Attachment: spacing.tex
Description: Binary data

Attachment: spacing.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Am 19.02.2009 um 14:59 schrieb Yue Wang:

Maybe it is different (I have no idea about Japanese typesetting, I
can only speak Chinese, English, and Korean).
- There are no "halfwidth punctuation" in most Chinese fonts. All the
glyphs in those fonts are of same width. Only a small portion of
Chinese fonts (like Adobe's OpenType fonts) contain these glyphs in
certain features.
- halfwidth glyph+0.5em minus0.5em ( = 1em) is not right, the
punctuation should be compressed. some combinations like :" should
also be compressed.

Sorry for the noise... I just want to say that Li Yanrui's example
does not show excellent Chinese typesetting. Maybe there is something
wrong here...

The spacing between the punctuation is wrong and the comma shouldn't
be at the begin of the line. I made a short file with a few examples
a while ago.


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