. Therefore the news maybe a bit slow.

[11] Anyone who wants a 5 pounds Amazon gift voucher
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by redend:
Anyone who wants to receive a 5 pound Amazon gift token - just send an email to:

Only a limited number are available per month so don't bother if you're not likely to 
use it soon as they expire after about 30 days.

It helps RED NEWS too - especially if you buy something through a link from our site 
like the featured items in the top right corner - or the Amazon links below them 
("MORE ITEMS") and the graphic above the main news frame.

We need money for alcohol etc or we will die.

[10] Yorkie's Xmas plans up the spout
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by redend:
Yorkie normally has the relatives over from Trinidad for Christmas and he was looking 
forward to getting them to come and watch him blow shotgun's team away at Villa Park 
on Boxing Day. But now that sending off at Sunderland has spoilt his plans. Still - 
bet he has something nice lined up in Christmas stockings.

"Missing a return to Villa Park is a big blow for me. I am having the family over for 
that and so it is very disappointing that I'll now be in the stand. It is nice in some 
ways when people are over to have Christmas off but I really would prefer to be 
playing. I just want to be out there again. I want to be part of it."

"I haven't played a lot this season and once this suspension is over I just want to 
play every game from there on in. The suspension is disappointing coming at a time 
when I was beginning to think I was on a bit of a roll again. I'd scored against Derby 
and Sunderland and had been given the opportunity to get back into the team. Then this 
hits me."

"At first I thought the red card was harsh. But I saw the replay on TV and I did go 
over the top a little bit. I did apologise to him. It was one of those situations that 
happened in the heat of the moment and luckily he was okay. I'm the one paying for it 
now and I can't wait for it to be over."

Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by redend:

Pensioners in Liverpool are to be given vouchers to pay for the cost of festive meals 
after the council announced that all recipients of meals on wheels will receive a 
voucher that can be exchanged for two festive meals,worth £5 each, at any time of the 
year. [Makes sense then]

[8] Statto Attack - The assistants
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by redend:
David Beckham 6 
Ryan Giggs 6 
Thierry Henry 6 
Teddy Sheringham 5 
Frederic Kanoute 5 
Seth Johnson 4 
Jim Magilton 4 
Lee Bowyer 4 
Alan Smith 4 
Gary McAllister 4 
Vladimir Smicer 4 
Paulo Wanchope 4 
Paul Scholes 4 
Hassan Kachloul 4 
Darren Anderton 4 
Paolo DiCanio 4

[7] Eric told Fergie to buy Barthez
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by redend:
Fergie has been singing Fabien's praises again nad has revealed how Eric was 
instrumental in persuading him to buy the insane Frenchman.

Fergie: "I should have gone for Barthez before I did. Eric Cantona used to keep 
telling me to go for him. 'If you are needing a goalkeeper, he is the man,' he kept 
saying. I thought he was a bit small but Eric said that is absolutely never a problem 
for him. He said his spring is magnificent."

"What I didn't realise, and what you sometimes don't know about people you have never 
worked with them, is the great love he had for the game as well as the fans at Monaco. 
But the enthusiasm he has shown since coming here has been an 
absolute revelation. This is a guy who has won the World Cup, European Championship, 
the European Cup and five championships with Monaco and Marseille and yet he is dying 
to win his next thing. It is fantastic to see someone with that desire."

It was Eric who told Fergie that Barthez was unsettled in Monaco.

"Eric said to me that Barthez was not happy at Monaco and he had regretted not signing 
a contract last season. We had made an enquiry at that time but he signed a new 
contract with Monaco. So I asked Eric to get me more information. Eventually we got 
the news back that he did want to leave so my decision at the end was should we go for 
him. We did and he has been marvellous."

[Not sure about the wall against the Scousers though]

[6] Clinton's Pussy gets the drinks in
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by redend:
Bill's bar bill has been repaid by his cat 

The owner of a London pub where Bill Clinton had lunch last week has received a letter 
from the US president's cat.

The pub's owner Michael Bell has had a letter signed by the president's pet cat, Sox. 
Mr Bell received a $10 bill purported to be from Clinton's pet cat - reports The 

The note reads: "Please forgive me. I thought I'd trained my human better, but every 
now and again I catch him going on the carpet. Hope this settles his tab[by?]." 

On the other hand this could be a very easy way for two hacks to get a story. While 
sitting in the pub they write out this note - get the landlord to agree to the story 
and bingo their work done for another day and they can enjoy a few more shandies.

[5] FA Cup is exciting Fergie
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by redend:
Fergie won't be playing the kids in the cup - he's getting quite excited about it by 
the sounds of things. Speaking on MUTV he said: 
"We're going for it. We are going to enjoy it and, hopefully, have a good run. It is a 
special cup. It is the most prestigious and exciting cup in the world. Not being in 
the FA Cup last year was unfortunate. I don't see how we could have done it. The pure 
facts were there was no way I was going to play the youth team in the FA Cup. I am not 
here to destroy careers, I am here to build careers."

"It would have been an onerous task for any young team to go into the fourth round, 
presuming we would have won the opening third round tie with our strongest side in 
December. I made the right decision but this year we are going to go for it."

Fabien Barthez and Mikael Silvestre will be maknig their debuts in the FA Cup at 

[4] Keane has gone to Leeds 
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by redend:
Robbie Keane has gone to Elland Road on loan until the end of the season.

[3] United Euro spanking
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by redend:
United have been fined £2,000 by UEFA for "improper conduct" during the Champions 
League clash with PSV Eindhoven last October.

The Reds triumphed 3-1 in the Old Trafford encounter - but it came at a 5,000 Swiss 
Francs cost. 

So what exactly is "improper conduct" then? Winning? Eating prawn sandwiches? Being 
any good? We think we should be told.

[2] Palermo stories growing
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by redend:
MiDAS report that Argentinean superstar Martin Palermo arrived at Old Trafford for 
talks regarding a £12m move to United.

And Teamtalk join in saying that Palermo's agent has confirmed two big English clubs 
are vying for the Boca Juniors striker who was rumoured to be in Manchester for talks. 
Sources suggest the two clubs are United and Chelsea who may have to beat off bids 
from top sides from Italy and Germany for the £12 million-rated ace.

And it is also strongly believed that Palermo left Buenos Aires on Tuesday night for 
England, so the rumour of his presence in Manchester could be true. South America's 
premier football agent Gustavo Mascardi told 'Radio La Red': "From what I know, it's 
just a theory. In England, a team is interested in him. Then hours ago, another team 
made an offer via his agent Antonio Caliendo. When offers come in from these clubs, 
players tend to leave without thinking twice. However, I feel it would be best to wait 
until next summer." 

Apparently Palermo is currently seeking only £15,000-a-week (peanuts eh!) so even the 
PLC would be aroused by this. The 27-year-old striker has been linked with United 
before, and was tipped to make a move to Lazio last season but the move broke down 
when he suffered an injury. 

Palermo scored both goals in Boca's 2-1 victory over European Champions Real Madrid in 
the recent Intercontinental Cup clash. He is also the player who had that hilarious 
hat-trick of missed penalties in last year's Copa America.

The Argentine season has just finished and the 6ft 3in tall Palermo was, again, Boca 
Juniors top scorer. Boca won the treble - which is nice.

[1] An anniversary present for city 
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2000 by redend:
An anniversary present for city from TSJ productions:


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