On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 6:51 PM, Jim McAtee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (BTW,
>  I'm not sure about best practices, but I've never liked using
>  'www.subdomain.domain.com' host names.  There's no reason to prepend the
>  www. except where it's expected at the topmost level.  People seldom type
>  in these sub-host names manually, so are unlikely to add a www.)

  I never liked it either, but there are apparently people in the
world who are convinced that a web server's DNS name has to begin with
"www.".  Give them a name without it, and they either (1) don't
recognize it as a web server, or (2) add it for you when they type it
in.  And, no, the "http://"; prefix doesn't help.

-- Ben

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