Hey I work in a K-5 school. the kids know who Prince is and it is not  
because of any lessons taught my me... I think that MTV was their  
teacher for that one.
Anyway, why do we all get upset because of Prince's business  
practices? If he sells a million in a week or 20 in a week, what  
matters is how we (as individuals) react to the songs and music. Who  
cares about the mass population? Prince never has, why should he  
start now?

PS: OK I exaggerated slightly when I said that "the kids know who  
Prince is". What I should have said is that I was surprised to see  
that so many children who know who Prince is.

Michael B

On May 12, 2006, at 10:43 AM, NuPwrSoul wrote:

> Brilliant... to get publicity?  But what good has that publicity  
> done?  It's
> not like "3121" is flying off the shelves.
> If anything it has only warped his sense of reality and  
> affordability even
> more.
> On 5/12/06, Michael Byrdsong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I think that Prince's courtship with celebrities and other peeps that
>> know which fork to use, is brilliant. What better way to get media
>> publicity... the paparazzi are  always around to catch a pic of the
>> latest celeb at a party. How many paparazzi did you see at Paisley
>> Park during the celebrations?
>> PS: Don't mind Derek you guys... he is a cool guy and he loves Prince
>> as much as the rest of us does, don't you believe anything else :-)
>> Michael B
>> <Moderator: Prince's music maybe. All the other crap nah!  -Derek>
>> On May 9, 2006, at 6:34 PM, NuPwrSoul wrote:
>>> Well I'll had my 3 dollars and a dime to your 2 cents to get 3.12 :)
>>> Like I said, Prince is going for folks who "know which fork to use,
>>> but could not dance"... eventually all he'll be left with is a bunch
>>> of unfunky people who have no interest in his new creations 'cuz  
>>> they
>>> too busy fiending for yesterday's leftovers.
>>> On 5/9/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> I wouldn't take a salary that pushed away my ardent supporters,
>>>> especially
>>> if their support has enabled me to thrive--not just survive--- for
>>> 25 years.
>>>> It's called cutting off your nose to spite your face. Or more
>>>> precisely,
>>> short-term thinking. "Let me grab the big bucks NOW and hope the
>>> future
>>> takes care of itself--- if I have any fans left."
>>>> Just my 2cents.
>>>> Rob

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