[19] Fixture changes in more detail
Posted Saturday, September 1, 2001 by redend:
Derby (home) - Wednesday, 12th December, kick-off 8pm. 
Fulham (away) - Sunday, 30th December, kick-off 2pm. 
Newcastle (home) - Wednesday, 2nd January, kick-off 8pm. 
Southampton (away) - Sunday, 13th January, kick-off 2pm. 

[18] Changes to kick-off times 
Posted Saturday, September 1, 2001 by redend:
Leeds (home),27th October - kick-off 12 noon 
Chelsea (home),1st December - kick-off 12 noon 
Bolton (away), 29th January - kick-off 7.45pm 
Liverpool (home), 1st April - kick-off 12 noon

[17] Birthday Boys
Posted Saturday, September 1, 2001 by redend:
Henning Berg is 32 today.

And then there's Bee Gee and former Chorlton boy Barry Gibb who is 55 today.

We thought you should know that.

[16] Coco No Go
Posted Saturday, September 1, 2001 by redend:
New Barca left back Francesco Coco reckons he rejected United before leaving Milan for 

"I am joining one of the three best clubs in the world. I turned down offers from 
Lazio and Manchester United. I preferred to join Barcelona."

"Before Barca came in for me they had already tried to sell me to Lazio and Manchester 
United. [Err - so did United bid for you or was it Milan touting you round?] I decided 
to leave because I no longer felt that the management had faith in my abilities.

"They [Barca] have a lot of champions in their team and I don't see moving abroad as a 
[So why did you bring it up then?]

[15] Germany invades Poland....
Posted Saturday, September 1, 2001 by redend:
.... on this day in history.

The tabloid press must be barely able to contain their moistened undergarments:

On this day in history - 1939: Germany invaded Poland and bombed Warsaw at 6am. For 
the first time in history, the King went to Downing Street instead of the Prime 
Minister going to the Palace, as Neville Chamberlain needed to stay near his telephone.

[14] Free bets to make it interesting?
Posted Saturday, September 1, 2001 by redend:
A few free bets for new punters who register with Sporting Odds before Germany v 
England Kick Off today 

Simply register and place a £5 bet on tonight's match between Germany and England and 
Sporting Odds will give you £10 for each headed goal scored.
[actually this doesn't sound like total bollocks - will have to cane the Mrs debit 

[Hmm - Owen, Heskey, Fowler, Hamman diving?]


See SportingOdds site for full details 
Click on banner or 
(link:http://www.sportingodds.co.uk/adserver/scripts/ict.dll?click?rnews0) this link

The offer begins at 00.01am on Wednesday 29th August until kick-off on Saturday 1st 
September and applies to ANY bet on the game, including Specials. Offer applies to NEW 
REGISTRANTS. Own goals WILL count - the decision of SportingOdds will be final. One 
account per client. Accounts will be credited within 48 hours of the match.

[13] Reds in action ...
Posted Saturday, September 1, 2001 by redend:
Match Result:
Germany    11/10
England    11/5
Draw    21/10    

Fancy a Red to score first - Scholesy or Becks? 

Andy Cole    15/2
Paul Scholes    8/1
David Beckham    12/1
Phillip Neville    50/1
Gary Neville  66/1
(If they haven't been on the pitch by the time the first goal is scored then you get 
your stake back)

With Owen, Heskey, Fowler playing? - First Booking to be for a dive in the penalty 
area    5/1  

Either D Beckham or D Hamann to score from outside the box 4/1  

P or G Neville to score at anytime 16/1

Click on banner or 
(link:http://www.sportingodds.co.uk/adserver/scripts/ict.dll?click?rnews0) this link

[12] Keano vs Jaap & Ruud ?
Posted Saturday, September 1, 2001 by redend:
want to make it interesting with a small wager?

Rep of Ireland v Holland - Match Result

Rep Ireland     9/4
Holland     EVS
Draw     9/4   

First Goalscorer

Roy Keane    20/1 
Ruud Van Nistelrooy    4/1 
Jaap Stam    33/1  

Scotland v Croatia match result

Scotland     7/5
Croatia     13/8
Draw     21/10 

More odds from SportingOdds:
Click on banner or 
(link:http://www.sportingodds.co.uk/adserver/scripts/ict.dll?click?rnews0) this link

[11] Veron compares Utd to Lazio and Manchester to Rome!
Posted Saturday, September 1, 2001 by tb:
"Manchester have a great organization. At Lazio there was however more will to become 
a great club and they did everything to make sure that the players could concentrate 
only on football. But here at Manchester everything is calmer."

"I stay with my family and we usually go out and eat. Of course, Manchester is not 
Rome and if I compare the two cities I have lost a lot. But here I have the serenity 
that was hard to find in Italy."

Veron about his future: "In Italy I had magnificent years and I want to thank the 
fans, who have always treated me well. I hope to return one day."

[10] Sven: No needles for Becks
Posted Saturday, September 1, 2001 by tb:
"I think with such an injury, you shouldn't take a painkiller as you risk the muscle 
rupturing and that would be a disaster for everyone - not only for the national team 
but for him and Manchester United." 

