Not to mention the hurricane that delayed 1.4 as well.  There was no
definitive release date implied in his posts.  Anyways... Kevin, I
just wanted to let you know how great MoneyWell is and how
appreciative I am that you still manage to provide quick and
informative posts here in the user group.  With the additions made in
1.4, my "budgeting life" has been made so much easier.  With all the
less hassle of inputting transactions, I have been keeping up with
things much better.  Now I just need to find a way to rein in the
wife's spending (easier said than done).  Your hard work does not go
unnoticed by the majority of MoneyWell users (I would think), and I
know that the iPhone version of MoneyWell will be a well-conceived and
polished application once it finally hits the App Store.  (An aside:
A polished App Store release is key to success, because once people
are turned off by an iPhone app, it is very hard for the developer to
recover from the bad "press".  So, I think you're approaching this in
the best way.)

On another note, I don't think comparing Cha-Ching to MoneyWell is a
great thing to do.  Midnight Apps isn't exactly known for their
customer support or timeliness.  This may not be everyone's feelings,
but I and others I know have certainly had bad experiences.

On Mar 29, 10:25 pm, Kevin Hoctor <> wrote:
> On Mar 28, 2009, at 7:34 PM, Daniel wrote:
> > Not to start an argument, but I wanted to clear something up. You did
> > submit a post to this very forum talking about the iPhone app possibly
> > being out last year. Here is the text from that post:
> Daniel,
> Yes, but that was very dependent on 1.4 shipping (hence the "if" part  
> of the statement) and there were several issues with direct connect  
> banking that ended up taking a very high priority.
> My apologies if you were mislead but shipping dates are very fluid in  
> most software companies and the reason I try not to quote specific  
> dates until I get close to a release.
> Peace,
> Kevin Hoctor
> No Thirst Software LLChttp://nothirst.com
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