I've held one job in my entire career based on someone I knew...  All others
have been via the three things you mention below using a 2-3 page resume...

Recruiters can and will look out for your interests if you have perceived
value (the more experience you have, the more you're worth, the more they
get paid to place you) though I have only used them twice.  However, that's
not to say I haven't hired based on networking because I have numerous

There is no science...  It's all about catching ones attention with the
resume and getting that first interview and selling yourself...  And a 1
pager with 15 years experience...  All that will do is make me ask myself
what you are hiding...

On Jan 23, 2008 7:23 AM, Joe Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  75% of all jobs obtained are not obtained through classifieds, job search
> engines, or recruiters.  They are obtained my networking.
> Most of the time it's about who you know, and more importantly, who they
> know.
> I've done some extensive networking in the past and it has really paid off
> for me.  I really don't like using recruiters, as they aren't looking out
> for my interests, but just their commission from putting someone in a
> position.
> Just my $0.02
> -Joe
> *From:* MarvinC [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 23, 2008 9:53 AM
> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
> *Subject:* Re: Tech Resume
> I've never heard of a 1 page technical resume but I guess it all depends.
> I don't see how that can be effective with the way recruiters scan and
> process resumes. I've found over the years that most of the recruiters don't
> even read the resume and instead scan it based on the buzz words specified
> by the client. They then call you up and ask you questions that they may
> have found had they simply read the resume. From here a determination is
> made on whether your info is forwarded to the client. So I say instead of
> limiting yourself, sell yourself because in the end all the recruiter is
> trying to do is line up as many cadidates that are necessary to grab that
> business. There's no such thing as "the perfect resume". You may get lucky
> and run into a batch of recruiters that know what you want but again why
> limit yourself. Just be conservative about how you describe your skillsets
> and experiences. I've found that bullet points are a lot more effective than
> sentences that run long when trying to explain a project or task. In the end
> it comes down to your own judgement and how much info you're trying to
> publish.
> I say treat yourself like a hot porche in a classified ad containing 100
> other porches.
> hth
> On Jan 23, 2008 9:01 AM, Mike Semon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Different employers and recruiters have different preferences for type and
> format of resume. I sat down with a technical recruiter, who is a friend
> of
> mine, who helped me craft mine. It is worth the time to have a
> professional
> look at your resume and give guidance.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joe Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 7:52 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Tech Resume
> I guess that's because I'm not using a hybrid or chronological resume, but
> rather a functional resume.  I don't list specific job experience, but
> rather the skills that I've used on those jobs in the last 15 years.
> -Joe
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Semon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 8:47 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Tech Resume
> I agree with most things you have said except the one page resume. The
> recruiters that I have spoken with say it is ok to use 2-3 pages if you
> have the experience. You don't want your resume to be a novel, however,
> you don't want to exclude relevant experience. I have 12 yrs exp and
> there is no way I can cover that in 1 page.
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joe Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 7:33 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Tech Resume
> Joseph:
> Resumes, even in a tech field, should be limited to 1 page in this day and
> age.
> Bullet points take up valuable page real estate, where you could be
> listing
> KSA's (Knowledge, Skills(both technical and transferrable), and
> Attributes).
> And for the love of <Deity> don't put "References will be provided upon
> request."  Of course a potential employer will request references prior to
> an interview, no need to waste important space on the paper.
> One more resume killer - templates.  Don't use them.  Spend some time on
> crafting your resume.  Potential employers can tell the difference.  They
> have a tendency to pass by the template resumes.
> Also, if you are anything like me, and already in a career, and know what
> direction it is going in, there is no need for a Career Objective, that
> can
> be replaced with a Summary of Qualifications.
> If you'd like, I can send a copy of my resume (which in my current
> Portfolio
> and Professional Procedures class netted me a grade of a 100 and 5
> interviews thus far) to you offline.
> Joe Fox
> Systems Administrator
> The McGuire Group
> Office# (716) 826-2010 ext: 1172
> Mobile# (716) 846-9308
> The materials in this e-mail are private and may contain Protected Health
> Information. If you are not the intended recipient be advised that any
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> notify the sender via telephone at 716-829-1978 or by return e-mail.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chyka, Robert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 7:46 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Tech Resume
>   Hey marvin,
> If you don't mind could you forward me a copy offline too?
> Thanks..
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "MarvinC" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "NT System Admin Issues" <ntsysadmin@lyris.sunbelt-software.com>
> Sent: 1/22/08 6:39 PM
> Subject: Re: Tech Resume
> Bullet points!
> I'll be more than happy to send over a copy of mine as an example. It's
> kinda long because I try to force the recruiters to read it but they don't
> so I just fill it with buzz words which is all they scan on.
> On Jan 22, 2008 6:32 PM, Joseph L. Casale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> >  I've been saying I need a new job for so long now, I don't believe
> myself
> > anymore... I am in a unique environment that's just truly bad for my
> career
> > and I need to make a change. For the last ~13 years, I have been in the
> tech
> > field and want to up the ante and get out of the small business arena,
> so
> I
> > am looking online for resume examples and could use a pointer. I've only
> had
> > two jobs in all that time and neither needed a resume so needless to
> say,
> > I'm starting from scratch!
> >
> >
> >
> > Any pointers would be most appreciated!
> > jlc
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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