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[50] Anyone nicked at Villa Park ...
Posted Tuesday, January 8, 2002 by redend:
... who'd like details of a recommended brief in Birmaingham who has already done the 
business for Reds today - to represent you for free - contact  

Heard of 2 lads who got off with a fine and no ban (quite rightly - they weren't even 
on the pitch let alone kicking off) - others up before the beak over the next few days.

Good luck lads - get the suit & tie out of the wardrobe and iron that shirt you 
scruffy twats.

[49] Police won't have 7pm on a Sunday
Posted Tuesday, January 8, 2002 by bar-knee:
In London for Arse-Liverpool the police ban a 7pm kick-off, unlike the West Midlands 

A police spokesman said: 'We have an agreement that we don't do 7pm on a Sunday 
throughout London.  We have been in discussions with the FA which knows that we can do 
 12pm, 2pm or 4pm instead. There are a lot of complex issues to be  sorted out because 
there could be so many teams in London on the same day.' 

[48] Massive departure on the cards
Posted Tuesday, January 8, 2002 by bar-knee:
The man with the most apt name for siddy, Simon Colosimo is set to leave Maine Road on 
a loan basis.

[47] Norway boss praises Ole
Posted Tuesday, January 8, 2002 by bar-knee:
Norway coach Nils Johan Semb: 

"Ole Gunnar is going through a really good spell and he  was excellent on Sunday 
against Aston Villa. Now he is 
a first-teamer. He has taken a step ahead of the likes of Andy Cole  and Dwight Yorke 
and he seems to be first choice alongside Ruud van  Nistelrooy. That is a positive 
thing for Ole Gunnar, Manchester  United, and me this season. He has developed into a 
really good footballer. He  fits into the game well and plays well with others around 
him. He is  still a great finisher too - the goal against Villa proved that." 

[46] Leeds and Strongbow
Posted Tuesday, January 8, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From the Daily Express:

'Disgraced Leeds duo Lee Bowyer and Jonathan Woodgate have amazingly been chosen to 
spearhead a campaign aimed at warning schoolkids against the perils of drink. The 
decision was taken by Leeds bosses who believe the pair are the perfect anti-drinking 
role models for the nation's youngsters, despite their high-profile court case 
involving an Asian student that led to Woodgate being found guilty of affray and 
Bowyer being fined by the club for his drunken behaviour.

The extraordinary plan is set to run into trouble, though, with the club's sponsor, 
cider- makers HP Bulmer, who are to discuss the matter at the highest level. Bulmer 
have a £10 million deal with the club and their Strongbow logo is on the first-team 

Leeds spokesman David Walker said: "Bowyer and Woodgate will be taking an active role 
in the campaign, although a launch date has yet to be finalised. We are aware of what 
some people might think, but we see this as a positive move."

But Bulmer media relations officer George Thomas sais: "It would be naive of us to 
belive that the Bowyer/Woodgate affair has not reflected someway on our brand. We'll 
have to discuss whether it is a good idea that the two should feature."

[45] Massive news
Posted Tuesday, January 8, 2002 by bar-knee:
This little gem is currently being distributed to the UMIST staff list.  Free City 
ticket with your barm cake, sir?

'This week, you can enjoy a delicious breakfast from the Barnes Wallis Restaurant, and 
end up with two tickets in the main stand, Maine Road, to watch the League Division 
One leaders Manchester City play Norwich City next Sunday 13th January. 
Freshly-cooked breakfast barms, to eat in or take away, are available between 8am and 
10am in the Barnes Wallis Restaurant - from just 99p!. From Tuesday 8th Jan, until 
Friday 11th Jan, the first 200 customers will receive a numbered ticket, and the 
holder of the winning ticket, drawn at 10am on Friday will receive the two tickets. 

The winning number will be circulated by email after the draw, and displayed between 
12 and 2pm in the Barnes Wallis Restaurant. 

No purchase is necessary One ticket per person per visit.'

