[31] Reds return to Premiership
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
John Curtis - saying "I'm looking forward to returning to Old Trafford, it'll be nice 
- to be fair I didn't get much of an opportunity to play there" - Sparky, Henning Berg 
and Keith Gillespie helped seal promotion for Blackburn last night to the Premiership. 
Oh well, at least it's a good atmosphere and ticket allocation.

[30] I want the poisoned chalice. No I want it.
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
Jeff Whitley

"I have been at this club since I was a young kid and nothing would 
give me more pleasure than to skipper the side one day. I would 
love to captain the side one day and help drive it forward. To do 
that and to win things would be a fantastic feeling and I can't think 
of a better achievement."

Sorry - pissing ourselves here - did he seriously say 'win things'.

[29] Phil Neville speaks
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Watching the game against Manchester City, it was clear to everyone 
that we didn't play well. I believe this was the aftermath from the 
disappointment we'd suffered midweek against Bayern Munich. The most 
disappointing fact for the players and supporters was there was no 
enjoyment in our play, which the boss always stresses has to be in 
our game for us to play well. 

Saturday against Middlesbrough had to be a turning point for us and 
we were told to go out, relax and enjoy being Premiership Champions 
and 14 points clear in the table. 

Our performance on Saturday was excellent and I enjoyed it more than 
anyone else because I scored my first goal for the club this season. 
Scoring a goal is a rarity for me, but it always makes a match that 
little bit more special. 

I was the butt of all the jokes in the dressing room afterwards; 
Teddy Sheringham questioned whether I was actually crossing the ball 
or shooting. Another player who had a special day on Saturday was 
Michael Stewart, who made his first-team debut. The lad has got a big 
future and all he needs to do now is keep his feet on the ground and 
work as hard as he can. 

On Sunday evening I attended the PFA Footballer of the Year Award in 
London where Teddy received the Player of the Year Award. It's no 
more than Teddy deserves after the season he has had and I hope we 
see him in a United strip next year. He is a popular person in the 
dressing room and his experience will be vital next year."

[28] Keano to miss start of season
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From official site

'Manchester United have confirmed that Roy Keane will miss the start of next season. 
The FA have suspended him for four matches, starting with this Saturday's game against 
Derby County and ending with the first competitive fixture of the 2001/02 campaign. 
Roy will be eligible to play in the Charity Shield, despite the fact his red card in 
last August's game contributed to this new punishment.'

A Charity Shield, in Wales, possibly against the Scousers.

[27] More from Gary Nev
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The Premiership is the most important thing in the world along with 
the European Cup. We don't want any regrets, you don't want to turn 
around in years to come and say I wish I had celebrated that more. These moments might 
never come along again. Who is to say this 
isn't the last championship for a while. Of course, we aim to keep  winning it but 
who's to say it won't end tomorrow, you just never 
know in football. Just because we have won it seven times in nine 
years doesn't mean we should be complacent about celebrating it.

There is no doubt in my mind what we have achieved this year will 
only really be recognised in 10-15 years time but we can't afford to 
let the celebrations be muted. If other teams see that it looks like 
we are not bothered then they might think they've got a chance. It is so important to 
us and you'll see us celebrate after the 
Derby County match like it was our first championship."

Well said Gary - let's give it one Saturday.

[26] Gary Nev - let's enjoy Saturday
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I think you will see on Saturday when we have our celebrations just  how much the 
championship does actually mean to us despite what the critics are saying. The 
devastation of losing in Europe did take some of the initial  gloss off losing the 
title. But we always recognise 
as a bunch of players what it does mean to us.

On Saturday, everybody at Manchester United from player, staff to  fan has got to show 
what it means to win the championship. If another  team had won the title they would 
have been doing cartwheels and  having carnivals around the city for five days. People 
are saying it doesn't mean anything to United anymore  because we've won it seven 
times in the last nine years, well we have  got to show just what it does mean and put 
on a show. The fans should  be singing 'Champions' for every single minute of the game 
and let  everybody know that we do appreciate it."

[25] Viduka stay home
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
As Real realise how average he is after watching him last night.

Real coach Vicente del Bosque told onefootball.com. ""Mark Viduka disappointed me in 
this match. I remembered when he played against us in the Santiago Bernabeu, he was 
almost a perfect striker. But since then, I think he has become worse and worse as the 
season has gone on. For this match he did not seem very focussed and nor did Alan 

[24] QPR & Wimbledon to merge
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
Hopefully the supporters' will stop this idea by typical clueless PLC men.

Wimbledon chairman:

"We have been approached by QPR. There were some initial exploratory discussions some 
weeks ago. No agreement to merge Wimbledon with QPR has been reached. While 
discussions regarding the idea of a possible merger have taken place, we realise that 
no agreement could ever be reached without consulting our supporters first. If the 
fans felt that this was not the best thing, we would re-evaluate and move along a 
different route.