And so say all of us!

[9] Keano: No looking back for me
Posted Saturday, September 1, 2001 by tb:
"Football has a nasty habit of kicking you in the teeth," he said. "Yeah, it's 
disappointing. But it's gone. It's history and there's nothing I can do about it, so 
why talk about it? 

"It's not about Roy Keane or any other individuals, it's about the whole country. You 
won't find me looking back." 

[8] Keano on Holland
Posted Saturday, September 1, 2001 by tb:
"It's a huge match, one of the biggest I have ever been involved in." "We've not 
played in a major tournament since the World Cup in America and that's a long while." 

[7] The Boiler man
Posted Saturday, September 1, 2001 by tb:
Keano's former manager Timmy Murphy at Rockmount AFC in Cork:

"the fellow who mans the furnace, gets things heated up and keeps it that way." 

[6] Giggsy on being captain
Posted Saturday, September 1, 2001 by tb:
"I've captained Wales before, I've captained United this season as well and it's 
something that I enjoy. There's no bigger honour than captaining your country.

"I will captain my own way, I'm not a shouter and I will hope to take something from 
all the great skippers I've played under at United."

Roy Keane and Bryan Robson are motivators but I've also played under Eric Cantona, who 
led by example."

[5] Sparky on Giggsy the skipper
Posted Saturday, September 1, 2001 by tb:
"Ryan played out of his skin the last time he was skipper and scored a great goal. 
Let's hope the same happens this time," 

"Ryan has a presence when he walks in the room, people take notice and he has that 
aura about him. The captaincy won't phase him in any way."

[4] The clowns arrive in town
Posted Saturday, September 1, 2001 by tb:
>From Ananova:

Thirty English and German fans were arrested after fights broke out around Frankfurt's 
railway station.

The trouble in Frankfurt started after a stand-off between more than 400 German fans 
and a smaller group of England supporters on their way to Munich.

At one stage riot police charged the crowd.

(That'll be the softly, softly approach they were on about!)

[3] Gary Nev on Ingerlund
Posted Saturday, September 1, 2001 by tb:
"There is always pressure to play for England, but I would say Germany are under more 
pressure to win the game because they are in the best position in the group and will 
be playing in front of their home crowd.

"We go there with nothing to lose because from the minute we lost at home to Germany 
nobody expected us to get anywhere near the top of the group.

"I think the first 45 minutes will be so vital. I just think if we can get through 
that first 45 minutes in Munich and keep it 0-0 with half an hour to go, then we've 
got enough in our team to get a goal or even two.

"I do think it's so important we do well in that first spell and then we will be in a 
very strong position with the forwards and pace that they possess. We are always 
likely to grab something."

"We know if we win in Germany than we've got a great chance of topping the group and 
that's a massive (easy Gary!) incentive for everyone.

"We were disappointed with the way we played against Holland recently but it was a 
friendly. It's the same with pre-season friendlies with your club. You don't like to 
lose them but you know ultimately that the League games are the ones that mean 

"That setback has not dented our confidence for Saturday, and don't forget we will 
have key players available like (Steven) Gerrard, (Rio) Ferdinand, Heskey and (Sol) 

"We know we sat off Holland and gave them too much space and showed them too much 
respect. We can't do that against Germany. We have to go and perform with probably 
more of a carefree attitude."

[2] Any Barry Normans out there?
Posted Saturday, September 1, 2001 by tb:
Anyone fancy giving the video below from Amazon a 'critique'?

Go on, you know you want to. I believe the title should give the plot away!


[1] Keano: No problem with Jaap
Posted Saturday, September 1, 2001 by tb:
"People shouldn't believe some of the stories going round. I had no problems with 
Jaap, he's a very nice lad and he was popular with the other players.

"But I have too much respect for Sir Alex Ferguson to worry about his departure. He is 
the manager and he makes the decisions."

[50] Fixture changes
Posted Friday, August 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
The following fixtures have been changed:

Fulham (away) will now be played on Sunday, 30th December
Newcastle (home) will now be played on Wednesday, 2nd January
Southampton (away) will now be played on Sunday, 13th January.

There are no details of kick-off times as yet.

[49] Lille ticket details
Posted Friday, August 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
Manchester United vs Lille
Old Trafford, Tuesday 18 September kick off 7.45pm.

Sales will continue to ST/LMTB Holders who can purchase a seat on a best available 
basis on Saturday 1st September from 9am until 2pm or alternatively by telephoning the 
MUFC Ticket Line giving credit / debit card details (please note, an administration 
fee of 3% per transaction is charged).

Additionally ST/LMTB Holders can make an IMMEDIATE postal application enclosing 
relevant documentation, payment and a first class sae.


Sales will then commence to Members who can purchase a seat on a best available basis 
from the Ticket Office from Monday 3rd September until Thursday 6th September 9am 
until 5pm (subject to availability) on production of their membership card.

