Depending on what you're serving up from your server, I guess...
For database, web, and other transactionally intensive stuff I don't really understand why you would need a swap file that big. Seems to me that you would want to add more RAM before it starts any kind of heavy swapping (and you normally reach that point *way* before you've depleted a swap file = 1*RAM size.
I think MS (notice: no "$"  ;-) has a whitepaper on this, but I don't remember the URL. Have you checked the Answers-To-All-Questions-That-Be site (that's Andrew's site, of course)?
Re min/max values: I usually set those to the same value (my chosen max pagefile size) because (1) that way it won't become fragmented over time, and (2) you need to have room for it on your disk anyway, so why not preallocate it?
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Underwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2001 2:57 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Guidelines for W2K Pro PageFile Size

I'm looking for guidelines/recommendations for setting the pagefile size on a W2K Pro SP2 machine.
My guideline for NT used to be to set both MIN and MAX = (2 * PhysicalRAM) + 16
I just bought 512MB SDRAM (only $80!!! for 2 Kingston 256M ECC sticks) , so this works out to be quite a good size pagefile:  1040
Interestingly enough, the W2K default setting is 768 - 1536.
So, for W2K is it still best to set MIN and MAX to the same value?
Is there a formula that's best to use?
Or is it best to let W2K set it's own values?
I know about setting the location of the pagefile:
    -- Only one PF per physical disk
    -- Create separate PFs on separate physical disks
    -- Best on non-RAID or RAID 1
    -- Avoid putting on RAID 5

Best Regards,

Jim Underwood
Apollo Information Systems, Inc.
Houston, TX 77058


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