Clearly we are all upset about the story in the Sun. I strongly believe and maintained 
throughout the discussions that an issue like this must be discussed with supporters 
before appearing in the media.  We are committed to exploring all available options 
for strengthening the club on and off the pitch. We continue to work extremely hard to 
find a proper home ground for the future." "

Libby Magrill, spokeswoman for QPR 1st, the Queens Park Rangers Supporters Trust, 
said: "Historically, QPR fans will not support a merger with any other Football League 
club. Proposed mergers with Brentford in 1967 and Fulham in 1987 were successfully 
opposed by the fans, and any move to merge QPR with Wimbledon this year, or at any 
stage in the future, will be opposed by every possible means. QPR fans will fight to 
retain the identity of our club. We know that
Wimbledon fans will do the same."

[23] Sun story on Becks
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
Not only haircut latest (yawn) but headline of 'Becks' Nazi shirt shock' as he worse a 
shirt sent to him by a fan in the USA - unwittingly wearing something that had an 
image of SS 'killer' Adolf Eichmann. When pointed this out Becks took it off and a 
spokesman said: "David was sent this by a fan in America. He liked the design and 
that's why he wore it. He had no idea the print had connections with Nazi war 
criminals. There is no way he would have worn something like this if he had recognised 
the picture".

[22] Ken Bates his usual uncontroversial self
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Ken Bates claims Sports Minister Kate Hoey should have been "shot" for undermining 
the Wembley National Stadium project. Former Wembley National Stadium Ltd chairman 
Bates, who was replaced by Sir Rodney Walker at the behest of Football Association 
chief executive Adam Crozier and later resigned from the board altogether, said it was 
Hoey who was responsible for removing athletics from the new stadium.

The Chelsea supremo also blamed Prime Minister Tony Blair and Culture Secretary Chris 
Smith for not acting to silence her.

"The financing was undermined by people who had nothing to do with the project," Bates 

[21] More on Eric in Boli's testimonial
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
Zidane playing too apparently.

Thanks to J for translation.

'A number of stars are expected at Bollaert, for the ex-Lens player Roger Boli's 
testimonial. Ex-Lens players will take part. Stade Bollaert's afficionados will 
witness the return of : Dacourt, DÉhu, El Haddaoui, Lama, Meyrieu, Omam-Biyik, Slater, 
and Vairelles...
Some internationals have also accepted Boli's invitation : T. Henry, P. Vieira 
(oohh-oohh), S. Wiltord, R. Pires, N. Anelka (who ?), C. Dugarry, and M. Desailly.

Old glories will complete this constellation of stars : JPP (J.-P. Papin) 
and................................................. ERIC 7.

Ginola, Marco Simone, G. Weah, Basile Boli, and Sonny Anderson (the OL
supastar), will also feature in this festive match. (Which will ref'd by former ref : 
funky Robert Wurtz.)'

[20] More on Thai tickets sewn up
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
Snippet from Soccer Investor today:

A source close to the organisers of Manchester United's game with the Thai national 
side later this month has told Reuters that of the 60,000 available tickets, two 
sponsors have taken over half. 'PepsiCo Inc have around 10,000 tickets and Advanced 
Info Service (AIS) [a Thai mobile phone operator] have more than 20,000 tickets,' the 
source said. Siemens and GSM are also sponsoring the event.

[19] Bobby Charlton on Wembkey
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I'm watching what's happening and it's all a bit distressing really. We've been 
trying to get people to come to this country because we're going to have a new 
Wembley, which will be something to be proud of, and now we can't do that. I had been 
excited about the whole thing and suddenly it's gone.

It's distressing to see the indecision that seems to have been around and hopefully 
people will get together and sort it out. I don't want to get into who's to blame 
because there's so much to be done now and I don't think that's helpful. We've got the 
FA who have work to do and we've got the Government who have work to do and all the 
finances have to be put together.

I certainly think we need a national stadium. Where they put it will be decided later, 
but we definitely need one. The stadia which we have got are just not big enough and a 
national stadium needs to hold 80-90,000 people. I just hope the whole thing can be 
sorted out."

[18] FA say stop fighting
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
Football Association chief executive Adam Crozier:

"Everyone suddenly wants to blame everyone else, and the fact is everybody has to 
shoulder some of the blame. The most important thing now is for everyone to stop 
slagging each other off and actually focus on trying to find a solution to this, 
because searching for scapegoats is a complete waste of time. What should happen next 
is all the posturing should drop away because frankly it's a total waste of time, and 
the different groups - ourselves, Wembley and Government under Jack (Straw) need to 
just get together.

There's a lot of work gone on into every possible route that could be undertaken, and 
the truth is it has to work first of all for the fans and secondly it has to be 
affordable. No one would thank the Football Association if we built something and then 
proceeded to ruin the whole game of football because we couldn't afford it. I think we 
have done the right and proper and professional thing of calling a halt before all 
that money is wasted."

The FA is a not-for-profit organization - all of our money goes back into the game. 
And at the same time the Government is saying to us 'we want you to transform the 
grass-roots game, we want you to buy back the pitches, get them in proper condition, 
get the changing rooms right, provide good facilities for kids across the country' - 
that takes a phenomenal amount of money.

Equally they know that Premier League and Football League clubs are separate 
businesses, many of them are plcs, and there is no way that separate plcs will give 
money to Wembley because there is nothing in it for them. The one thing the national 
stadiums in Italy, Germany, the Sydney Olympic in Australia, the Stade de France and 
the new stadium in Ireland have in common is that they are all 100% funded by the 
Government. That's with very good reason, because with national stadiums it is very 
hard to get them to make economic sense as you don't have a lot of events."

