[19] Ok, own up
Posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 by tb:
Anyone we know?

Police have urged people not to clog up emergency phone lines during the festive 
period after a caller dialled 999 and asked: "Can you get me home? I'm drunk."

[18] Gregory praises Utd
Posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 by tb:
As Shotgun says:

"I think it's a foregone conclusion - unless Barcelona come with a late run!

"They showed yet again against us what an excellent side they are and their results 
this season prove they are much better than anyone else.

"They just keep plugging away and, as biased as I am towards my team, I have to give 
credit where it is due - and there is a lot due to Manchester United.

"I have got no complaints about the result although United missed the kind of 
gilt-edged chances that they normally stick away.

"When that was happening I thought it might be our day and we could get away with a 
point but they were excellent over the 90 minutes.

"What was disappointing for me was the way we passed the ball although once again I 
couldn't fault our effort."

[17] More praise for Ole
Posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 by tb:
As Fergie says:

"He could have scored four today but he is a magnificent finisher and he put away a 
really good header."

[16] Fergie not getting carried away 
Posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 by tb:
"By New Year we will know where any challenge is going to come from but I don't think 
anyone in mid-table then can win the League from there.

"We won't get carried away. We will just keep battling away and try and get as many 
points on the board as we can."

Ferguson admitted: "When it was 0-0 with five minutes to go I thought it was going to 
be one of those days.

"But my players always keep going and driving on and looking for a goal when other 
teams might settle for 0-0."

[15] More Petit rumours
Posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 by tb:
This time from the Indy:

Emmanuel Petit is keen to sign for Manchester United and end his misery with the 
Spanish giants Barcelona. 

Petit's move from Arsenal has turned into a disaster and now he has put the feelers 
out about a sensational return to English football at Old Trafford. The Frenchman 
would prefer to go to United despite opportunities to join Chelsea or Fulham. He has 
been using his friends in the game to make contact with the champions. 

Sir Alex Ferguson is a big fan of Petit, once revealing he was the Premiership 
opponent he feared most, but any deal could come down to finance. Barcelona paid £8m 
for the 30-year-old and would have to slash that fee before United would invest in a 
player of his age. 

Hints that Petit may quit football entirely in the summer may be designed to worry 
Barça and force them to take less for him now. Petit is also on a huge salary at the 
Nou Camp and those terms would have to come down to fit within United's pay scales, 
but that should not be a major complication. 

United could only use Petit in domestic games. He has already played for Barcelona in 
the Champions' League and would be ineligible for them. However, Ferguson could be 
tempted as he has no cover for his captain, Roy Keane, and is looking for 
reinforcements at the back, where Petit has been performing this term. 

[14] Priceless Giggsy
Posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 by tb:
By Ken Lawrence in the Moral:

Ryan Giggs arrives at Villa Park today having confirmed himself as the one, true total 
footballer in the Premier-ship and a player even more important to Manchester United 
than his close friend and colleague David Beckham. 
The Welshman's devastating performance against Ipswich on Saturday suggested that he 
can play anywhere. 

A multi-functional exponent of the beautiful game, Giggs may have made his name as a 
wiry left winger but will soon complete the decade of development that had made him 
the embodiment of his side's success. 

Ipswich, the side with the best away record in the Premiership, were undone by Ole 
Gunnar Solskjaer, who scored two stunning goals in the space of 11 first-half minutes, 
both emanating from driven through balls delivered by Beckham. 

But it was Giggs who really terrorised George Burley's team at Old Trafford. If, as 
seems likely, he is again deployed in the role of central attacker against Aston 
Villa, the warm glow they felt after beating Leeds United will be chilled by the fear 
of taking on a player whom the Ipswich manager deemed 'unplayable'. 

Giggs, who will complete 10 years in the United side in March, was as comfortable, 
composed and creative playing alongside Solskjaer as he looks in his more accustomed 
left-wing berth. 

He has also been utilised as a midfielder given freedom to run from deep positions, as 
a right-winger and even, when the chips have been down, as a defensive flank man. 

His crosses may sometimes be somewhat short of those delivered by Beckham but Giggs 
has more pace to dart past defenders, whether it be on the wing or in a midfield 
traffic jam, and the power in the air that have brought him several goals. 

