On Wed, 10 Mar 1999 07:30:32 +1300 Sam Urdank wrote:

>I said it before, and now I will say it again.  Put Nikon lens on Nikon

Yeah, because everyone knows that third party consumer zooms suck and Nikon ones
rule. The new 70-300 Nikkor is especially good, even better than the old 75-300.

Oh! Wait a second! The Nikon is actually a rebadged Tamron.  I guess all those
who bought the 75-300 Nikkor instead of a Tamron 70-300 paid twice as much for a
worse lens!  But back then we thought the Tamron sucked, as it was not a Nikon
lens.  But when Nikon releases their rebadged version of this lens we all of a
sudden think its great.  It's enough to make you sick.

Maybe we should rethink that whole "Nikon lens on Nikon camera" advice (actually
it's not really a very helpful statement, as it doesn't answer the question
being asked).

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