I would not be doing my job properly and professionally if I recommended ploughing all 
the FA's money into that, because quite frankly if our income were to go down in a few 
years' time - let's say television revenue dropped - we would be bankrupt. You'd then 
have a situation where banks would be telling us what to do - they'd be saying ticket 
prices up, charge this, charge that - and we would have no say in the matter. That's 
not something anyone could contemplate.

Wembley is special for football fans right across the country so we're very aware of 
the need to get this right. There are lots of different ways that it could be made to 
work and we really need to focus on those. We would like to sit down with Jack Straw 
as early as possible, we've already spoken and hopefully we'll be sitting down next 
week, and we're very keen to get a solution as quickly as possible."

[17] Eric is now...
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
in Dubai for the latest beach football tournament. Reports to come when games start.

[16] Quotes from the past
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The centre of power in Manchester has moved to Manchester United. It's normal and you 
have to accept it as part of history"

Bert Trautmann

[15] Quotes from the past
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I suppose we will just have to get used to Barthez's eccentricities at times"

Fergie when signing the French hero

[14] More on Wembley cock-up
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
And if France and Sydney can build those class stadiums for £260m why not Wembley in a 
ground that is already there - and why knock it down when they haven't got the new 
plans sorted. Typical FA...

Full statement from Wembley National Stadium Limited:

"The board of WNSL met today to consider the position of the company in the light of 
the FA's announcement on funding yesterday. The board agrees with and understands the 
FA's position. It also notes that, despite erroneous press suggestions, the FA's 
financial support for the project remains in place but cannot be increased.

WNSL will therefore scale back its operation at Wembley during the period of the 
review of the national stadium project being undertaken by the Home Secretary Jack 
Straw. The FA have already assured the Home Secretary that it will play an active and 
positive role in the work of the group. WNSL will retain the capacity to provide 
technical support for the group. "

[13] Latest Birdman article
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
Birdy's Bacon Barm NO 18 

sponsored by www.homestead.com/birdland1

Free copies to Vas ov www.m-u-f-c.co.uk & Barney ov www.rednews.co.uk


This Barm is dedicated all those clowns out there how have their initials on the back 
on their car.... what the hell is all that about then ? Oh and those people with a GB 
sticker or a sticker with a country's flag on - come on cut it out. Also, those 
Christian types that have a "fish" symbol on the back of their vehicle..... come on 
get a grip!!.... before you know it you'll be wearing Sidney the Kidney badges. 
Nooooooooooo! While I am at it ...."Baby On Board" signs ....why ? I mean does anyone 
drive slower because of these ? .... of course they don't! If fact if you love pan 
lids like me
you are more inclined to speed up to sneak a peak at the little fella or fellow-et and 
whisper "come on - give us a smiiiiiile" through the window and cause a bloody pile 
up. Anyway.

We have got these new type ID tags at work - now some people find them a nuisance but 
I don't. You see the ID cards are on a lace type thing that you put round your Gregory 
Peck..... so if you are bored you can have a game of conkers and try wrecking your 
mates card. Also the actual ID card bit (with a sh@t photo of you falsely smiling) 
slips out ... ideal for a game of "nearest to the wall" card flicking type game. Also, 
as a lot of staff leave these cards lying about you could start collecting em like you 
did with old football cards (not that I am encouraging theft here!) You could also get 
multiples so you could swap with your mates - just picture it at brew time "got","not 
got", "got", "got", "not got"- . Ace eh....better than Top Trumps any day - who said 
employee security could not be fun eh?

(this is a true story - I am not taking the smelly yellow stuff!)
Well things may have been quiet for the Royle Family recently - but not for much 
longer!! Yes, the Jim Royle doll is about go on sale - and the best thing is.... he 
speaks!! Uttering catchphrases such as "make us a brew barb" and "my arse" the doll is 
£12.99. Jim sits in his trademark clothes and you can have him in your own home!! 
Several radio 1 shows are giving them away at the moment - so listen out.

I was watching a programme the other night called "Faking It" ... and no it was nowt 
to no with me and women! Anyway - some guy was given the task of conning some Art 
critics into believing that he was in fact an Artist. Well this guy gets dressed up 
all poncy-like and learns how to talk bollox and bob's your uncle....they fell for it 
- excellent. The best bit was the guy was from the humour capital of the world 
Liverpool... and this critic says to him "well you do have confidence cos all you 
scousers are the same - all cocky b@stards"..... class eh. Anyway, I cant wait for the 
next one on May 8th (C4 I think) - they get a public school boy from the country and 
send him to London to become a night club Bouncer. .... It looks like a good un to me.

No-added suger drinks, kids parties every other soddin week, cheese string, DVD, 
Mobile phones,  millions of easter eggs, roller blades, May Day riots, ball pools, 
stuppid american sports Altogether now ..... poor sods! They are welcome to it all.

