I am not aware of any papers specifically addressing the half-live issue, but there are tons of original papers and tutorials on TMDD, just search the web

On 4/29/2021 9:48 AM, Niurys.CS wrote:
Dear Leonid,

Many thanks for clearing up my doubt. Can you suggest me any paper to go into this topic in any depth.

El 28/04/2021 19:34, "Leonid Gibiansky" <lgibian...@quantpharm.com <mailto:lgibian...@quantpharm.com>> escribió:

    There is no such thing as half-life of elimination for the nonlinear
    drug. But one can compute something like half-life:

    1. Half-life of the linear part (defined by CL, V1, V2, Q): this
    defines the  half-life at high doses/high concentrations when
    nonlinear elimination is saturated.

    2. Washout time: for the linear drug, 5 half-lives can be used to
    define washout time. During this time, concentrations drop
    approximately 2^5=32 times. So one can simulate the desired dosing
    (single dose or steady state), find the time from Cmax to Cmax/32
    and call it washout time (or time to Cmax/64 to be conservative)


    On 4/28/2021 5:17 PM, Niurys.CS wrote:

        Dear all
        I need some help to assess the elimination half life of a
        monoclonal antibody.
        The model that describes the data is a QSS aproximation of TMDD
        with Rmax constant. The model includes two binding process of
        mAb to its target: in central and peripheral compartments.
        Is there any specific equation to calcule lambda z and the
        elimination half life for each of the TMDD aproximations?

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