Beckham, of course, has a deserved reputation as the best crosser of a ball in the 
world, while his commitment and leadership skills have now made him England captain. 
More demonstrative both off and on the field than the unassuming Giggs, Beckham makes 
more noise. More people notice him. 

But when United lost their first home Premiership game in two years against Liverpool 
nine days ago, Beckham's talents were negated because he had no-one to aim at in the 
absence of the suspended Dwight Yorke - who completes his ban today - and Teddy 
Sheringham, who is still suffering from a groin injury. 

Gerard Houllier's team also clogged up the midfield and Giggs, who began the Liverpool 
game wide on the left, was eventually brought into the centre. 

While there was to be no success on that occasion, the hour in which he worked with 
Solskjaer helped him develop a rapport with the Norwegian. That relationship went on 
to dismantle Ipswich and will give Sir Alex Ferguson yet another exciting attacking 

Ipswich captain Matt Holland had this warning for the Villa defenders: 'The way Giggs 
played was remarkable, almost like he was made for that central role. His speed of 
thought and of action is incredible and I believe he could play anywhere. 

'When he has the ball at his feet, his pace is outstanding and he also has more 
strength than would first appear. He is very difficult to force off the ball.' 

Bury-born Holland, a former Stretford Ender, added: 'With a player like that coming at 
you, tackling becomes too difficult. In the box you simply can't afford to make a 
mistake and I think our manager was right - how do you play someone like that? 

'There are very few teams, if any, who could have handled him, or the way his runs 
provided room for others.' 

Giggs was required for only 59 minutes against Ipswich before Ferguson began making 
stamina-saving substitutions as his side cruised to an eight-point lead at the top of 
the Premiership. 

By darting here, there, and everywhere across the line of defenders, Giggs created 
constant confusion. Sometimes he would drop deep to gather the ball; on other 
occasions he would make a bounding run forward. 

Solskjaer, of course, enjoyed the freedom created by his new partner and his pairing 
with Giggs not only suggests Villa can expect more of the same today but that the new 
formation could be exploited when the Champions League resumes in February. 

It also makes pointless any interest Barcelona may have in Giggs, who insists that 
when discussions begin in earnest on his new contract, he will not be difficult to 
deal with. 

He would say that, of course, because he rarely takes himself seriously and values his 
connection with Ferguson and United so much. But if any of those currently awaiting 
contract talks were able to name their price to remain, Giggs would surely be most 
likely to succeed. 

Beckham or Paul Scholes might command transfer fees of at least £30million each. But 
Giggs is simply priceless.

[13] Oops!
Posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 by tb:
THIEVES who stole a BMW estate car leased to Mersey Region Ambulance 
are being warned the drugs stored on board the vehicle are 
potentially fatal.

The car was taken from the driveway of a house in south Liverpool 
during the early hours of yesterday and among the items was a full 
paramedic uniform.

It is believed the thieves may not have realised the vehicle was an 
ambulance as it was unmarked and appeared to be just a normal estate 

The silver grey 318SE, registration number S105 ENM was stolen from 
outside a house on Rudston Road, Childwall, between midnight and 6am.

A Merseyside Police spokesman said: "There is a range of drugs in a 
bag which was left in the rear as well as intravenous needles, a 
resuscitation kit and a defibralator.

"Among the drugs inside include Atropine, Aspirin, Diazamule, 
Lignocaine, Narcan and Salbutamol.

"These drugs, either individually or together, have the potential to 
kill and we would urge anyone who knows where the vehicle is or who 
was responsible for the theft to contact their nearest police 

[12] Safe Standing latest
Posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 by tb:
Whilst understanding the sensitivity of the standing debate to the Hillsborough Family 
Support Group, a debate based on fact rather than emotion is what is needed. Hoey 
should at least be applauded for sticking her neck out (not common in a politician) 
for rasing the standard of the debate. The below article is from Ananova.

STANDING areas must never return to England's top flight clubs, 
members of the Hillsborough Family Support Group said last night.