The other week our little George got bought 2 Gold fish for his birthday. We'll as is 
usually the case one of em died within about three days. Anyway we didn't have the 
heart to tell him that "Emily" had died and gone up to the great plastic bowl in the 
sky(well actually flushed down the bog). So we told him the next day that "Emily had 
had to be taken back to the shop so the people there could check she was okay"(clever 
eh!). So our George trots in the shop with his mum to "pick up Emily" - looks for a 
smallish looking Gold fish and picks out Emily straight away - no problemo.   If only 
life was like that eh - if only!
(Jesus - that bit was a bit serious wasnt it)


WOW - The things you didn't know...you didn't know ....
"Last year tourism chiefs in Liverpool were banned from putting up motorway signs 
saying 'Liverpool, the Birthplace Of The Beatles', because the Highways Agency thought 
the signs would distract motorists.  Fancy that eh... scousers going on about The 
Beatles - makes a change.
And Finaly.......
Re-worked Chubby Brown - back by popular demand ! The tune is "Dolly
Parton's t-ts" 
        I'd love to see Batty win a fight just for once,
        Scary Spice's minge get nits!
        I'd love to see Woodgate roasted by his b-llocks,
        But most of all Leeds Euro Dream in bits!
        Cos they're the biggest bunch of scum,
        And their defeat is gonna come,
        Their failure will go down great in history,
        There's a lump inside my throat,
        Just thinking of how I'll gloat,
        You just know this is the way its gonna be!
        I'd love to see them lose in the final,
        And Lee Bowyer on a spit,
        Cant wait for the Court re-trial,
        And I wanna get O'Leary to babysit,
        I'd love to see them tw-ts f-ck up,
        And Elland Road set alight,
        But most of all - I'd just love it me,
        To see Alan Smith take Eric on in a fight,
        Cos they're the biggest buch off scum,
        And their defeat is gonna come,
        Their failure will go down great in history,
        There's a lump inside my throat, 
        Just thinking of how I'll gloat,
        You just know this is the way its gonna be!

And that really is it.. cos I really cant be arsed with anymore retro stuff - so I am 
gonna clear off and put me feet up and tuck into a packet of Tudor Crisps and a bottle 
of Corona!

Tip of the week - never ask a girl if she wants to try 7UP.... stick to lemonade... or 
you could end up with a slapped boat race.
Tunes of the week are - a couple of Andy Goram's favourites - 
John lennon's "Mind Games" and "Just the two of us" by (I think) Will Smith.
Web site of the week is......
        Hear me now! Dis is Netscape's incredible Ali-G translator, da
fittest translation program of da minnenium. It's wicked, man. Try it
yourselves and check wot we mean. It's wicked. Bo! Simply rip da sentence in ingleesh 
into da box, and weez will magically translate it into Ali-G speek for yous. 
        Big ups and maximum respects go out to David McNamara who created

Anyway - thats me stuffed - wheres them Rennies gone ? (oh and always read the label)

Que the credits.

Like Paul Weller says in A Town Called Malice "I could go on for hours and I probably 
will but" Defoe - laters.

[12] The Goat on get that Dickov off
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
"When we played United the other week, and before we even knew the  team, I said to 
Paul that he had to start at Old Trafford. You watch him in training and in games and 
you just know he will  lead the team in terms of tenacity and getting at the 
opposition and  not allowing them to play. We need that as part of our make-up."

7 points out of 9 and suddenly city are giving it large, in true 'this will blow up in 
their faces' manner...

[11] And Twatto said...
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
Danny Tiatto:

"We're all very  confident and have the belief that we can do it. Hopefully the other  
results will go for us. We've got to go out there and score a few  goals and come away 
with the win. There are no special plans, we're  just going for the goals and the 
points that we'll need. 

I definitely did not expect the team to be in this position when we 
started the campaign. I thought we'd be in mid-table but it didn't 
work out that way. 

If the unthinkable happens and we do go down, I think the club will 
be in good shape to bounce straight back up. We've got a good bunch 
of players and I think everyone will stay. We can come back to the 
Premiership even stronger and stay up instead of going down again. 
It will be important to get in more quality players whether we stay up or go down."

So they're about to go down but already up again! 

[10] O'Dreary is off again
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
"But I do believe that on our day we are a side who can score an away goal and it's 
amazing how an away goal can change everything. I'm a great believer in fate. God is 
good in many ways so you never know, we might have a great night in Valencia."

Now it's his young God?

[9] Get your new Red News out on Saturday...please!
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
Issue 77, is a new issue out on Saturday. It is a one off game to buy Red News - so 
we'd like to appeal to all our regular readers to get their copy before the game as 
our print run is low as it's just for the Derby game. 

It's a £2 bumper edition - 

it'll take you the whole summer to read, trust us.

Let's just give you a sneak preview

Rotterdam memories

The day the Dog pulled its last pint

A look back at this season
Bayern drunken reports

An exclusive look at the ridiculous policy to reduce Utd's ticket allocations - and 
exclusive quotes

What it was like daytripping to OT from Ireland in the 70s as a kid

Exclusive gossip - just which Utd 'person' had a loud mouth after the city game and 
was saying things out of turn + what Eric's first words to Ole were when he joined

Moments of the season (they're all in there!)

Why T.McDonald hates every single club in the land

An in-depth look at the Keano 'debate'

Tony Smith's thoughts on the season

Boylie's magic Dog moment

A report on the PLC

A Dutch man writes on Ruud
and much, much more!

so make sure you get your new Red News on Saturday.

