There were several sessions on security at VMWorld this past year and
the people leading those sessions would definitely say there are
security issues that come about from using virtualization.  In some ways
the security picture gets better, in some ways worse.  There are some
new security appliances coming out that can run as a VM and watch over
the other VMs.  VMWare has created some special hooks into the
hypervisor to allow this.  Keep an eye on the issue.
At the very least there are additional privileges that must be tracked -
it is never a good idea to have only one person who has the "keys to the



From: Ken Schaefer [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 5:33 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Virtualization Questions - More Q's

Most people have said "no" to question #2.


I would say that there is a definite impact. Your virtualisation team
are pretty much now an additional "god" in the organisation. For smaller
shops this isn't an issue. For bigger shops, or where
compliance/auditing/change control are important, then this is another
layer of people who have significant  privileges, who must be worked
into your change control process.





From: Andy Shook [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 30 December 2008 2:57 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Virtualization Questions - More Q's


1.       As long as the resources are available for the VM, then
transparent.  I know in the past that processors had to be in the same
family as well as the same brand for Vmotion but I heard that this has
changed with (ESX) update 3.  I don't know the details yet, so someone
please chime in here for clarification. 

2.       No

3.       Most environments will have both.  Shared for the lightweight
servers and dedicated for VMotion\HA\DRS and the heavy hitting servers.

4.       An OS license is an OS license is an OS license.  Doubtful but
check with the vendors in question.  




From: Roger Wright [] 
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 10:32 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Virtualization Questions - More Q's


Great responses so far!  You've all given me even more to think about.


A few other questions:


1.       From a DR perspective, or perhaps just for rebalancing the load
on a host machine, how does moving from one host to another with
different HW impact the VM, or is it transparent?  


2.       Does Virtualization impact your domain security requirements in
any way?  


3.       NIC Utilization - Shared NICs or separate for each VM?


4.       OS & App licensing - can we expect any reduction in licensing







~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <>  ~

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