[32] Club on the team photo tampering!
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
Paddy Harveson:

"The squad photo was taken at the beginning of the season but since then Jaap has left 
and Laurent has come in. We've used the computer to replace Jaap and that will be the 
official team photo this season. These photos are difficult to arrange because we have 
to get the whole squad to Old Trafford. We won't be taking another." 

Bet he loved taking time out on a Sunday to answer that request from the SUN!

[31] How to obtain the Red News Fergie Special
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
Red News has produced a limited edition FERGIE SPECIAL to commemorate his last season 
in charge, with many unqiue memories and insights into his reign at United with 
exclusive photos and quotes. 

This really is a must have but we anticipate selling out completely in the not too 
distant future.

A few loyal Red News readers (we kiss the ground that you walk on) have asked us how 
they can still get one.

1) Through mail order. Each copy costs just £2.50 including postage and packing and 
can be ordered via Red News, P.O.Box 176, Manchester, M16 8LG

2) Sportspages branches in Manchester and London have stock

3) Buying a copy from Red News sellers at the Lille game.

[30] For once we agree with the SUN
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
Who back our story that the talk yesterday of a stalling in negotiations between 
United and Becks are nothing to get worked up about.

'MANCHESTER UNITED are laughing off claims that David Beckham will not sign a new 
contract until he is told who will replace Alex Ferguson.There are growing rumours the 
England  skipper is dragging his heels over another deal until he is happy with the 
choice to fill Fergie's boots.

Publicly, United are refusing to comment, other than a club spokesman insisting: 
"There are stories about his contract every fortnight. We will not start dignifying 
them with a response now."

But, privately, the allegations have been laughed off as a million miles from the 
truth — despite the growing need for contract discussions with their prize asset.'

[29] Cole still not happy
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I'm 30 in a month's time and to be told you are sitting on the bench at 30 years of 
age is hard to take. I will carry on persevering and see how things go. When you are 
sitting on the bench for Man United it doesn't help and it's the same when you are 
sitting on the bench for England. I just don't know what is going to happen. It's a 
long season and I'm going to try and play as many games as possible and go from there. 
It's been very frustrating and it's not my cup of tea. Everybody likes to play and I 
am no different to anyone else. I enjoy playing football and that's why I play 
football. If you are prepared to sit on the bench then that is the wrong attitude to 
have. I haven't got that attitude, I want to play games. I've just got to wait and 
see. If I play as many games as possible I will try and put as much pressure as 
possible on the manager to stay in the team. It was nice to start a game on Saturday 
and obviously it was nice to score a goal as well." 

[28] Walter Smith on Saturday
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I didn't think we deserved much better than that. Manchester United were the better 
team right from the start. We had only a little spell in the second-half where we 
managed to get back into it a little but we gave it away. They play at the highest 
level of any of the teams we play over the season. They dictate the flow of the game 
and the pace of the game, home and away. They have reached the level that when they 
impose themselves, you are always going to be under pressure. Anyway, it is back to 
reality for us next week."

[27] I'd forgotten this
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
Until just reminded as someone showed me when I was pissed on Saturday but United - 
fresh from the new team photo with Stam taking centre-stage took the option. New photo 
sans Stam and with Blanc or act like a photographer for a local newspaper. So the new 
official team photo has Blanc's head superimposed on to the body of Jaap Stam!

[26] Fergie on Wes and Blanc
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Any young defender is going to make mistakes, but hopefully Blanc will ease him 
through these periods. But he has an awareness of things around which is unusual for a 
young player. He learns very quickly from any mistakes. Blanc can maybe just give him 
assurance, talk to him more and help him. Against Everton Laurent was talking to him 
all the time. Wes is a tremendous centre-half and it will be good for him to have 
Laurent alongside him.  I think the Brown-Blanc partnership is very interesting. There 
may be a time when I leave them out, give them a break and bring in Ronny Johnsen. It 
won't do Wes any harm to rest from time to time. It's a long, hard season and even 
Blanc may be left out for one or two games. I think Blanc will complement what Wes is 
doing. On Saturday they were both big and strong. Everton had two target men and you 
don't get many teams like that these days. Blanc reads the game better than anyone and 
Wes isn't intimidated by anyone. Anyone who plays here h!
as to have a good temperament, the atmosphere is always huge, as is the demand and the 

[25] Strachan leaves Coventry
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
Via that classic term, "mutual consent"

Coventry chairman Bryan Richardson said: "I wish to place on record our sincere thanks 
and appreciation for Gordon's efforts on our behalf both as a player and as manager."