(If you would like to oder a copy through the post, get in touch with us at 

[8] More from Johnsen
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
"My main concern is to stay injury free and enjoy my football again. I haven't been 
pain free in my knees since just after the summer  of `98. It's no fun when you are 
playing in some agony. Training and playing recently is the first time I have worked  
without pain for three years and I am enjoying my football so much  again.

I have to prove to myself that I can get back to where I know I can  be. I don't have 
to worry about what others are saying. I can only get back to that by playing games 
and have a long run  without any stoppages. That's what I want. When you have had 
career threatening injuries like I have had you  don't worry about what people are 
saying about you, you just want to  get back to playing again. Playing football is all 
you think about.

And that is all I will be concentrating on from now on be it in the 
final few matches of the season if I am selected, during the summer 
in Norway and back here at United in pre-season. To be enjoying my 
football again has given me a new lease of life. I want to forget 
about the past and just look forward."

[7] Ronnie Johnsen on getting fit
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
"My main focus next season is getting back to a level of playing 
consistency that I haven't had for a long, long time. `That's what I really want above 
anything else. It would be nice to  get a medal because you feel more a part of things 
but the main thing  for me is to get a few more games in before the end of the season. 

It will give me a boost and a bit of a platform for next season. 
Playing in the matches is more vital for that than to qualify for a 
medal. I will also be doing some training and work-outs with my local club  back in 
Norway during the summer break. I played for Eik Tonsberg in my teens and I will be 
keeping fit  with them. They have just started the season back home in the Second  
Division after being relegated from the First.

I always like to do some work with my old friends. I won't be  making any guest 
appearances though! The season in England is ending  too soon for me -obviously - but 
I just need to keep myself ticking  over. I will do that with my old club. I can't 
afford to let myself go because next term is an important  one for me. Of course, 
there is the contract but I am not even  considering that yet. It's not in my 

[6] You what?
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
Who  voted for Gerrard? They can't have the internet on Merseyside ! Oh yes...all 
their supporters in China, Australia, etc...

'Steven Gerrard enjoyed a double celebration after his Professional 
Footballers Association young player of the year. Gerrard came out on top in the 
voting on the PFA's website ahead of  Danny Tiatto and David Beckham. Fans were given 
the opportunity to select their favourite player  from each division for the first 

[5] Bestie off...the aftershave
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
George Best:

"It just means basically that alcohol is a no-go area. Even if you attempt to do it 
you just can't take the chance because it is so dangerous - it is a decision I had to 
take. I have to check my food to make sure there isn't any alcohol in it. Even 
aftershave, I can't use aftershave because it has alcohol in it. That is how good the 
drug is."

I am feeling "fighting fit".

[4] Full ABU mode
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
Leeds 0 Valencia 0

Forget the match, just how many times did Leeds sing about us. With their Only one 
United in Europe' officially sanctioned banners to constant songs about us - this in a 
European semi for godsakes. It says how small time they are - when we played Juve two 
years back as if we cared or thought about any of our rivals against real opposition. 
Offer a sheep a win against us or Valencia next week and they'd probably talk about 
nothing else than 'manu' - it says it all.

[3] Trying to create a good atmosphere
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
After a few dodgy post title celebrations as the whole event has been seemingly taken 
away from us in the past few years to be replaced by a PLC munching stage managed 
theme show with that bloody song (with all the players' names accompanying our songs 
but with PLC words) it seems as though some in the club are working hard on this year 
being different and memorable.

With a short time between the players going off and the trophy being presented for 
once there is serious debate going on as to whether we should be left to our own 
devices as the music is turned off. If this happens we owe it to all the moans we've 
given about letting them do it for us to bring the house down with the noise - as 
presumably we'll be allowed to stand then as it's one long 'moment of high drama'. 
Anyway, Paddy Harverson has said any comments we get about ideas about what should 
happen with regards music/atmosphere/turning the music off will be read but we need 
responses in quickly so send anything to us at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and we'll pass them on to the club late Thursday. After all, 
it's our show so why shouldn't we have some input?

[2] Pointless Becks story of the day
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the Mirror - once again Becks' hair is front page news. And have you seen their 
>3am column. Spotted- Becks on a mobile phone. And that's news?!

'DAVID Beckham celebrates his 26th birthday by showing the world his latest striking 
hairdo. On the street they call it a Step, much favoured of hardmen imitating the 
American G.I. look.  But off the record yesterday, onlookers likened it more to 

Becks proudly turned his head to show his hair shaven from halfway down his scalp to 
the nape, with the number 2 clipped crop on the top. 
He's in good company. Ex-footballer turned Hollywood actor Vinnie Jones, Brian Harvey 
from the pop group E17 and numerous rappers have adopted the half crop. Actor Will 
Smith wore a Step haircut and so
did Tom Hanks when he played the famous geek Forrest Gump. 

But Man Utd and England star David had another string to his bow yesterday - 
diamond-encrusted earrings which were a prezzie from Posh Spice wife Victoria. 

They sat oddly with his faded and blue-hooded top cut off at the elbow, mismatched 
with the lower half of someone's tracksuit bottoms and finished off with a large patch 
screen print of a man's head and the figure eight sewn on to the front. 

