On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 2:26 PM, Kennedy, Jim

> You name it, we got it.  Win 7, XP and 2008 R2 RDS.  SP 1 on 7 and 2008
> R2. 3 on XP. And I would say mostly Win 7.

  Okay.  I'll raise the question and see what people say.  DNAME is
relatively new, and I know I've seen comments about the corner cases being
vague already, so I suspect this fits into that.

>  Oh, and we got Ipad 2 but deep down I hope they break.

  LOL.  :-)

> ****
> “  Because a CNAME *must* be the only Resource Record defined for a given
> domain name.”****
> ** **
> So SOA and NS are considered resource records? Because that is all that is
> in that zone.****

  Correct.  Fundamentally, you can think of a DNS query as a function (like
a function in computer programming or mathematics).  You give the function
a domain name.  The function returns zero or more resource records
associated with that name.

  For example, I'll use the DIG utility (part of the ISC BIND distribution;
available for free for Windows) to query all the records for your domain
(my typing in green):

> *dig +noall +ans +nottl +nocl ANY elyriaschools.org. @ns1.dnspark.net.*
elyriaschools.org.      SOA     ns2.dnspark.net. hostm...
elyriaschools.org.      NS      ns2.dnspark.net.
elyriaschools.org.      TXT     "google-site-verificat...
elyriaschools.org.      MX      0 mail.elyriaschools.org.
elyriaschools.org.      NS      ns3.dnspark.net.
elyriaschools.org.      A
elyriaschools.org.      NS      ns4.dnspark.net.
elyriaschools.org.      NS      ns5.dnspark.net.
elyriaschools.org.      NS      ns1.dnspark.net.

  Each line in the above is a resource record (RR).  (I've truncated long
lines, but they may still wrap.)  The LHS (left hand side) is the domain
name being queried for.  The thing in the middle is the type of record.
The RHS (right hand side) is the data for that record.

  This is all DNS can do -- take a domain name, and return some records.
All this "zone" stuff matters if you're going to understand why certain
records get used where they do, but it's not present in the data on the

  Note also that <www.elyriaschools.org.> is just as much a domain name as <
elyriaschools.org.> is.  People tend to think of the second-level domain
(2LD) as *the* domain name, and things like "www" as something else, but
from the protocol's point of view, all names are equal.  More examples

> *dig +noall +ans +nottl +nocl ANY www.elyriaschools.org. @ns1.dnspark.net.
www.elyriaschools.org.  A
> *dig +noall +ans +nottl +nocl ANY mail.elyriaschools.org. @ns1.dnspark.net
mail.elyriaschools.org. A
mail.elyriaschools.org. MX      0 mail.elyriaschools.org.

  Hope this helps.

-- Ben

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