I can shed a little more light on what’s going on. Keep in mind that while
I work for a company (npm, Inc.) that has someone in the middle of a lot of
the discussions around Node’s governance, and while I’m connected in
various ways to both node-forward and io.js, I’m not a member of the Node
core team, nor am I speaking in an official capacity on behalf of any of
Joyent, the Node.js core team / the io.js Technical Committee, or npm, Inc.
As such, I’m just going to stick to the facts.

why joyent not decides to put nodejs in a foundation with open governance?

Joyent has responded to concerns about Node.js expressed by the community
and Node’s corporate stakeholders by forming the Joyent Node.js Advisory
Board <https://www.joyent.com/blog/node-js-advisory-board> (JNAB). The members
of the board <http://nodejs.org/about/advisory-board/members/> are drawn
from a wide variety of organizations (most of them companies) with an
interest in Node’s future.

why not make everyone happy?

This isn’t a question with an objective answer, but I do think it’s
uncontroversial to say that recent discussions around the future of Node
have been conducted in the spirit of finding a resolution that is
satisfactory for everyone, and those discussions are still in progress.

why not move nodejs with one solid effort from the community?

If you look at the io.js list of contributors
<https://github.com/iojs/io.js/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#governance> and
compare it to the official Node.js core team list
<http://nodejs.org/about/core-team/>, you will note that the two are almost
identical. Mikeal Rogers and a few others created node-forward
<http://nodeforward.org/> to unify community efforts related to Node as a
single, combined effort controlled by the community itself. This is not to
deny the reality of the fork, but to point out that the fork is not due to
a desire to see the platform diverge.

The blog post you linked to suggests comments be posted to this list, but
the blog post (or its contents) itself was not posted to this list!

That raised my eyebrows as well, but this is a perfectly fine place to have
these discussions (as long as we all keep our heads), along with node-forward’s
discussions repo <https://github.com/node-forward/discussions/issues> and
the various Gitters connected to node-forward and io.js.

Today I hear about io.js (the members of this organisation on GitHub are
apparently — there’s that word again — private).

Fedor Indutny created the iojs/io.js repository as a place where the io.js
core team could do their work in the open; I can’t speak on Fedor’s behalf,
but I don’t think there’s any intention to be secretive about who’s a part
of io.js – just look at its CONTRIBUTING.md
<https://github.com/iojs/io.js/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md> and io.js’s
list of issues <https://github.com/iojs/io.js/issues> to get a feel for
who’s doing what on the project.

Isaac’s was a voice of reason that I could rely on, but he seems to have
gone silent, somewhat understandably, since he forked off into the NPM

Isaac has been deeply involved in the JNAB discussions, as well as
participating in both node-forward and io.js discussions, and will publish
a post discussing what’s going on soon.

I should add that once I did hear of node-forward and signed on to Gitter,
Forrest was generous in explaining the effort to me

As this should make clear, I’m happy to explain what I can about recent
events, but it shouldn’t be surprising, in light of the existence of a
fork, that there are sensitive discussions going on, and that everyone
involved has good reasons to be circumspect. It’s really not out of a
desire to run things via a shadowy cabal – I’m keenly aware how frustrating
it must be to have to find out about stuff like this via articles in the
tech press. My hope is that over the next few weeks, most of your questions
will get answered.


On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 9:11 PM, // ravi <ravi-li...@g8o.net> wrote:

> On Dec 6, 2014, at 12:04 AM, // ravi <ravi-li...@g8o.net> wrote:
> >
> > It’s the “apparently”s that bother me. I feel like one among the
> proverbial blind men trying to figure out an elephant. The blog post you
> linked to suggests comments be posted to this list, but the blog post (or
> its contents) itself was not posted to this list! A few weeks ago I heard
> of node-forward. Today I hear about io.js (the members of this organisation
> on GitHub are apparently — there’s that word again — private).
> >
> > As a user of NodeJS, I have absolutely no basis on which to make any
> productive comments. I am mildly, vaguely and belatedly aware of efforts
> that seem to spring up out of nowhere. I am even lesser aware of the
> motivation and need for these efforts. To mix my metaphors, is it worth
> bikeshedding after the bike has left the shed?
> >
> I should add that once I did hear of node-forward and signed on to Gitter,
> Forrest was generous in explaining the effort to me, and my thanks are owed
> to him for that.
> > P.S: Isaac’s was a voice of reason that I could rely on, but he seems to
> have gone silent, somewhat understandably, since he forked off into the NPM
> effort.
> And while I am on the taking foot out of my mouth track: the above is not
> to suggest that current maintainers, moderators and contributors are in any
> way not appreciated for their efforts.
>         —ravi
> >
> >
> >> Given all this, the questions I ask myself are:
> >>
> >> why joyent not decides to put nodejs in a foundation with open
> governance?
> >>
> >> why not make everyone happy?
> >>
> >> why not move nodejs with one solid effort from the community?
> >>
> >> IMHO split the community in two is the worst that could happen to
> nodejs (and all javascript developers).
> >
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