Beckham usually likes to wear trendy Japanese label Evisu and young British designer 
Wale Adeyemi. Curiously, no one was claiming responsibility for his latest ensemble 

But though Becks wouldn't comment on his new hairstyle, he seemed pleased enough. A 
friend said: "David likes having his hair cut very short.  He likes to make an impact 
and he thinks it looks great." 

Becks had equally weighty matters on his mind as he arrived at the
Hertfordshire home of Victoria's parents.  He revealed young son Brooklyn is giving 
them a hard time. 

"Brooklyn is not very well - he's teething," David said. Enough to make any dad tear 
his hair out.'

[1] PSV have a go at Fergie
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
PSV chairman Harry van Raay said: 

"Ferguson played it well, but not fair. His proposal that Van Nistelrooy should 
rehabilitate with United was scandalous.  Ferguson should have taken the financial 
risk, but he did not. He left that to us. The only thing he did was to call on the 
phone a few times - and then he gets praised because he has been so beneficial to 

Unlike the Murphys - very bitter. Although they are something of our feeder club these 

[36] And Joe Royle said
Posted Wednesday, May 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
"If the worst things happen on Saturday, then Monday is irrelevant. "That is the worst 
case scenario. If they all win we will have a problem which can't be solved. We will 
all have one eye on the TV on Saturday after training. With any luck at all we could 
be going into Monday with a chance of going one point behind the safety place. We've 
not given in and we need a bit of help. We haven't helped ourselves much this year and 
now we need it with other results. We set off for Ipswich on Sunday and whatever the 
results, we are professionals and there are six points to go for. All I can say is 
let's get to 40 points and see what that does for us."

[35] Johnsen to leave Utd - but just for the summer
Posted Wednesday, May 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Ronny Johnsen will spend the summer training with his old Norwegian club in a bid to 
be in top condition for the new season. Johnsen is keen to build up his fitness levels 
after three seasons plagued by knee trouble and he will work out with Second Division 
side Eik Tonsberg. Johnsen has just returned to the first team following his latest 
knee operation and he feels the end of the season has come at the wrong time for him.

"The season in England is ending too soon for me and I just need to keep myself 
ticking over," he said.

"I will do that with my old club Eik Tonsberg. I played for Eik Tonsberg in my teens 
and I will be keeping fit with them. They have just started the season back home in 
the Second Division after being relegated from the first."

[34] IMUSA May fanzine text
Posted Wednesday, May 2, 2001 by bar-knee:

Members of IMUSA are reminded that the organisation's AGM is just around the corner. 

The AGM sets out the 'policy' priorities for next season, given the current 'shifting 
sands' of the relations between Club and match going fan, it is more important than 
ever to make a contribution in determining the issues IMUSA should focus on.  IMUSA 
remains very much the organisation of the matchgoing Red.  For full reports on our 
impact on national debates such as the return to safe standing areas to local disputes 
with the Club and Trafford Council, the AGM is very much the place to be.  

For the talk of the last twelve months, the truth behind the spin has slowly emerged.  
Price hikes, minor concessions on juniors and OAPs have added to the dismay of the 
Sturm Graz game.  The club's attempts to relocate fans is also almost certain to end 
in failure.    

The fight for our club must go on, as we head back into the trenches IMUSA at least 
have the twin bridgeheads of Fans' Forum representation and a promise made by Peter 
Kenyon to return to IMUSA next season and be judge by his pledge: "You will see 
positive change...I will under promise and over deliver".

Thus the AGM, which takes place in last week of May is an ideal opportunity to voice 
your views on the recent announcements on ticket hikes and junior/OAP concessions.  It 
is also an opportunity to get actively involved in the organisation which will 
continue to fight the good fight next season.  Have a beer and vent your spleen - 
don't just trudge off into the summer gloom!

Details on the AGM are being circulated to members, but for those not in IMUSA at 

The Committee is typically 20-25 members in size, most of whom play a role in running 
the organisation.  Out of that committee, eight or nine Officers are drawn.  This year 
there will be Officer posts up for grabs, and the entire Committee is also up for 
election and re-election.

To stand for the Committee: Either (1) Attend the AGM in person, or (2) Write to the 
IMUSA secretary at least two weeks before the AGM.  Those not present will be able to 
have an 'election address' read out at the AGM should they so wish.

All members present will be able to vote by secret ballot for the Committee.  Note 
that to maximise participation in the election, the constitution permits all those 
attending the AGM to stand for election. 

There are no postal ballots.

To stand for an Officer post: Nominations must be proposed and seconded by any member 
of the organisation.  All nominations MUST be submitted IN WRITING at least two weeks 
before the AGM is set.   To be an officer an individual has to have been on the 
Committee for at least the last twelve months.  

All Officers MUST also be re-elected onto the Committee to take up their post.  Again, 
there are NO postal votes.

If you think it is time you joined the organisation, then membership is available on 
the night - you can also renew.  Try and remember your membership cards to save time 
at the door.  Please think about using the AGM as an opportunity to contribute to the 
organisation through standing for election, renewing your membership or joining for 
the first time.

For more information on the AGM please visit our web site at www.imusa.org at regular 

Enjoy the Summer - We are Champions!

Forthcoming Meetings

Committee Meetings: Open to all members

Thursday May 10th

O'Brien's, Stretford Arndale - start 8pm.
All members welcome


Thursday May 31st 
O'Brien's, Stretford Arndale - start 8pm.