[So that's how they bump the attendance up from 3007]

[44] Charlton away ticket details - IN BY FRIDAY!
Posted Tuesday, January 8, 2002 by bar-knee:
Charlton (away)
10 February, 14:00
(Please note this fixture has been rearranged from Saturday 9 February).

We will receive an allocation of approximately 2,900 tickets, the majority  of which 
are priced at £25 adults, £20 over 65s and £15 under 16s, however  300 tickets are 
marked restricted view and priced £23 adults £18 over 65s  and £13 under 16s.

Postal applications only are now being accepted from Season Ticket Holders,  enclosing 
voucher 33 (duly completed), relevant payment, sae and the  following 4 match vouchers 
properly affixed to this seasons official  voucher sheet (2001/2002): 31 (Lille OSC) 
32 (Deportivo la Coruna) 33  (Olympiakos) 34 (Boavista).

Private Box/Exec Suite and Club Class Members can also apply in the usual manner 
quoting their facilities held.

All applications need to be received in the Ticket Office no later than  17:00 on 
Friday 11 January 2002. Please note, in the event of being  oversubscribed a postal 
ballot will be held to determine successful applicants.

[43] Remember to get Nantes away in
Posted Tuesday, January 8, 2002 by bar-knee:
Nantes (Away)
20 February 2002, 19:45

We are to receive an allocation of approximately 3,000 match tickets at an  equivalent 
price of £30 each for our next away game in the competition  versus FC Nantes, to be 
played on Wednesday 20 February.

These are being offered to all club members who either wish to make their own travel 
arrangements or who wish to travel on one of the club's travel packages.

Application forms for match tickets only and club travel are now available  upon 
request from the Membership Office and applicants will have until  17:00 Friday 11 
January to return their application. If making an  application Season Ticket and 
League Match Ticket Book holders are  requested to produce voucher 71 duly completed.

If making an application Season Ticket and League Match Ticket Book holders are 
requested to produce voucher 71 duly completed.

If oversubscribed priority will be given to members who have purchased a  ticket from 
the club or travelled with the club for any of the previous  away games in the 
competition so far this season. It should be noted that  if applying for a match 
ticket only and demand exceeds the ticket  allocation received, a ballot will take 
place in order to determine the  successful applicants.

If applying for match tickets only it should also be noted that you should  provide 
the following information on the official booking form: -

1. The names of those members wishing to purchase a ticket together with  their 
membership and passport numbers.

2. Details of your travel arrangements or proposed travel arrangements,  which should 
include date of departure, return date and name of  accommodation if applicable.

The club will have the following travel packages available:-

OPTION 1 : Day Trip from Manchester, price £210 plus £30 match ticket;

OPTION 2: Coach Trips (2 types);
Both departing Old Trafford with pick-up points en-route to Dover:

Type A Coach Flyer - £85 plus £30 match ticket;

Type B Coach Trip with overnight stay - £125
(based on 2 people sharing) plus £30 match ticket.

In addition and subject to demand the club are to arrange a 2 day VIP trip from 
Manchester. The cost is £360 plus match ticket and this will include one night's 
accommodation at a first class hotel in Nantes city-centre.

It should be noted that all these packages are available to all club members.

For further information on club travel, please telephone the Membership  Office during 
normal office hours on either 0161 868 8462 or 0161 868 8464,  whilst information 
regarding match ticket only applications can be obtained  by telephoning either 0161 
868 8455 or 0161 868 8467 again during normal  office hours.

Information regarding match ticket availability and club travel 
arrangements for our away game versus Boavista to be played on Tuesday 19  March will 
be announced via all our usual channels as soon as we have been  advised the ticket 
allocation we are to receive for this game.

