I usually set the pagefile to 1.5 times ram and put it on a different disk
than the OS if possible.  Then monitor the machine after it is in
production.  If the system is paging you either need more ram, or you have
an application with a memory leak.  There are a lot of apps that will leak
memory.   Usually if it is not too bad you can just set up an automatic
reboot once a week to get a fresh start.   If your machine starts paging
you will know because the users will start complaining about how slow the
system is.

                    "Troy A.                                                           
                    Miller"              To:     "NT System Admin Issues"              
                    <cujoe@bellso        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       
                    uth.net>             cc:                                           
                                         Subject:     RE: Guidelines for W2K Pro 
                    08/18/2001           Size                                          
                    03:25 PM                                                           
                    respond to                                                         
                    "NT System                                                         
                    Admin Issues"                                                      

I usually set the min and max the same. As the pagefile begins to grow, it
may become fragmented. Based on your system requirements, be sure to set
your initial pagefile large enough to accommodate your requirements,
because when you have to come back and increase it, the system usually
allocates the space anywhere on the chosen partition as it sees fit. All is
not lost! Diskeeper 5.0 or 6.0 to the rescue! Use the boot-time
defragmentation and make everything contiguous!!!!!!!and defragment the MFT
and Pagefile as needed. I hope that this helps.

     -----Original Message-----
     From: Andrew S. Baker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
     Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2001 4:56 PM
     To: NT System Admin Issues
     Subject: RE: Guidelines for W2K Pro PageFile Size

     The main reason to set the pagefile to a static size is so that you
     don't incur a performance penalty as it grows.

     Of course, depending on what you do, you may never even reach the
     768MB number, so it might be a moot point.

     I prefer static.

     Win2K likes a larger Pagefile, and the default is 1.5x to 3x of RAM.

     Perfmon is still the best way to figure out what you need...

      ASB - http://www.ultratech-llc.com/KB/?File=~MoreInfo.TXT
      "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability
      to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable
      for their apparent disinclination to do so." -- Douglas Adams
      -----Original Message-----
      From: Jim Underwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
      Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2001 3:57 PM
      To: NT System Admin Issues
      Subject: Guidelines for W2K Pro PageFile Size

      I'm looking for guidelines/recommendations for setting the pagefile
      size on a W2K Pro SP2 machine.

      My guideline for NT used to be to set both MIN and MAX = (2 *
      PhysicalRAM) + 16

      I just bought 512MB SDRAM (only $80!!! for 2 Kingston 256M ECC
      sticks) , so this works out to be quite a good size pagefile:  1040

      Interestingly enough, the W2K default setting is 768 - 1536.

      So, for W2K is it still best to set MIN and MAX to the same value?
      Is there a formula that's best to use?
      Or is it best to let W2K set it's own values?

      I know about setting the location of the pagefile:
          -- Only one PF per physical disk
          -- Create separate PFs on separate physical disks
          -- Best on non-RAID or RAID 1
          -- Avoid putting on RAID 5

      Best Regards,

      Jim Underwood
      Apollo Information Systems, Inc.
      Houston, TX 77058




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