To join IMUSA please send a cheque for £5 (£10 overseas) for a twelve month membership 
PO Box 69, Stretford, Manchester, M32 0UZ

[33] Check this out for Ruud info
Posted Wednesday, May 2, 2001 by bar-knee:

for article on Ruud

[32] Deadly Doug wants national stadium
Posted Wednesday, May 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
Doug Ellis:

"It is the only true location for a national stadium and it is ready and waiting on 
the edge of Birmingham. Geographically it is in an ideal position. I have spoken to 
Adam Crozier this morning and at least he is going to see us on the subject. Solihull 
Borough Council turned us down on the basis of the green field policy," added Ellis.

But now, I understand, and I am reasonably assured, that they may have a different 
policy, particularly in view of the fact that this is a national project. If they want 
me to get involved again I am happy to do so in conjunction with Birmingham City 
Council. I think that what will happen is that it will be a joint application between 
Birmingham City Council, who own the land, and Solihull Borough Council.

The site is a mile from the international railway station and a mile and a quarter 
from the international airport and I believe that it is an ideal situation, and we 
must take it."

[31] Utd plan beaming back more matches
Posted Wednesday, May 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From official site

'United are contemplating showing more away matches on the big screen at Old  Trafford 
after nearly 4,500 fans attended Saturday's beamback. The experimental event proved 
very popular, helped of course by the team's  2-0 win at Middlesbrough's Riverside 

"It's something that we will be looking into doing next season," confirmed  Paddy 
Harverson, the club's Director of Communications.

"The beamback proved to be very popular with the fans who couldn't go to  
Middlesbrough, and there was a great atmosphere inside Old Trafford."

As well as screening the ninety minutes of action live from Middlesbrough,  United's 
matchday team provided entertainment and competitions for the fans  who had travelled 
from far and wide to watch the beamback.

One competition, called 'Target the Fan', involved MUTV's cameras panning the  crowd 
before picking out one supporter to win a prize.

Special pre-match programming on the big screen was provided by MUTV, with  former 
United players Lee Martin and Stuart Pearson providing expert analysis  in the studio. 
Another ex-Red, Arthur Albiston, assisted MUTV's Steve Bower  in commentating on the 

At half-time, more prizes were handed out - two tickets for the Derby County  match at 
Old Trafford, and £500 worth of vouchers for the United Megastore.'

[30] Soccer Investor
Posted Wednesday, May 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
2 Snippets from today's Soccer Investor

Only 4,000 tickets for Manchester United's game with the Thai national side on May 12 
will go on sale to the Thai public. The ticket prices are 200 (£3.04), 400 and 800 
baht. The rest have been sold to sponsors and their clients.

Free-to-air broadcaster TVB has won the Hong Kong rights to the UEFA Cup and European 
Super Cup finals for the next three years. It has also won the rights to this month's 
Champions League final, but will have to renegotiate for next season's. No figures 
were disclosed. A spokeswoman for the broadcaster said that it is also interested in 
gaining some rights for next season's English Premier League and the HK non-pay TV 
rights to the 2002 World Cup. Pay station Cable TV owns the HK pay-TV rights and is 
the current owner of the PL package which expires this month.

[29] More from Harrison
Posted Wednesday, May 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the Indy

"Ron was great and I'll not knock him, but when the boss arrived he
really revved it up. The boss was unbelievable. From the time he arrived he seemed to 
spend as much time with the youth team as the first team. He got all the scouts 
together and said 'I won't be happy if anyone leaves Manchester for somewhere else'. 
And if one of them recommended a kid in Dublin, say, he would literally be on the next 
plane over. He'd kidnap them, virtually.

Giggs, he was the first one we grabbed. He was playing for Salford Boys 100 yards down 
the road from here, but training with Man City. The boss didn't like that.It was the 
only time we had cross words. He said 'I'm not happy with the youth side' and I 
thought he was having a go at me. There were raised voices. I said 'if you get me 
better material, I'll give you first-team players'.

Mostly it was mental. I helped give them confidence. And I still phone
them when they're not playing well, just to remind them what great players they are. 
They don't need me when they're not doing well. Maybe they don't need me at all, but 
they don't put the phone down. I was strong on discipline, too. On and off the field, 
even though I was a thug and would kick anything for my four-pound bonus. But with 
them I tried to explain the difference between arrogance and confidence, that the 
arrogant guy has something to hide.

I didn't do much for them as players, because they had it all already. I did change 
Giggsy's position. He was a left-winger for Salford Boys, and out of the game for long 
stretches. I made him a striker. I said 'you'll learn more about the game, how to move 
without the ball. I know what you can do with it. You're a magician. But you need to 
learn to move without it.' And Beckham needed to be taught his position. I've always 
favoured him in the centre. He'll score more goals from there."