For information regarding ticket availability for the home games in the  competition 
can be obtained by telephoning the 24 hour Ticket & Match Information Line on 0870 757 

[42] Transfer latest
Posted Tuesday, January 8, 2002 by bar-knee:
Paddy Harverson: "We have not made a bid for Ayala"

Snouts say we have upped bid for Di Canio to £3m - expect deal to go through, probably 

[41] A Red Perspective
Posted Tuesday, January 8, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From Basque Dave

'The only things I would add to the earlier stories are that when he got signed from 
Milan in September 2000 I think there was some sort of scandal behind it all . Anyway 
it all got a bit rushed through and he ended up with a contract rather inferior to 
what a full Argentine International would expect. He has been a big success at 
Valencia, which in itself makes a transfer less likely, and the suggestion is that he 
is angling for a contract improvement, so the cynical might see some agent manoeuvring 
behind all this. Secondly, his first name is Fabian: it looks like my crazed fantasies 
about a Fab back Five are coming true.

Today's puerile story from La Liga. - down in Sevilla, where they
patented the world's first penis-nibbling goal celebrations a few weeks ago (has it 
caught on in England yet?), Valencia keeper Cañizares got his "lucky towel" [sad man] 
nicked by a ballboy. What is better, is that his water bottle also went AWOL, only to 
be later returned refilled with a steaming yellow liquid that was not warm San Miguel 
[nice touch], sadly he noticed the temperature change, and so did not take a swig. The 
ballboy is the prime suspect, but you would have thought somebody would have noticed 
the refill operation - still with all that penis-nibbling
going on they were probably looking elsewhere'

[40] John Barnes on Ruud
Posted Tuesday, January 8, 2002 by bar-knee:
"One thing I have to say about Manchester United is that  reports of their demise have 
been greatly exaggerated. When they went  2-0 down at Villa Park, I thought the game 
was all over but Ruud van  Nistelrooy came on and transformed the match.  He was 
absolutely fantastic, although I must confess that, when he  first joined United, I 
questioned whether or not Sir Alex needed 
another striker because of the quality he already had at Old 
Trafford. But Ruud really is finding his form now, after not filling me with  all that 
much confidence in his early games.  His form in the last couple of months, however, 
has been fantastic  and he looks like he's going to score in every game he plays. His  
hold-up play and movement are improving and he is now becoming a real  Manchester 
United player." 

[39] Becks unlikely to play Preston testimonial
Posted Tuesday, January 8, 2002 by bar-knee:
Preston manager David Moyes on Ryan Kidd's testimonial 

:"I have spoken to people at United, but they have got a lot  of commitments in the 
:next few months. If they can fit it in to come  here for Ryan, then I'm sure that 
:they would, but it may not be 
possible. Ryan has got a testimonial committee working on his behalf  and they are 
also doing all they can to help him"

[38] Leeds get hate mail
Posted Tuesday, January 8, 2002 by bar-knee:
Peter Ridsdale: 

"The letters, which are really abusive, tend not to include their names, which is 
something I find very disappointing because I would really like to respond to them. 
There are about 10 per cent which are really bad, telling me what I should be doing 
with myself and what they would like to do with me. The letters are continuing to come 
in every day, but I have promised myself I will answer every single one with a 
personal reply. I feel I must write back to them to explain why they are wrong and to 
say to them the facts are a jury found Lee not guilty of all charges and found 
Jonathan not guilty of grievous bodily harm. I have not called in the police. I am 
writing to them all myself. It's taking some time writing that level of letters. I am 
having to work through the night to reply to them all and I still have two briefcases 
full left to respond to. Every spare minute of the day I am writing letters to members 
of the public who tend to live outside Leeds. I carry a briefcase of!
 letters around with me wherever I am so that I can work on them whenever I get the 

[37] Fergie on Ruud
Posted Tuesday, January 8, 2002 by bar-knee:
"He's a developing player and he's improving parts of his game all the time. He is 
definitely getting better. He's in a hot spell and I hope it lasts for the rest of the 
season. He has surpassed my expectations for him this season. Ruud's done 
exceptionally well. He's getting stronger and it is terrific to see that. There was a 
period when he felt the pinch a bit after being out for a year and I rested him, but 
he's getting stronger now. Coming here to Old Trafford is a challenge for a player and 
players who accept the challenge will do well. Ruud has accepted the challenge and 
he's looking to improve himself all the time.  He's hungry to do well and it is good 
to see that. He's been a great buy. He really is terrific."

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