In my organization (10,000+ desktops, 11,000+ laptops), I was able to come
up with a scheme that seems to work well (at least for us, YMMV).  Each user
has a 6 character alphanumeric NT logon ID.  We use W1XXXX01XXXX01 for group
or shared machines, filling in the first set of X's with location code, and
the second set with usage code; for example, if we have 2 group machines in
our New York office, they would be W1NYSC01GRPC01 and W1NYSC01GRPC02.  All
of our user assigned machines use W2XXXXXX01 for naming, where the X's are
replaced with their NT logon ID.  Since we rebuild machines whenever someone
leaves or is reassigned, etc., it isn't a problem; for example, if my logon
ID is ZZZZZ1, then my workstation and laptop would be named W2ZZZZZ101 and
W2ZZZZZ102.  Servers are named by their country, their region, their
location, their OS (NT-WinNT4, 2K-Win2K, UX-Unix, LX-Linux), and then a
number; for example, two NT4 servers in New York would be named USNENYNT01
and USNENYNT02.  We do, however, extend the name for our Exchange servers;
for example, if I had 2 Exchange servers in NY, they'd be named USNENYNTEX01
and USNENYNTEX02.  As always, YMMV, but we use this to great benefit in our
organization.  We've also pretty much standardized on NT4 or 2K as a server
platform (although that's slowly changing to Linux) and as a desktop
platform, so this becomes even more important.  We use Ghost and Ghostwalker
to image NT4 machines and change the name (and SID), and we use Ghost,
Sysprep, and a WinNT.SIF floppy disk to image 2000 machines and change the
name (and SID).  Good luck.

-----Original Message-----
From: Osama S. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 1:05 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Workstation Naming Standards


we will be deploying Win2K from scratch on the user's machines (around
700) replacing NT 4. SO I was reviewing our machine naming convention.

Our Offices are located in two cities, one single domain.
So far we would use something like "CityName-Department-User Real Name" 
(where city name and department are abbrevations) to name workstations. 

Usually the NT Names are the users Company ID, which is unique.

I was wondering how you guys/girls are naming your workstations and users.



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