They were reacting to a suggestion from Sports Minister Kate Hoey 
that limited standing places could be re-introduced to Premiership 

Families of victims of the 1989 disaster responded angrily after Ms 
Hoey commented she would consider bringing back safely-designed 
standing areas using new technology and would like to see a pilot 
scheme introduced.

But a spokesman for the Sports Minister said she was prepared to meet 
with relatives of the victims to discuss their concerns. 

Support group chairman Trevor Hicks, whose two daughters Sarah, 19 
and Victoria, 15, were among the 96 victims at Hillsborough 
said: "There are no technical, economic or safety reasons why we 
should bring back terraces.

"We are struggling to believe the insensitivity of Ms Hoey's remarks 
at such an emotionally difficult time for our families over 

"We have already asked our supporters to contact their MPs to oppose 
any moves to bring standing terraces back as the first step in our 
campaign to prevent this act of folly. They say technology has moved 
on since 1989 but it is our view that no terraces are safe.

"Everybody said the Hillsborough ground was safe and look what 

And her arguments sparked a ministerial row when Culture Secretary 
Chris Smith, insisted the government stood firm on its committment to 
all-seater stadiums.

Ms Hoey made her comments in an interview on BBC1's Weekend Watchdog 

She said: "What this is about really is whether it is possible if the 
clubs and certain supporters want it - to have pilots perhaps of safe 
designed standing areas, very small and well-controlled."

And she was adamant there would be no return to large scale terraces 
holding thousands of supporters that could lead to surges and 

Ms Hoey added she had been impressed with a German scheme in Hamburg 
where new technology allowed parts of the ground to be converted from 
seated into standing room.

Her suggestions have met with support from other quarters of the 
footballing community.

Sir Rodney Walker, the new Wembley chairman, backed the the 
introduction of standing areas.

He said: "I know Kate Hoey is a minister who listens to the fans and 
they have never stopped saying they wish there was some standing 
terracing available for them."

Malcolm Clarke, the Chairman of the Football Supporters Association 
said: "We support proposals to introduce small pockets of standing 

"What is misleading about people's reaction to standing room is such 
terraces already exist at large numbers of lower division football 
grounds, rugby league and union clubs and huge pop concert venues."

And Rogan Taylor, the Director of the Football Research Unit at 
Liverpool University added: "The usefulness of Kate Hoey's remarks is 
that she has brought the issue into the open and shown that most 
Premiership clubs are at the moment hiding behind a 'fig leaf' by 
saying it isn't safe to have standing room."

But he added he did not expect club backers who have spent millions 
of pounds building new all-seater stadia to be prepared to convert 
them to standing room.

[11] Fergie - always on the look out
Posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 by tb:
Liverpool and Chelsea currently house the cream of Premiership talent outside Old 
Trafford - according to Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson.

The man who has guided United through a decade of dominance in English football and a 
crowning glory in Europe's Champions League last year is satisfied that he has 
"probably half-a-dozen genuine international class" players in his own squad.

But that does not stop him casting an envious eye elsewhere - and it most often 
alights on Anfield and Stamford Bridge, to judge by his comments in the Daily 

Perhaps the most surprising inclusion in his wish list, though, is West Ham's fiery 
Italian Paolo di Canio whom he rates a "marvellous player" well capable of 
representing his country despite what Ferguson terms as the "baggage" he carries with 

Di Canio is joined by two more predictable picks from Chelsea in Frenchman Marcel 
Desailly and the West Ham forward's fellow Italian Gianfranco Zola - while Liverpool's 
German wing-back Markus Babbel and his team-mates Patrik Berger and Vladimir Smicer 
from the Czech Republic also fall into Ferguson's top category along with Arsenal's 
Patrick Vieira.

The United boss said: "Vieira has now established himself as the best midfielder the 
French have.

"Marcel Desailly has proved himself at the top level. I would say Gianfranco Zola is 
definitely international class but he doesn't play for Italy.

"I know there is always a bit of baggage with Paolo di Canio, but he is a marvellous 
player -international class. He should also be playing for Italy."

David O'Leary's expensively assembled Leeds squad cuts less ice with Ferguson, with 
the notable exception of Harry Kewell.

