On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 9:25 AM, Erik Goldoff <egold...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> "You're letting an outside organization have control of one of your
>> computers.  You're okay with that? "
> Ever read the Microsoft EULA, especially regarding the Service Packs and
> automatic update ???


  Heck, I'm not really overly comfortable with Microsoft, either.
Their track record on business ethics and practices isn't exactly a
glowing recommendation.  And they're huge; big enough for a rogue
element to go undetected for years.  There are some key differences,

A1. Various organizations audit at least some of the Windows source.
A2. Various organizations audit at least some of the Windows machine
code (binaries/executables).
A3. There are *lots* of A1 and A2.  Windows is under a tremendous
amount of scrutiny.
A4. Windows doesn't have the ability to bypass our firewall or other
non-Microsoft security measures.  We have defense-in-depth, both in
terms of technology and vendors.
A5. Windows runs on systems under our control.

  The remote-control services violate all of the above.  In
particular, major parts of all remote-control services run through
servers and software *nobody else can see*.

-- Ben

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