At 63, Harrison now works part-time, coaching the 15-year-olds and doing some 
scouting. "When I got to 60 I went in to see him. I could feel I was going a bit, like 
when you're a player and the legs go. Working with kids was taking up seven days and 
two evenings a week and you have to be as excited as they are every time they come in 
for training. So I said 'I'd like to pack it in.' He looked at me in amazement. He 
said 'WHAT?' Then he said 'no, you're not packing it in.' He didn't understand. He's 
got some interest in racing now, but it used to be football, football, football. He's 
the hardest-working manager I've ever known by a mile. His attention to detail is 
unbelievable. And he has a photographic memory. He'll name you the team that played 
Charlton three years ago, and be 99 per cent right. I think, also, he plans his games 
from the start of the season. I've never asked him, but I think he looks at the 
fixtures and does a lot of forward planning."

[28] More from Harrison
Posted Wednesday, May 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
In the Indy

"I'd always liked coaching. Frank Worthington's my golf partner now, but at Halifax 
I'd coached him when he was 11 and I was 20-odd. So I knew I had a way with it. But I 
didn't have a clue how to organise a team. Cloughie showed me how. Although he didn't 
do it by coaching, that was the funny thing. He'd just tell you what to do. And he'd 
say to the striker 'I pay you to score goals; if you don't score you're out.' I'd 
never heard that before. Most managers said 'don't worry if you miss, it'll come good 
in the end.' Not Cloughie."

Harrison is not yet out of Clough anecdotes. "He once fined a lad
called Sam Storton, my next-door neighbour as it happens, a week's wages. Stan went 
mad. He went in to see him, effing and blinding, and Cloughie just said 'right, that's 
two weeks'. All we were ever doing was organising whip-rounds for the lads who'd been 
fined. There was one lad who'd been an apprentice at Middlesbrough when Cloughie was 
in the first team, and he couldn't get out of the habit of calling him Brian. Cloughie 
fined him for calling him Brian instead of boss. But at the same time he could be so 
caring. All of a sudden your wife would get a bunch of flowers. And if he said you'd 
had a good game you thought you were the best player in the world, because you knew 
what you had to do to get plaudits from him. He was a genius. He had the same fear 
factor as (Fergie)."

"Clough scared me but I admired him tremendously. It's the same here. I remember when 
he [Ferguson] gave his first team talk downstairs. I grabbed Bryan Robson when he came 
out and said 'what do you think?' And he said 'he'll do for me. He just said we have 
to give 100 per cent all the time or we're out'."

When Brian Kidd started here (at Harrison's suggestion) I told him to
leave the shouting to the manager. They need the coach to be their friend." 

[27] Eric Harrison in the Indy
Posted Wednesday, May 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We always need to complement the work we do at youth level by bringing in players 
from outside. Saying that, it has always been a dream of mine to see 11 lads in the 
first team who have come up through the system. And we nearly managed it this season. 
Against Southampton at Old Trafford, with a couple of substitutions, we had nine."

'He enthuses about some of the boys coming through, in particular a 16-year-old 
midfield player called Kieron Richardson.

"He's very, very talented. Left-footed. We've high hopes of him. He's a London lad, 
which is unusual. We don't get many of them up here.

Beckham needed a lot of looking after, did David. He got a bit homesick when he first 
came here, and I had to keep reminding him that he would play in the first team. You 
have to be 99.9 per cent certain when you say that, because otherwise they'll hold it 
against you for the rest of their lives."

He offered the same encouragement to the teenage Paul Scholes. "And his eyes nearly 
popped out of his head. He was the fans' favourite here, you know. It wasn't Beckham 
or Giggsy. They loved Scholesy because he was like a little urchin, and seemed to have 
eyes in the back of his head, like Dalglish. But he had a lot to cope with, did 
Scholes. He had a knee problem, and bronchial asthma, and as a young lad he missed 
nearly six months. If I did anything for him it was to take away the worry. I sat down 
with him in here once, and you don't get much out of Scholes, but he told me he was 
really worried about his physique. And I said 'I don't know what you're worried about 
because I'm your coach, and I know you're going to play in our first team.' That was 
all they wanted to hear, all of them."

[26] Test your knowledge
Posted Wednesday, May 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Knowledgeable United fans will soon have the chance to add another trophy to  the 
club's collection of honours.

The makers of a quiz show for the new ONdigital sports television channel are  now 
looking for three suitable supporters to represent the Reds, in a  competition against 
fans of other clubs in the English and Scottish Leagues.

The show will be filmed in Manchester from July, but fans from all over the  UK are 
invited to audition for the United team before 31 May, by telephoning  Patrick 
McGarvey on 0161 934 5525, or by e-mailing him via this address:


Fans can contact Patrick as individuals or in groups, but must be prepared to  answer 
some difficult questions about United and football in general.

The prize on offer to the winning club in the entire series will include a  trophy and 
a dream holiday for the members of the quiz team.

The programme will be broadcast twice daily throughout the season on the new  
ONdigital sports channel, which will be launched in August."

[25] Test your booze levels
Posted Wednesday, May 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
Be afraid...be very afraid


[24] Bangkok protest
Posted Wednesday, May 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
Teamtalk reports that Utd fans have only got a tiny proportion of tickets for our 
match in Thailand this pre-season.

Out of 60,000, Teamtalk say "only 4,000 tickets were put on sale to the  general 
public. The rest of the tickets have been reserved for sponsors and foreigners. It has 
been confirmed by officials that 30,000 tickets have gone to major  sponsors PepsiCo 
Inc and leading mobile telephone operator AIS".

Just like Wembley then.

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