v1.0 **_should_** remain elusive - that's how it works in Open Source. 

As for replacing C ...

I don't know.

I've been programming in C++ for years, and recently grew so fed up with it, 
that I took up C.

Modern C is really, really neat, and not something that needs to be replaced 

C++, on the other hand (and Java, Ruby and C#), yes: they could use a 

I've tried Rust and Go, and they did not click with me, at all. Go has some 
weird limitations, that makes sense (I guess) for what use it is intended for, 
and Rust ... no, I don't think I want to subject myself to a passive aggressive 
compiler like that :p

My use case is primarily performance critical game programming, mind you. Not 
server (Go) or system (Rust) software.

My first serious programming efforts were in Delphi (Object Pascal), and I have 
had dreams of doing serious stuff in Lisp, so Nim is extremely attractive!

Not as a C replacement, but as an enhancement; a step up, so to speak.

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