The whole 3121 concept in my opinion is an experiment...not intended to be
revolutionary, almost like a continuation of the "musicology" lessons given
to us in 04. The only difference is that he's playing less of his material
now and taking a back seat to other artists he believes lives up to the
"real musician" standard. When I went to 3121 LV, it was an awesome
experience mainy because of the intimacy that these concerts and aftershows
give you. I wasn't fortunate to be able to go to any of the celebrations, so
I wanted to experience something different than the typical concert
atmosphere. As for the musical selection, I agree that it wasn't
spectacular, but then again I didn't have any expectations cause I was
already familiar with the setlist before I went. In any case, I'm sure
everyone knows by now that Prince's setlists are subject to change,
sometimes including a new song that we've never heard before. Once the
lights go down at a Prince show, who knows what's gonna happen! The covers
are ok for now, but as for touring I'd like for it to be his material - most
likely it will be if and when he tours again.

<Moderator: that is some very interesting speculatin into the world of 3121. Thanks -Derek>

Subject: Re: NPNY: Prince at 3121 in LV
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 03:25:17 -0500

I feel the same way.  Even the aftershows have not sounded that
impressive to me... sure the intimacy of the venue is special, but
musically, it's not enough of his material at either the main shows or
the aftershows.  Hope if/when there is a tour, there are new setlists.

<Moderator: Me too. Hopefully we get a new album sometime in the near
to support it. 3121 has been over for me after the 2nd month it came out.
Don't know why it's being dragged out. It wasn't that great of any album
never plays any of the better songs.  -Derek>

<Moderator: I am kind of glad I didn't go out of my way to go. The shows
don't sound that impressive. The after parties are a lot more my cup of
I will admit.  -Derek>

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