[24] Stam on his Italian start
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I am sorry for the result because it would have been nice to debut in Italy with a 
victory. But I am happy about my performance and especially about the performance of 
the whole defence. Considering that we had only trained together for one hour it was 
not easy to know each other. But I think we did rather well. This makes us understand 
that we are competitive for the rest of the season. I am very optimistic about this 
team's potential. In the Italian league the clubs like Perugia are competitive and 

[23] Gary Nev on Wednesday
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It's important we start quickly in the Champions League because in the last two years 
we've suffered going into the quarter-finals by not being on top form in the group 
stages. We've had to step our form up rather than going in there with a lot of 
confidence knowing we can just carry that on. We need to make sure our group form is 
good this year."

[22] We can all see this one
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
Wednesday's game will of course be on normal ITV, kick off 7.45pm.

[21] Fergie on Wednesday
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Unfortunately you have got to think seriously about Wednesday because it is a big 
match for us. We are going there with their record of not having lost on their own 
ground and it will be a difficult game. Their pride will come into play. There will be 
72,000 there and it will make it difficult for us."

[20] Lille win
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
At the weekend, Lille 1 Guingamp 0

[19] Great manager - not
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
Houllier admitting this his decision to buy 234 goalies last week was because: "What 
happened at Bolton played a major part." seems to suggest a man who doesn't have that 
much faith in his players. One game, a cock-up and you are out. And they think they 
are our rivals this season. What's that I hear. Bolton and Villa. That's two defeats 
down and no big boys played!

[18] 900 is the magic number
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
The amount of tickets that Utd have sold for the game in Greece. The home ends are 
full - and expect a very, very noisy atmosphere as the home end will be up for it as 
it's the first game. Cue lots of flares and shite!

[17] Those weekend Keano comments in full
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
 "His (Stam's) transfer to Lazio illustrates how little power footballers have in the 
game. Contracts mean nothing. He (Stam) has discovered that, to football clubs, 
players are just expensive pieces of meat. The harsh realities remain and when a club 
decide they want to sell there is little you can do once the wheels are in motion. 
Over the years only a few players have really caught my eye but Blanc is among them. 
His age appears to be something of an issue but this is one 35-year-old who looks 20 
on the training pitch."

[16] Lille tickets on general sale
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
Now tell me why they started selling them on a Sunday and not on the day of a home 
game when more people would have brought them!

Manchester United vs Lille
Old Trafford, Tuesday 18 September kick off 7.45pm.

The General Public can purchase tickets on Sunday 9th September from 8.30am until 
12.30pm from the Ticket Office only. Sales will then continue on Monday 10th September 
from 9am until 5pm or alternatively by telephoning the MUFC Ticket Line on 0161 868 
8010 at the same times, giving credit/debit card details (please note an 
administration fee of 3% per transaction is charged).

Supporters unable to apply in person can make an IMMEDIATE postal application 
including ticket requirements, relevant payment and a first class sae.

Non Members prices are as follows (subject to availability) however,
Members can gain their usual discount on production of their membership card:
North and South Stands Upper and Lower £28
North Stand 2nd Tier £26
North East/West Quadrants Upper and Lower £24
East and West Upper £24
Family Stand £24
North Stand 3rd Tier £22

A half price facility is available to under 16s and over 65s.


[15] Remember the date
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
Saturday 8th 2001


You'll remember Wor Kev said after city's stuffing

"That was not good enough for City, not good enough for the supporters and certainly 
not good enough for me. In this division if you are not up for it you will get 
punished and we had too many players who just weren't up for it against Albion. I am 
sure things will settle down and I think we will be a top six team this season. But 
with the players I have got I don't think we will get out of this division 

Mark it down as the very first day that Kev started to lose it, ala Newcastle, 
England...bet the city fans loved - and I mean loved it - hearing their boss say it 
wasn't going to be automatic promotion for them. And all those massive expectations 

[14] More from Fergie
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I'm pleased we got the result we did. It's just a pity we lost that goal because I 
think that still gives people the impression we can't defend. It gives people 
encouragement and I like to get those zeroes against us."

[13] Paddy Crerand on Veron
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Veron is the best passer of the ball I have ever seen."

[12] Fergie on Saturday
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Veron was marvellous, really top-drawer. He is a great player. He and Keane set such 
a standard of control in midfield that made it very difficult for Everton."

[11] United youngster confident
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
Danish 16 year old Mads Timm (work out a song for that name then!

