I had a devil of a time finding this one the first time, been using it for a
couple years now with no complaints.


(I don't remember if this is where I got it, but fc/b says this recode.exe
is identical to my copy.)


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 10:02 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: ntbackup scripts

Where can I get recode for Windows? Google was less than helpful.

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-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Cornetet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 3:36 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: ntbackup scripts

Here's a script I use. It requires grep, blat and recode.

You will have to create your BKS file (it must be Unicode).

Watch for line wrap.

rem *****************************************************************
rem *
rem * Perform fullback to whatever tape is in the drive and email 
rem * report 
rem * 
rem * Ken Cornetet - 06/10/2002 
rem * 
rem * Revision History 
rem *
rem * When        Who            What
rem * ---------------------------------------------------------------
rem * 06/10/2002  Ken Cornetet   Original Issue
rem * 06/24/2002  Ken Cornetet   Added RSM command per Q267574
rem *
rem *
rem * Requires external programs blat, grep, and recode
rem *
rem *****************************************************************

set SMTP={Name of your SMTP relay host here}
set LOGS=%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows

cd \backup

rem Delete any extraneous log files
del "%LOGS%\backup*.log"

rem ************************************************************
rem * Have removable storage management look at tape in drive 
rem * (See Q267574 for details) 
rem ************************************************************

start /wait rsm refresh /lf"BNCHMARK DLT1 SCSI Sequential Device" 
c:\bin\sleep 30

rem ************************************************************
rem * Do Backup
rem ************************************************************

start /wait ntbackup backup @c:\backup\everything.bks /M normal /J
"%NAME%" /P DLT /N "%NAME%" /l:s /HC:on /UM /D "%NAME%"

rem ************************************************************
rem * find newest (should be only) log file
rem ************************************************************

dir /s /b /o-d "%LOGS%\backup*.log" >c:\backup\backup.tmp
set /P FILE= <c:\backup\backup.tmp

rem ************************************************************
rem * Make ASCII version of log file
rem ************************************************************

c:\bin\recode -f unicode..us <"%FILE%" >log.txt

rem ************************************************************
rem * Set subject for email
rem ************************************************************

set SUBJ=Backup ran OK
grep -v "Error: You do not have permission" log.txt > log1.txt 

findstr /i error: log1.txt 
if not ERRORLEVEL 1 set SUBJ=Backup ran - FAILED

rem ************************************************************
rem * Send email
rem ************************************************************

c:\bin\blat log.txt -t %RECIPIENT% -subject "%SUBJ%" -server %SMTP% -f

rem ************************************************************
rem * Move log file to our directory
rem ************************************************************

move /Y "%FILE%" c:\backup

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Boggs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 3:16 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: ntbackup scripts

Rename it with a .txt extension :)
Christopher Boggs
Security System Administrator
Miltec Corporation               

Painstakingly sent to you from my Blackberry...

----- Original Message -----
From: Ben Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: NT System Admin Issues <ntsysadmin@lyris.sunbelt-software.com>
Sent: Wed Feb 20 13:12:58 2008
Subject: Re: ntbackup scripts

On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 7:17 AM, Kurt Buff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Anyone have any ntbackup scripts they'd care to share?

  NTBACKUP is, in my experience, idiosyncratic and poorly-documented.
Reporting/logging is limited, and selective restores are somewhat
cumbersome.  All that said, one you know what works and what doesn't,
it is very servicable.  And, of course, you already paid for it, so it
doesn't cost extra.  It use it on some servers here at %DAYJOB%.

  The biggest limitation I find is that anything other than "unmanaged
media mode" (i.e., /UM switch) doesn't appear to work in any sane or
reliable fashion.  There's some kind of drain bamage involved which
I've never figured out.

  I've got a set of batch files that automate things reasonably well
for our purposes.  Notable features include hands-off operation, tape
name reporting and preservation, and the ability to email the log
file.  The design is basically put a tape in and it will run the
backup to it that night.  If that tape is ejected the next morning, it
worked.  Media rotation scheduling has to be handled manually, but I
use a basic daily/weekly/monthly scheme that makes that a no-brainer.

  I attempted to attach the scripts to this message, but Gmail refuses
executable files.  I guess I should have seen that coming.  Anyone got
some place I can upload 'em to?

-- Ben

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