[15] Utd testimonial for Wrexham duo?
Posted Saturday, May 5, 2001 by tb:
According to Teamt**k we are going to Wrexham to play in a testimonial Brian Flynn and 
ex bitter Kevin Reeves on August 4 

[14] Fergie on the new fledglings
Posted Saturday, May 5, 2001 by tb:
"Players I have brought in have real ability. I want to look to the future and see how 
they do. 

"They have sat patiently in the reserve team for a couple of years and they have to 
know there is light at the end of the tunnel." 

[14] Mr Potato Head reveals his survival tactics
Posted Saturday, May 5, 2001 by tb:
"I'm not superstitious. Occasionally I stretch to a lucky tie, but we wear a club tie 
now. The one I wore for two years, we came up two years, who knows, I might get it 

Try not to tie it too tight Joe!

[13] Jim says - Steve could be next boss
Posted Saturday, May 5, 2001 by tb:
'He's done well, as I knew he would. I still speak to Steve regularly - as I do Alex. 
And, in the long run, I think he must have every chance of succeeding Alex. 

'I said to him jokingly last month that he wouldn't want the job yet because replacing 
Alex would be a hell of a jump, but he replied that if it was offered he would have to 
accept. He's right. These chances don't come along twice. 

'If he were to become United's next manager he'd have to adapt to having the say-so on 
which players to buy and so on. But I would not have any concerns about his 
capabilities to do the coaching side of the job at all.' 

[12] Smith - McClaren nearly a sheep
Posted Saturday, May 5, 2001 by tb:
'When I was working for the League Managers' Association I'd heard what a good coach 
Steve was. 

'I actually recommended him to Howard Wilkinson at Leeds. But Howard dithered (strange 
that)and when I got the Derby job, I went after Steve. It proved a good choice. 

'He is good at his job. He was good with the players and keen to embrace new ideas. 

[11] Fergie hopes his mate survives
Posted Saturday, May 5, 2001 by tb:
'I think everyone in the game wishes that Derby stay up because Jim is one of the 
great characters and great managers in the game. All his teams have responded to him 
over the years. 

'I'm surprised they're down there because they've got players of real quality. 

'I hope Derby stay up, but we will try to win the game, like we always do.' 

[10] The Bald Eagle keeps his fingers crossed
Posted Saturday, May 5, 2001 by tb:
"I thought we would have sewn things up by now and that we would have been safe, but 
we have thrown away some golden opportunities,". "There will be a carnival atmosphere 
in Manchester as they are being presented with the trophy. But I am always optimistic 
about getting victories even at places like Old Trafford. Historically we've had some 
decent results there."

[9] Danny dismisses Keano's comments
Posted Saturday, May 5, 2001 by tb:
"We won't be listening to any of that,". "United are the best team in the league and 
one of the best in Europe. There is a lot of competition for places at Old Trafford so 
we know it will be difficult no matter what side they field. The secret is to go 
there, enjoy it and not be intimidated. You have to savour playing at stadiums like 

[8] Danny on life after OT
Posted Saturday, May 5, 2001 by tb:
"I made my decision to leave Manchester United and it was the right decision. When I 
arrived at Derby there was a lot of expectation. What a lot of people didn't realise 
was that I had only played 180 minutes of Premiership football. Big things were 
expected of me and it has taken time to get my game together, but I feel I am a much 
better player than I was a year ago. I had lived in Manchester all my life. Now I am 
living on my own and it has taken me time to adjust in a lot of ways." 

[7] Only in Murkey Dive
Posted Saturday, May 5, 2001 by tb:
Could they make a tax evader a  Freeman of the city. 
Bin dipper council leader quote:

"Today we repay that loyalty to his city and to our city He is a true Liverpudlian in 
every sense of the word - and perhaps that has led us to take him a little bit for 

 Says it all!

[6] Another Gallic signing?
Posted Saturday, May 5, 2001 by tb:
This from our man on the spot:

Apparently United and Arsenal will bid for Le Havre frenchman Anthony Le Tallec, 16. 
He was watched yesterday in the semi-final of the U16 Euro against England, he scored 
2 in a 4-0 France victory. 

[5] Fergie keen to avoid the flack
Posted Saturday, May 5, 2001 by tb:
"What I'm trying to do is give a sprinkling of young players a chance, like Ronnie 
Wallwork, but by the same token play a respectable side which prevents criticism."

[4] Fergie a massive fan
Posted Saturday, May 5, 2001 by tb:
"I want City to stay up because I think that would be good for the city," he said.

"I also think it would be a great boost for Joe Royle after all the troubles he has 
had building this side.

"It's not been easy for him. I'm conscious of that and that's why tomorrow my team 
will be trying to win."

[3] Fergie – Fantastic achievement
Posted Saturday, May 5, 2001 by tb:
"What we have achieved I think has been fantastic," he said.

"A lot of people have conveniently forgotten how well we have performed to win the 
championship again.

"You can't get away from the facts. We are on 80 points at the moment and we've only 
lost three games.

"If you look at the winners of the league title over the last 20 years you will find 
that that's an exceptional performance."

[2] Fergie already focused on the 4th in a row
Posted Saturday, May 5, 2001 by tb:
As he says about todays jamboree:

"I don't really pay much attention to that part I must admit because I always feel 
you've got to move on a little bit," said the United manager.

[1] Teddy's  Agent says
Posted Saturday, May 5, 2001 by tb:
"He has not agreed to join anyone and he's still a Man United player,". "His future 
will be cleared up soon, although I can't actually put a timescale on it."

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