Members unable to apply in person can make an on line application or an IMMEDIATE 
postal application enclosing a members match ticket order form, relevant payment and a 
first class sae.

Usual League Match prices. Please note the Junior Ticket scheme will be in operation 
for this game, seats are situated in the East Lower section of the stadium priced 


The general public can purchase a ticket on a best available basis on
Friday 7th September from 9am until 5pm or by telephoning the MUFC Ticket Line on 0161 
868 8010 at the same times, giving credit/debit card details (please note an 
administration fee of 3% per transaction is charged).


[48] Posh - I don't want David to leave Manchester
Posted Friday, August 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
More spin no doubt but good news as she denies that she has said he should leave 
United - whatever, the main thing is she said on an MUTV phone interview that she knew 
"David was happy in Manchester" an the fans have really shown their support to him 
(and her...) over the years.

"We are happy in Manchester, it's the best club for him to play at"

as we have said - and this seems to confirm - expect an announcement in the not too 
distant future about news of him signing the deal. You heard it here first some weeks 

Posh also said stories she didn't like Manchester "were rubbish" and how much she 
likes it and is made to feel home, although nobody asked just why she has built her 
castle so far away.

Best quote of the night, Keano saying "I don't care about England-Germany"

[47] Sven won't inject Becks
Posted Friday, August 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I think with such an injury, you shouldn't take a painkiller as you risk the muscle 
rupturing and that would be a disaster for everyone - not only for the national team 
but for him and Manchester United.

He did almost everything and seems okay. Of course, I'm very happy about that. It 
seems like we have all 25 of the squad in a good condition and that's very good. It 
looks like he can play although we will have to wait until Saturday morning to see if 
there is any reaction. He did a little crossing and shooting and it was okay. If he 
feels okay in the morning, there should be no problems."

[46] Giggs on Wales captaincy
Posted Friday, August 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I've captained Wales before, I've captained United this season as well and it's 
something that I enjoy. There's no bigger honour than captaining your country. I will 
captain my own way, I'm not a shouter and I will hope to take something from all the 
great skippers I've played under at United."

[45] Giggs to captain Wales
Posted Friday, August 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
against Armenia in Cardiff.


"Ryan played out of his skin the last time he was skipper and scored a great goal. 
Let's hope the same happens this time. Ryan has a presence when he walks in the room, 
people take notice and he has that aura about him. The captaincy won't phase him in 
any way."

[44] Don't stray off the path
Posted Friday, August 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'The Foreign Office have expressed surprise over Uefa's decision to make Rangers play 
in crisis-torn Dagestan.

The European governing body have decreed that the Uefa Cup first round first leg tie 
against FC Anzhi Makhachkala will go ahead in the region where there have been 
instances of kidnapping Westerners.

But the Foreign Office have reiterated their concerns over the safety of anyone 
travelling to the area and have urged supporters not to make the journey.

"We have advised people not to travel to the region and that advice stands," said a 
Foreign Office spokesman.

"But we cannot stop people going to watch the game but we think that they should think 
very hard about it.

"We also advise that people should check their travel insurance very carefully because 
many insurers will not insure you if we have advised you not to go.

"It is a difficult one because we cannot stop people from going but we do advise 
people not to as it is such a dangerous region.

"It is fair to say that we had hoped that Uefa would come up with an alternative 

Rangers secretary Campbell Ogilvie will travel to the area at the start of next week 
along with Ibrox safety officer Laurence McIntyre to survey the region.

But Ogilvie has concurred with the advice of the Foreign Office and has pleaded with 
fans not to travel to the game.

"Based on the written guarantees from the Russian Government and football authorities, 
Uefa has advised us that the match will proceed in Makhachkala as planned," said 

"The guarantees have been given in respect of the safety and security of the members 
of the football club delegation.

"On the strong advice received from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office previously, we 
confirm that we will be taking no tickets for supporters and we strongly advise our 
fans not to travel to Dagestan for this match."

[43] Scousers desperately pounce on keeper
Posted Friday, August 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
signed goalkeeper Chris Kirkland from Coventry City for £6m - this a goalie who helped 
send his club down!

Coventry chairman Bryan Richardson: "Very reluctantly Coventry City have agreed to 
accept an offer from Liverpool FC for our 20 year-old goalkeeper Chris Kirkland. The 
offer, which breaks the British transfer fee record for a goalkeeper, was accepted as 
a consequence of relegation from the FA Premier League. The immediate loss through 
relegation is in excess of £15million to Coventry City - a fact which only highlights 
the ridiculous divide between the Premier League and First Division in financial 
terms. Chris Kirkland has come all the way through our youth/academy system and it is 
particularly sad that we are compelled to sell someone in this way, but financial 
circumstances have forced this action. We all wish Chris huge success at Liverpool and 
for England."

[42] Our very own Dante's Inferno
Posted Friday, August 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
Situated in the Megastore, on Septmber 6th as part of our tie-in with the WWF, a 
female wrestler called Terri will be hosting an autograph signing session in the Old 
Trafford store. I kid you not.

(wonder if she's tasty though...)

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