Instead Anfield is clearly the place where Ferguson sees most to interest him - 
although he conspicuously leaves out any mention of England forward Robbie Fowler who 
is the man so often recently linked with a move to Old Trafford.

"At Liverpool, Markus Babbel is international standard - at wing-back. Definitely 
Patrik Berger and Vladimir Smicer, a good player for the Czech Republic.

Asked about Leeds, he added: "I am not so sure. Harry Kewell is without doubt the star 
in that team. Him coming back makes them a better team.

"He's very good. It's a pity he's Australian because he is the best young player in 

[10] Final score
Posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 by tb:
Villa 0 Utd 1 (Ole -85 mins)

After being completely in control without having anything to show for it for most of 
the game, Ole came up trumps from a typical Becks cross with 5 minutes to go. Great 
save by Fab from Bob de Bilde just beforehand. 

[9] Scholesy in the Moral
Posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 by tb:
"It's the England team and I'd like to see them with an English manager.

"I don't know why they didn't give Peter the job full-time instead of just asking him 
to take care of things for a while, especially as he's English.

"Peter seems a really nice bloke and a good manager."

Read the above quotes carefully. Now tell me how the Moral manage to get a 'Scholes 
criticises Eriksson'headline out of it? The Moral foreigner bashing, surely not!

[8] More from Fergie
Posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Both Phil Neville and Nicky Butt are  probably playing the best football they have 
ever played for the club...Nicky Butt is also playing his best football ever. He has 
been absolutely fantastic this season. What you are  getting is a maturity from the 
players who have been brought up at  this club. They've always had that ability and 
desire to do well but until you  get authority you don't understand what maturity is. 
I think they are  getting authority in their game now and it is good to see it."

[7] Shotgun Gregory on differences at Villa & Utd
Posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 by bar-knee:
"The trouble here is that the chairman thinks we're like Manchester 
United, but acts small. We have to put up with that. He thinks we're  the only club in 
the area, and that everybody has to support Aston  Villa.  He [Ellis] expects 
everybody to come to us automatically. He's stuck  in a time-warp, which does make 
things more difficult. We're dragging  him, kicking and screaming, into the 

[6] Possible Utd team
Posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 by bar-knee:
Abd remember whilst we were stuffing our faces and reaching 'one more wafer thin mint 
sir?'stages, the Utd players were deep in a training session.

Possible United: Barthez, P.Neville, Silvestre, Brown, G.Neville, Keane, Scholes, 
Beckham, Giggs, Fortune, Solskjaer. 
Subs (from): van der Gouw, Wallwork, Greening, Chadwick, Healy, Butt or Irwin.

[5] Fergie will back his replacement
Posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 by bar-knee:
"The important thing is there's a great structure at the club, and  I'm sure they will 
pick the right man. He will get my 100  per cent support because I'm a United man." 

[4] Idle transfer talk
Posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 by bar-knee:
In the SUN you may be suprised to hear. This time about Bosnich - first mention in a 
while - moving to Monaco.

A source at Monaco said: "Bosnich has been watched on several 
occasions but the club believed he wouldn't be prepared to move from 
United.  However, things have apparently changed.  Fabien has been very impressed with 
his attitude since he found  himself completely out of favour at Old Trafford and a 
£2m bid is on  the cards."

[3] Fergie - I don't want to talk to you lot
Posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 by bar-knee:
No, not us (you know our number Sir Alex!) but the seagulls.

"That's the one part I will not miss I can assure you, the media 
attention of the club. A lot of people criticise us for not being media friendly, 
which  for my mind is a load of nonsense. We give as much as we need to give  and 
that's all you have to do. If I were to do all the interviews and the players had to 
give all  their interviews that they had to do then we would not win a game, there's 
no question about that.

It's insatiable the interest in this place. You have to be tough.  You have to say 
we're not doing this or we're not doing that and  we're not doing the next thing and 
get on with the job of preparing  to play important games. I include myself and 
sometimes a Friday is agony. You've got them  all - radio, TV, Sundays, dailies and 
evenings and it's very, very  difficult."

Just do what we do - don't answer the phone!

