This is most excellent.

Thanks very much!


On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 8:36 PM, Ken Cornetet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's a script I use. It requires grep, blat and recode.
>  You will have to create your BKS file (it must be Unicode).
>  Watch for line wrap.
>  rem *****************************************************************
>  rem *
>  rem * Perform fullback to whatever tape is in the drive and email
>  rem * report
>  rem *
>  rem * Ken Cornetet - 06/10/2002
>  rem *
>  rem * Revision History
>  rem *
>  rem * When        Who            What
>  rem * ---------------------------------------------------------------
>  rem * 06/10/2002  Ken Cornetet   Original Issue
>  rem * 06/24/2002  Ken Cornetet   Added RSM command per Q267574
>  rem *
>  rem *
>  rem * Requires external programs blat, grep, and recode
>  rem *
>  rem *****************************************************************
>  set SMTP={Name of your SMTP relay host here}
>  set LOGS=%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows
>  NT\NTBackup\data
>  c:
>  cd \backup
>  rem Delete any extraneous log files
>  del "%LOGS%\backup*.log"
>  rem ************************************************************
>  rem * Have removable storage management look at tape in drive
>  rem * (See Q267574 for details)
>  rem ************************************************************
>  start /wait rsm refresh /lf"BNCHMARK DLT1 SCSI Sequential Device"
>  c:\bin\sleep 30
>  rem ************************************************************
>  rem * Do Backup
>  rem ************************************************************
>  start /wait ntbackup backup @c:\backup\everything.bks /M normal /J
>  "%NAME%" /P DLT /N "%NAME%" /l:s /HC:on /UM /D "%NAME%"
>  rem ************************************************************
>  rem * find newest (should be only) log file
>  rem ************************************************************
>  dir /s /b /o-d "%LOGS%\backup*.log" >c:\backup\backup.tmp
>  set /P FILE= <c:\backup\backup.tmp
>  rem ************************************************************
>  rem * Make ASCII version of log file
>  rem ************************************************************
>  c:\bin\recode -f <"%FILE%" >log.txt
>  rem ************************************************************
>  rem * Set subject for email
>  rem ************************************************************
>  set SUBJ=Backup ran OK
>  grep -v "Error: You do not have permission" log.txt > log1.txt
>  findstr /i error: log1.txt
>  if not ERRORLEVEL 1 set SUBJ=Backup ran - FAILED
>  rem ************************************************************
>  rem * Send email
>  rem ************************************************************
>  c:\bin\blat log.txt -t %RECIPIENT% -subject "%SUBJ%" -server %SMTP% -f
>  rem ************************************************************
>  rem * Move log file to our directory
>  rem ************************************************************
>  move /Y "%FILE%" c:\backup
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: Christopher Boggs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 3:16 PM
>  To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: ntbackup scripts
>  Rename it with a .txt extension :)
>  ----------------------------
>  Christopher Boggs
>  Security System Administrator
>  Miltec Corporation
>  office.256-428-1370
>  mobile.256-468-0922
>  fax.256-428-1461
>  Painstakingly sent to you from my Blackberry...
>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: Ben Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  To: NT System Admin Issues <>
>  Sent: Wed Feb 20 13:12:58 2008
>  Subject: Re: ntbackup scripts
>  On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 7:17 AM, Kurt Buff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >  Anyone have any ntbackup scripts they'd care to share?
>   NTBACKUP is, in my experience, idiosyncratic and poorly-documented.
>  Reporting/logging is limited, and selective restores are somewhat
>  cumbersome.  All that said, one you know what works and what doesn't,
>  it is very servicable.  And, of course, you already paid for it, so it
>  doesn't cost extra.  It use it on some servers here at %DAYJOB%.
>   The biggest limitation I find is that anything other than "unmanaged
>  media mode" (i.e., /UM switch) doesn't appear to work in any sane or
>  reliable fashion.  There's some kind of drain bamage involved which
>  I've never figured out.
>   I've got a set of batch files that automate things reasonably well
>  for our purposes.  Notable features include hands-off operation, tape
>  name reporting and preservation, and the ability to email the log
>  file.  The design is basically put a tape in and it will run the
>  backup to it that night.  If that tape is ejected the next morning, it
>  worked.  Media rotation scheduling has to be handled manually, but I
>  use a basic daily/weekly/monthly scheme that makes that a no-brainer.
>  KISS.
>   I attempted to attach the scripts to this message, but Gmail refuses
>  executable files.  I guess I should have seen that coming.  Anyone got
>  some place I can upload 'em to?
>  -- Ben
>  ~ Upgrade to Next Generation Antispam/Antivirus with Ninja!    ~
>  ~ <>  ~
>  ~ Upgrade to Next Generation Antispam/Antivirus with Ninja!    ~
>  ~ <>  ~
>  ~ Upgrade to Next Generation Antispam/Antivirus with Ninja!    ~
>  ~ <>  ~

~ Upgrade to Next Generation Antispam/Antivirus with Ninja!    ~
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