"I will play here one day. I  certainly believe it will happen. I have got lots of 
time to get there and I  have already been through much during the first hard time 
here, so I know  that I will play in the starting line-up one day.I believe it is my  
destiny. The stars 
have no private life, their life is tough, but I still want to play in the  first team 
one day.I have been fortunate to play best at the right times,  and I think I will 
also succeed at United. On the other hand, I wouldn't  want to play for the reserves 
when I am 21, then I would look for another  club."hen we played in a tournament in 
Northern Ireland, there were  5,000-6,000 spectators. I played a good match and, 
afterwards, I was called 'United's Danish star' in the papers."

Don't let it go to your head son...

[10] Gary Nev denies Stam rift talk
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It's sad to see anybody go, especially when you've enjoyed a big part of your success 
with them and they've been a big part of the squad. But the manager is the best person 
who decides as to who plays or who doesn't for Manchester United, and everybody trusts 
him in that respect. Obviously, there was a lot made about divisions in the dressing 
room regarding Jaap, but that was never the case. Jaap was accepted by everybody at 
the club when he first arrived, and was still treated the same at the end. He really 
got on well with everybody. I'm not just saying that. It is genuinely true. People 
seem to find it difficult to believe. But there were passages in the book, not just 
about me, but David Beckham, Ryan Giggs and Nicky Butt, where he said a lot of 
complimentary things about us. I've tried to call him since he left, but without much 
luck, although I'm hoping to speak to him soon because I've always got on brilliantly 
with him."

[9] Leeds admit to standing problem
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
At last someone else makes this a national debate rather than just Utd. Will people 
start to take more notice now and not cover their heads in the sand?

Peter Ridsdale:

"Elland Road has been adapted for spectators to be seated, so put simply, it is not 
safe for spectators to stand throughout the match. This is because seated stadiums do 
not have crowd control barriers. The potential therefore exists for crowd surging. 
Obviously, a surge in a seated area can cause serious injury - particularly so in 
upper seating areas. Those such as the East Stand upper tier are designed to maximise 
viewing and comfort for all spectators. Accordingly, the front parapet rails are 
positioned at a low level to permit good viewing, but if spectators stand and a surge 
ensues a real threat exists of spectators being forced over the rail. We understand 
supporters may want to jump up at times of high drama or goalmouth incidents, but we 
do expect the general principle of our policy to be adhered to. If we do not receive 
full co-operation from spectators and the club cannot be seen to be managing this 
policy effectively, the Licensing Authority may take measures. Thes!
e could include reducing the capacity of an area of the stadium, fully closing an area 
of the stadium, or even closing the stadium as a whole. Obviously, this would be to 
the detriment of both the club and all supporters."

[8] Coruna update
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
By Basque Dave

'Deportivo La Corunna won away at the weekend 0-1 against Las Palmas in the Canary 
Islands maintaining their 100% start to the season. Depor dominated the match without 
playing particularly well, but had to wait until the 88th minute for left winger and 
club captain Fran to score an individualist goal. Keano shouldn't be too worried to 
hear that what is regarded as the midfield battle of the 'hard' men in these parts was 
won by Emerson (ex-Middlesborough) against Las Palmas' unlikely cult figure of Vinnie 
Samways (ex Spurs and Everton).

Full line-up: Molina; Manuel Pablo, Naybet, Donato, Romero; Victor, Emerson, Valeron 
(Sergio 70min.), Duscher, Amavisca (Fran 81min.), Diego Tristan (Pandiani 73min.)

Interesting to note the absences of Mauro SIlva (Brazil captain and midfielder) and 
Roy Makaay (Dutch centre-forward). The first presumably because he was tired after the 
Wednesday night Agentina-Brazil game. The right winger Victor apparently had another 

[7] Stam helps keep a clean sheet
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
Perugia 0 Lazio 0

Stam made one telling run at the back when Perugia were three on one against him and 
he pushed the attacker out wide. He looked ok, more than can be said for his new team.

[6] It's the time for rubbish then
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
As the People went with a front page splash that Posh is threatening to quit showbiz 
'because of her terror over death and kidnap threats...Victoria, closely guarded at 
Saturday's match'.

Hmm, and there we were thinking as we sold Red News that we saw the Becks arrive as 
normal with usual security measures before the game without any extra security.

[5] O'Dreary rubbish
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The Stam transfer is the most baffling I've ever come across...he looks fit to me"

And you manage Leeds, not Manchester United so how would you know?

[4] More tabloid talk
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
Luke Chadwick has also yet to sign a new deal, and his current one does run out next 

Also there were reports in the Sunday's that Fergie will pen a new book on his last 
season in charge at United. Stam - The Real Story?

[4] More on the Beckham saga
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
Despite all the Sunday headline we stick by our guns that a new deal WILL be signed, 
and sooner than expected.