[2] Blomqvist later - is the truth out there
Posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 by bar-knee:
As Fergie says of Jesper Blomqvist: "Jesper's nowhere near a return. He's not even 
ready to  start training with the first team yet unfortunately. I had hoped he'd be on 
his way back next month but that's not  materialised. He's only really at the remedial 
stage. He's improving  but he's not really at where I thought he would be.

It is desperately disappointing for him. It's not easy to cope with  what he's gone 
through, it's difficult when you haven't played for a  year and a half. We are just 
going to have to wait and see with him.  I am not going to put any time schedule on 

Sadly this seems to back up rumours we've had in RN about the possibility of May 26th 
1999 actually being his last game for Utd. We hope not but there just doesn't seem to 
be an improvement - and this likeable player looks like he's back to square one again.

[1] Pie in the Sky fantasy
Posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 by bar-knee:
And whoever in whichever pub set this rumour off surely can't believe it got as far as 
Joe Royle having to deny that city were about to make a bid for Dwight Yorke - as if!

But Potatohead said: "This is just not true. It's not even agents stirring the pot."

[3] Kenyon in S.E. Tier 2 on Sat
Posted Monday, December 25, 2000 by redend:
The Chief Exec of the PLC sat in Tier 2 of the Stretty on Saturday. We understand this 
was broadly in response to consultaton with IMUSA about atmsophere and stewarding etc.

At half time he even appeared underneath  the stand - by the bars - where he answered 
questions amongst the sweaty Stella monsters (aka Jonah). Much of the talk surrounded 
Special Projects Security and how most supporters had lost all trust in them and would 
actually prefer GM Police now.

There was a particularly sweet moment for this RN agent as the purple jacketed chief 
steward (who I'd recently had a run in with) appeared on the scene. His face matched 
his jacket as he tried to fix a false smile while watching Kenyon nodding in agreement 
as the SPS etc. were criticised.

Will it make any difference? Well - you have to admit that Kenyon is making a lot of 
effort - and will probably be flexible on prety much anything as long as it doesn't 
directly impact negatively on PLC profits. The honeymoon is not over yet.

Posted Monday, December 25, 2000 by bar-knee:
Very merry Christmas to all of you - hope you all have a good one with our very best 
wishes. Just to prove the point we've dusted down the Red News joke book for an 
ancient cracker.

What do city and a turkey have in common?

They both get stuffed at Xmas!

To those of you who were expecting a pair of socks from santa but instead got a 
computer and are new to this site - a big hello. www.rednews.co.uk brings you news 365 
days a year, updated throughout the 24 hours in a day (wow...), keeping you ban 
up-to-date with goings on involving United. The fanzine and web site run alongside 
each other but with different content - what you see here is different to the mag and 
vice versa. Have a look around the site for features including match reports for the 
reserves and first team, a shop section and photo gallery - and bookmark 
www.rednews.co.uk on your online options.

Anyway, see you at Villa hopefully but wherever you are in the world reading this, we 
really do hope you have a good one and remember - there's nothing on earth to match 
Manchester United!

[1] Team news for Villa game
Posted Monday, December 25, 2000 by bar-knee:
'Aston Villa welcome back Dion Dublin... The striker missed Saturday's victory over 
Leeds due to his wife giving birth to a daughter on Friday night. Midfielder Ian 
Taylor (hamstring) and striker Julian Joachim (broken toe) are ruled out.

United are without the suspended Dwight Yorke and Teddy Sheringham misses out again 
with a hamstring injury. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and Ryan Giggs are likely to team up in 
attack again. Nicky Butt is available again after sitting out the 2-0 win over Ipswich 
with an ankle injury.'

[14] Team from Ipswich
Posted Sunday, December 24, 2000 by bar-knee:
Barthez, Gary Nev, Phil Nev, Brown, Silvestre (getting better all the time), Beckham 
(great passes), Keane, Scholes, Fortune (off day), Ole, Giggs (subs, Wallwork, 
Greening, Healy).

Goals - Ole, 20,32

And what was that new dj on about yesterday when he announced the crowd - 67,597 
'crowd for a festive feast of football' was his exact quote - come back Keith Fane all 
is forgiven!

