Dude, you are over-complicating things! 

In the last 9 months, what happened?

Well, I got interested in Nim, that happened, and I guess a lot of other people 
did try Nim out as well, seeing that C and C-like languages (Odin, Jai, .. ) is 
seeing a revival. Perhaps because of C++ fatigue? Back to basics?

What I dig about Nim is that it isn't a LLVM front-end, but - and that is 
genius - produces C / C++ / Javascript. And that, finally! I can get to go 
completely mental with meta/generic programming.

So, you are bitching about no progress being made in 9 months? What have you 
contributed? How much progress should there have been? Should a project 
progress at a constant pace? I don't think so. Too often, especially in the 
Open Source community, we are all too eager to deem a project dead if there 
hasn't been any (visible) progress for a month..

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