You had to laugh when the People stated that his current deal "has just 21 months" 
left, but it seems any delay is down to image rights than wanting to know the new 
boss. And don't believe that his agents have only met Utd three times to discuss the 
deal. Nonsense.

[3] Quote of the weekend
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
Bar Keano's "we're pieces of meat" this from Everton boss Walter Smith:

"We're glad we only visit Old Trafford once a year"

[2] Houllier changes his mind
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
on Gerrard's vicious lunge.

"It was a reckless challenge. He has to learn from this. I think frustration got the 
better of him"

Boateng: "I did not dive. I'm just happy I wasn't hurt."

[1] More on that Barthez nonsense story
Posted Monday, September 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Saturday's Moral on how Fab may be off at the end of the season as he is 
>unhappy. Barthez said it all on Saturday when he replied that the story was 
>"bullshit" but to give you some background we'll repeat here what we put in the 
>Gossip section of issue 79 of Red News.

It was an old story doing the rounds in France and everyone with any sense knew that 
it was nonsense and only being peddled by the jealous.

We wrote for issue 79

'Recent positive - and honest - proclamations from the great Fabien about him wanting 
to see out his career at Old Trafford may have been brought about by the ludicrous and 
mischevious rumours doing the rounds in France this summer that Fabien had told  
friends that he  is fed up with Manchester and would consider any offer. It was 
rubbish and thankfully for our blood pressure didn’t make it across the Channel - and 
no France papers printed it (although several journalists had  heard of the story ). 
Barthez did spend five days  in June training with AS Monaco, his old club, wearing 
the full kit of the  club. Deschamps is the new coach there and is a good friend with 
Barthez. But don't read anything into that, Fab is definitely happy here.'

[27] More on Kenyon at the SU meeting
Posted Sunday, September 9, 2001 by tb:
>From Ananova:

Manchester United chief executive Peter Kenyon is annoyed that the club have been left 
to take all the flak over the on-going problem of persistent standing.

United feel they have been singled out unfairly because some of their supporters 
refuse to sit down during matches at Old Trafford and other Premier League grounds.

Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council, which is responsible for safety at Old 
Trafford, threatened last season to close down sections of the ground because of the 

While Middlesbrough and Sunderland have reduced United's ticket allocation because 
they claim their fans refuse to sit down.

Kenyon claims United are being used "as a political pawn" and he feels the problem 
needs to be addressed by the relevant authorities.

He would like to see the Premier League, the Football Licensing Authority and the 
Government get involved.

Speaking at a meeting of Shareholders United, Kenyon said: "We're being used as a 
political pawn.

"Where I'm feeling uncomfortable is with the way it's coming down on Manchester 
United, Trafford council and our supporters because the rest of the people are dodging 
the issue.

"The licensing authority, the Premier League and the Government should get visible on 
this issue.

"Let those people who are imposing the rules stick their heads above the parapet."

[26] Becks stalling on new deal
Posted Sunday, September 9, 2001 by tb:
According to the Sunday Mirror and the NOTW, Becks's advisors SFX have pulled out of 
talks until he knows who the new Utd boss is. Also some disparity over the length and 
value of said contract, with both rags claiming it to be around the 100k a week mark 
(including image rights).No quotes, so use the pinch of salt approach

[25] Blanc on Druncan
Posted Sunday, September 9, 2001 by tb:
"I had been warned that he liked physical contacts (just ask the scousers who did his 
house over). But so do I. I have enough experience to know how to play against this 
kind of players. But I was a little nervous. It's a new club, new team mates. It's 
always difficult to start. But we won and it went like I hoped it would."

[24] Laurent on the language barrier
Posted Sunday, September 9, 2001 by tb:
"I don't know if they understood me because I spoke to them in english...but it went 

[23] Blanc: It didn't feel right
Posted Sunday, September 9, 2001 by tb:
The kiss

"We didn't feel it. You have got to feel it, we will maybe 
do it later, it depends on the circumstances."

[22] More Fergie on Blanc
Posted Sunday, September 9, 2001 by tb:
"I thought he did well, he did what we expected and I thought he showed great 
experience at times and he showed great composure all the time.

"He's had to battle at times with Ferguson, which isn't easy, and I think he's come 
out well in that. He's a very, very good player.

"I think what he is is economic. If you remember Laurent playing three years ago, he 
was bursting through to join the attack.

"He knows now to let the others get on with it, which is sensible enough."

[21] Fergie backs Wes
Posted Sunday, September 9, 2001 by tb:
"I think Wes Brown is the best in England, better than both Sol Campbell and Rio 
Ferdinand. He will be a fantastic player,"

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