- Require inspection of all luggage and persons boarding aircraft.
That's fine with me.

 - Require passengers to show photo ID at the security gate.
I showed it 5 times at Heathrow, what's another time or two?

 - Forbid un-ticketed people beyond the security gate.
I agree.  Domestic as well as international?

 - Forbid allow any weapons or sharp objects in the passenger compartment.
No CD's? (break 'em)  How am I supposed to cut that thing that passes for
chicken dinner?

 - Require aircraft crew to enter with the same checks as passengers.

 - Secure service areas against unchecked entry.

 - Require people entering service areas to show photo ID.
I got a guy in Phoenix that makes the best!

 - Require inspection of people and materials entering service areas.

 - Monitor service areas with closed-circuit cameras.
<waving>Hi Mom!</waving>

 - Patrol service areas with armed police.
Did my ticket price just jump from $250 to $350?

 - Deploy a program of armed and uniformed police aboard every flight.
Did they used to have Marshals?

 - Supplement said police with random undercover agents.
My ticket price just went up again.

 - Restrict and protect access to the flight deck, as already noted.
I think this is a current recommendation somewhere.

 - Replace the existing Air Traffic Control system with one that functions
correctly (their equipment is known to be inadequate for the tasks of the
past, let alone today), and track all flights at all times.  Require pilots
to remain in regular contact.  If contact is lost, assume the flight may be
hostile, and be prepared to intercept it as a last resort.

It definitely can't run on NT then.


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