Hello Tim,

thanks for pinpointing the error! Somehow I made a mistake when copying and 
pasting the code to the file.

The correct procedure would be the following one (note that the arptable_ 
is now within the 'for' cycle). In this sense, I don't think you need to 
change all arptable_ into arptable. Hope this helps.

Node/MobileNode instproc reset {} {
     $self instvar arptable_ nifs_ netif_ mac_ ifq_ ll_ imep_
         for {set i 0} {$i < $nifs_} {incr i} {
             $netif_($i) reset
             $mac_($i) reset
             $ll_($i) reset
             $ifq_($i) reset
             if { [info exists opt(imep)] && $opt(imep) == "ON" } {
                 $imep_($i) reset
             if { $arptable_($i) != "" } {
                 $arptable_($i) reset


PS - I've already modified the document -- with the correct procedure -- in 
the web page:

At 16:39 18/01/2007, Tim Elschner wrote:
>great job as far as i can see.
>anyway i ran into problems with ns-mobilenode.tcl:
>in "Node/MobileNode instproc reset" i couldn't find any differences to the 
>i got an error, that arptable_ is an array. so i changed every arptable_ 
>into arptable. now ns2 complains about the missing variable arptable :(
>any hints out there?
>Ramon Aguero schrieb:
>>Dear all,
>>We have seen a lot of requests about the possibility to extend the NS-2 
>>framework to support multiple interfaces. Although there is some 
>>information available, according to the messages that have been sent to 
>>this list, it seems that a more thorough description may be required.
>>In this sense, after performing an analysis about existing activities in 
>>this topic, we have created a document that tries to summarize which are 
>>the required changes to be performed within the different pieces of the 
>>simulator (tcl, c++) as well as how routing protocols can be adapted to 
>>make use of the new feature. The howto is entitled "Adding Multiple 
>>Interface Support in NS-2" and it has been written by my colleague Jesús 
>>Pérez and myself.
>>I’ve uploaded the document, which can be retrieved from the following url:
>>We will be happy to receive any feedback, comments, so as to improve the 
>>howto, since we would like to have it like a living document, adding new 
>>features as they are available.
>>Best regards,
>>Ramón Agüero Calvo
>>Dept. of Communications Engineering
>>Network Planning & Mobile Communications
>>University of Cantabria
>>Avda Castros s/n
>>39005 - Santander
>>Tel: +34 942 201 392 (Ext 14)
>>Fax: +34 942 201 488

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