Delphi has now the ability to run its code and GUI's on multiple platforms. In 
a study Delphi had 70% of the speed of Microsoft visual c++ compiler. But 
Delphi's compiler is lightning fast, it is almost like python in that sense. 
Delphi also has an amazing RAD development package and is easy to learn and 
use. The downisde is that it is not open source and very expensive. So Nim 
gives more speed, is free and open source and has the metprogramming abilities 
that is hard to beat. Nim's biggest weakness IMHO is that it does not have easy 
to use RAD GUI builders for Windows, Mac OS, and iOS/Android. There is also 
very little marketing for Nim.

BTW I found this excellent talk where the speaker argues why certain 
programming languages are mainstream and others not 

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