[23] Massive Star Trek fans?
Posted Saturday, April 28, 2001 by tb:
As Potato Head and chums Klingon for another week. Are we surprised? No, not a bit. 
They will be relegated on the last day of the season, probably to a penalty conceeded 
by Twatio or Ha Haaland in the last minute. Naturally the penalty will go straight 
through Englands No 1's legs (he'd been recalled after catching a cross in the warm up 
in a stiffs game the previous week!).

Just a thought

[22] Mystery team 'mate' has a pop at Keano
Posted Saturday, April 28, 2001 by tb:
Anonomously, in the Mirror:

"The lads were livid. It is like Roy has become a law unto himself, they were all 
talking about it at breakfast. 

"Roy is the captain but is it his place to have a go at his team-mates like that? He 
doesn't care who he upsets but it isn't good for morale. 

"Roy knows that when everyone walks out for training the little cliques are talking 
about him behind his back but he doesn't care. 

"He trains and then goes home. He doesn't mix with the lads, he has got his own 

"What he is playing at nobody knows. It is obvious to all of us who he is talking 
about and it is not on, it isn't even as though he has had a great season." 

[21] El Tel - then again...
Posted Saturday, April 28, 2001 by tb:
On disallowed goal:

''I'd like to see it again. The players say the keeper touched it and it's gone onto 
the post and come back, and then it's not offside. There are different versions but 
from where I am I've got a fairly good idea, but not good enough. The referee gave it. 
That's a blow because after pegging away at it and pegging away at it, it looked like 
we were going to get something.'' 

[20] El Tel - mustn't grumble
Posted Saturday, April 28, 2001 by tb:
"We got off to a poor start but after that I thought we were all right. We pressed and 
we got some half-chances and second half I actually thought we played well. I just 
really would have liked to have seen how the game would have gone if that goal had 
been allowed. It would have given us a lift, but it wasn't to be. I don't think they 
got a host of chances. We pressed forward and still looked solid at the back. Funnily 
enough, at the end of the game I haven't got too many complaints apart from the start."

[19] Fergie on game - a decent performance
Posted Saturday, April 28, 2001 by tb:
"I thought we started the game very well - getting the goal obviously helped, but we 
did make a good start and I think that caught Middlesbrough on the hop,". 

"It took them a long time to get going and in the second half it became a bit more of 
a contest and there was a period for about 15 minutes when Middlesbrough were a bit 
unlucky. The game was very, very open and we had a lot of counter-attack opportunities 
and we squandered a few good opportunities, but at the end of the day I think it was a 
decent performance - not brilliant, but decent. They won't go down, I'm confident of 
that, and I think another season will see them improve in the top flight." 

[18] Boro 0 Utd 2
Posted Saturday, April 28, 2001 by tb:
A Phil Neville 'special' and a late second from Becks.

Fergie said afterwards:

''Nobody needs to worry about Manchester United. I read a piece in this morning's 
paper, someone saying we have nothing to play for with what teams we pick because the 
league's over for us. But I don't think it's a comment you would make about us. Nobody 
should worry about how we approach games - we approach games to win. I've decided I'm 
going to do it for the rest of the season, I'm going to play younger players. Last 
Saturday's performance was really disappointing and there was a lot of disappointment 
with the European thing, but today I was pleased again.'' 

[17] Becks on contract speculation
Posted Saturday, April 28, 2001 by tb:
"I've not even started talks yet and nothing is going on yet," he said.

"I've always said that Manchester United are my team and if things go well with the 
contract talks then I'll be staying. "

"At the end of the day I love Manchester United. I've supported them since I was a boy 
and my whole family are Manchester United fans."

[16] Becks responds to Keano's coments
Posted Saturday, April 28, 2001 by tb:
"So many people have said there should be changes, but we have won seven championships 
in nine years and that's not the sign of an average team really,".

"It's disappointing when you don't do well in the European Cup, but this is a great 

"We've not played as well as we can do recently, but at the end of the day we were 13 
points clear when we won the championship.

"There are some players in this team who've not done as well as they can do this 
season, but you should always stick together as a team.

"We have never been a side who have come out in the papers and said things about each 
other or other players.

"Things are always said by managers and players, but it is the manager who makes the 
decisions and if he thinks the team needs strengthening, then it's up to him what 

"It's going to be a special year next year for the manager, the team and the fans.

"Hopefully we can go out and win the European Cup as well as the league and the FA 

[15] Latest from Mexes
Posted Saturday, April 28, 2001 by tb:
"If Auxerre don't want to sell me, I will stay, no problem. I don't 
want to go too quickly." 

[14] More Kenyon
Posted Saturday, April 28, 2001 by tb:
"I'm not going to comment on individuals, but the team isn't crumbling - we haven't 
had a disastrous season and the team's not about to explode.

"We think we've got a great squad of players and we're looking to build on it for next 
season and thereafter.

"But there's an absolute disappointment from everybody involved in terms of not 
progressing further in the European Cup - that's what it's born out of.

"We've got a culture here of people still being hungry to win things.

"The standards that we've set are higher than anywhere else and if you don't achieve 
what you set to achieve at the start of the season that, I think, manifests itself in 
major disappointments.

"But you've got to move on from last Wednesday and look at the achievements that have 
been made.

"Three championships in a row is a significant achievement."

[13] Jaap does his bit selling us to Ruud
Posted Saturday, April 28, 2001 by tb:
"Jaap has told me about the club and the fans, and everything about Manchester. It was 
good to hear what he had to say, it was all very positive.

[13] More Ruud
Posted Saturday, April 28, 2001 by tb:
"I've never played in the Premier League, but when I've watched the games and from 
what I've heard from the players who play here it's very different from Holland," he 
told the official Manchester United website prior to the press conference announcing 
his arrival.
"It's generally a higher level, and every aspect of the game is at a higher level. It 
will be a challenge for me.

[12] Giggsy testimonial confirmed
Posted Saturday, April 28, 2001 by tb:
>From the official site:

It has been confirmed by the committee for Ryan Giggs' testimonial year that a 
celebration match will be played against Celtic on Wednesday 1 August 2001. The 
friendly fixture at Old Trafford is set to be the main event in the Welsh wizard's 
celebratory season. As yet no further details, regarding ticket sales or the exact 
kick-off time, are known.

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