
Not to start an argument, but I wanted to clear something up. You did
submit a post to this very forum talking about the iPhone app possibly
being out last year. Here is the text from that post:

On Jul 21, 2008, at 10:06 PM, Daniel wrote:
> I know you don't want to lead people on, but could you tell us
> "approximately" how close MoneyWell for the iPhone is? Is it a month,
> 6-months, a year? I don't mind waiting, its the not knowing that's
> killing me.

I wish I could give a solid date, but it depends on a few issues.
First we need to finish beta testing 1.4 and then we'll work on the
iPhone version. There are also sync services that need to be
If we can get 1.4 out by the end of August then the MoneyWell
will ship later this year.
Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

All I'm saying is that it seems this app has been delayed many, many
times. I'm sure some of this is not your fault. But it is excruciating
sitting here with no MoneyWell mobile, while other financial apps role
foward with their iPhone apps syncing to desktop software. I'm sure
your software will do more, and will be more reliable. I'm sure if we
waited long enough it could walk on water. :)

To make a long story short, I guess all I'm saying is, don't let the
allure of more features (3.0), make you delay what could already be a
great app. Scope creep is dangerous, and can lead to a good app being
delayed far too long because of "better features on the horizon."

Kevin, I respect you and your software immensely, and want you to
succeed. Your success is a longer and better relationship for us. But
please don't make us wait too long. Thanks!

On Mar 24, 10:35 am, Kevin Hoctor <> wrote:
> On Mar 24, 2009, at 12:13 PM, Daniel wrote:
> > Boy, after making us wait almost a full year for the mobile app, it
> > will have to walk on water. :)
> > Thanks for the ETA. I'm wondering why you couldn't release the app
> > sooner, then release an update afteriPhone3.0.
> Hi Dan,
> Please don't set expectations that high. ;) And theiPhoneversion  
> wasn't planned for last year. It's always been 2009.
> Most of the reason for the initial delay was to give MoneyWell  
> customers the features they have requested in the desktop version.  
> Many customers have even asked that more desktop features take  
> priority over theiPhoneversion. With the announced improvements to  
> theiPhoneOS 3.0, I think I can hit a nice balance spending more time  
> improving both platforms feature sets.
> Trying to push out a version based oniPhoneOS 2.2 won't help most  
> customers. Thanks for everyone's patience!
> Peace,
> Kevin Hoctor
> No Thirst Software LLChttp://nothirst.com
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