[13] Houllier thinks it will be 11 years and counting
Posted Sunday, December 24, 2000 by bar-knee:
"I don't think Manchester United will drop 10 points in the second half of the season. 
I still regret that we are possibly five or six points short if we are to have a run 
at the Champions League. Even if we have beaten them, it doesn't mean we are at 
Manchester United's level. We are not. But this team will get better in the second 
half of the season." 

Scousers must be doing their nuts listening to him continually praising us!

[12] Compare and contrast Utd '68 to Utd 2000
Posted Sunday, December 24, 2000 by bar-knee:
Fergie and Bobby Charlton do.

"This is the best side this club has ever had. I have spoken to Bobby about this a 
couple of times and he probably shares that opinion.  It is difficult to compare eras. 
But the number of games they have got, the media profile they have nowadays, these 
players handle it very well. The statistics point to that also. They have surpassed 
the '68 team. The '58 team, no one knows. That probably would have been the greatest 
team ever, but no one knows. 

The point about this team is that it is not me that has to make the decisions about 
their place in football history. They will do that themselves. If they keep that 
momentum going, keep winning, eventually people will say it's a terrific team. 

At the moment there will still be some discerning, reluctant voice about how well they 
have done. The important thing, the vital ingredient, is that hunger they have got, 
wanting to achieve. That's what pleases me. And when you have seen them growing up 
together. It's terrific.' 

My players want to win, they have great pride, they are hungry. The hunger they have 
got is nothing to do with putting bread on the table or getting £1 million in the 
bank. It is about trying to achieve things, and then strive for other things. They 
have been great that way.  You always hope there is a percentage, an inch of 
improvement to come. That is the way life is. We have got to be like that, it's a 
moving bus, we can't wait for people. 

I think the maturity this team has shown is the main reason for that. The players have 
grown up together, it's a good team now, a really good team.  The team spirit has got 
better. They have forged a lot of friendships that are going to last, there is a good 
spirit in the dressing room. Even when a player is left out, they are sharing in his 
disappointment, because they are friends. 

And if a player is left out, he is supporting the player who has got his position. I 
think that is unusual in modern football.

After New Year we will have a good indication of where the main challenges are coming 
from, by the halfway stage. If we can be in first place on New Year's Day when we play 
West Ham, we will have a big chance then.  As chasing teams, I don't think you can 
ever give up on these things. Look at '98 when we were 12 points ahead of Arsenal and 
they won the league from us. You can't say for certain. 

But I would like to think, unless we have a catastrophe of an injury list, that if 
we're 12 points ahead this year we won't lose it."

[11] Fergie on Ole
Posted Sunday, December 24, 2000 by bar-knee:
"The two goals from Ole Gunnar were absolutely magnificent, particularly the second 
goal which was absolutely stunning. You always feel when he's near the penalty box 
you've got a chance of scoring. He's deadly, a marvellous player."

[10] You couldn't make it up...
Posted Sunday, December 24, 2000 by bar-knee:
The whole nation was talking about the standing debate and what is the top news story 
on the official site?  See below!

'MUDA's Superpools in the Community scheme received a major boost this week with the 
delivery of a new van. Matthew Morton of Volkswagen UK kindly presented the vehicle to 
Carol Kirby at Old Trafford, aided by Matthew Johnstone of Smith Knight Fay. The van 
will enable MUDA to tour the districts where the Superpools lottery is promoted and 
ultimately raise more money for stadium improvements and for local children's 

[9] Giggs fancies staying
Posted Sunday, December 24, 2000 by bar-knee:
"It's the success and sustaining it that drives players on here. There are other clubs 
across Europe who would throw money at some of the players here - so why haven't we 
all taken flight and joined them? Of course times are changing and as the game evolves 
your pay is reviewed, like any other industry. It's fair to say a footballer's career 
is short-lived and you need to safeguard your financial future. But I have always 
maintained that as long as I am happy I don't care what other players are earning - 
and that remains the case to this day."

[8] Fergie - my team will stay United
Posted Sunday, December 24, 2000 by bar-knee:
"I would put my life on the players staying - as long as we look after them. Nothing 
is certain in life but I don't think they want to leave Manchester United. I think we 
have the financial clout to keep our best players. We will look after them. We have a 
great set-up. There's a good structure at this club and we don't to break it. It's all 
about continuity."

