We are looking at implementing Exchange 2000 and I have a few questions, and
wanted advice from people who have  had real world experience. We are currently
running NT 4.0 Svr and Wkstn. I have setup a Windows 2000 Domain (still in
testing phase). We have about 100 users.

My Questions:

1. I have a PII with 2 300mhz processors and 384mb ram. Will this be ample
enough to handle Exchange 2000 and future growth? How much Hard Drive space
would you recomend?

2. We plan on Going from NT 4.0 to Windows XP. Can we connect to Exchange 2000
with the NT 4.0 Clients during the interim? Any issues I should be aware of? Any
issues with WXP?

3. We have 50-60 users on Outlook 2002 with internet access etc., and 40-50
users on other clients (internal e-mail and intranet only). Does Exchange play
well with other e-mail clients?

4. Any other Gottcha's, Do's, Don'ts? All advice will be greatly appreciated.




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