[7] More from Fergie
Posted Sunday, December 24, 2000 by bar-knee:
"The first half was a really exhilarating performance by us. The football was fast and 
quick and the tempo was good and we had good penetration in our game. It was the kind 
of performance we hoped we were going to get last Sunday. But I think you do get blips 
in the game and the important thing is to recover and we did that well today. I 
thought the goals by Solskjaer were absolutely stunning, particularly the second one. 
It was a great ball from David Beckham and controlled and hit before the defender 
could get on him."

Healy was very unlucky and it was a good header. He made a good run to the front post. 
He worked very hard, showed his temperament and that's all we need to ask of the boy 
at this moment."

[6] Burley thinks we've won it
Posted Sunday, December 24, 2000 by bar-knee:
"...United are virtually odds on to win it. You can see the squad of players and they 
had maybe four or five players out today. But look at the players coming in, they're 
all world class and they're covering themselves because you do get injuries and 
suspensions and at the moment I can't see anyone catching them."

[5] Fergie on yesterday
Posted Sunday, December 24, 2000 by bar-knee:
"We're very happy with the table, but if you look at the fixtures it's maybe a false 
picture at this moment in time. We've a lot of tough games to come and Arsenal have 
played all their big away games, like Leeds, Liverpool, Chelsea and Tottenham. We've 
still to go to these grounds. March and April are the months, they're what searches 
out everyone. It's very tough then for everyone and you never get it easy."

[4] Red News makes up it's own Utd transfer talk!
Posted Sunday, December 24, 2000 by bar-knee:
Spotted at Old Trafford on Saturday was a defender from Bruges, who are currently top 
of the Belgian league .  This player apparently had an excellent game against Overmars 
in Bruges' recent 1-1 draw at the Nou Camp against Barcelona in the UEFA cup, although 
Bruges lost the tie having already been beaten 2-0 at home.  However, it seems the 
Neville job-share position at full-back is safe for the time being as the visitor was 
simply that - a Christmas visitor to Old Trafford during the Belgian mid-season break.

But it's a shame that Fergie isn't planning to sign the young Belgian as his name is 
Olivier De Cock.  We'll leave you to make up your own Overmars jokes and to dream of 
the possibilities for Boylie's song writing skills if we signed a player with a name 
like that!

[3] Classic quote
Posted Sunday, December 24, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Nobody tells me how I should present myself in public. I will completely shit on 
anybody who doesn't like that."

Bayern captain Stefan Effenberg after criticism from club chief Franz Beckenbauer for 
what he wore at the Xmas do - cowboy boots and lederhosen. How bizarre.

[2] Great fish and chip paper
Posted Sunday, December 24, 2000 by bar-knee:
Sunday Mirror goes for the full sweep of nonsense today.

1) 'The title race isn't over yet. Liverpool...gave the chasing pack real hope that 
the Champions can be caught'. Er, real hope as we're 8 points clear. If that's 
pressure I'll take that any day!

2] O'Leary wanted as next Utd boss in 'United target' story after he 'won a host of 
admirers in the corridors of power at Old Trafford' - news apparently to those in the 
corridors of power (incidentally cuddly Peter Kenyon was apparently watching the game 
in Tier 2 yesterday - hope he helped putting the banners up!).

3) Barca are about to tell Utd to 'name their price' for Ryan Giggs.

Obviously a slow day for real stories...

[1] Ticket Office - you are the weakest link
Posted Sunday, December 24, 2000 by bar-knee:
Guess which club had a 5,500 allocation and still couldn't get it right. Yep, good old 
United. They didn't announce that the Fulham game would be on a first-come-first 
served basis for tickets - lo and behold people are being sent back their tickets on 
Tuesday, two days before the application final date was. Rumours are that United were 
then deluged with applications in a fianl push causing people to then get knocked back 
as they were 'over subscribed', leaving talk of a ballot pretty impossible if they'd 
already sent out tickets...

Only at Old Trafford. And I haven't heard anything yet - so if a Chubb comes my way...

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